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ROH Live - Reactions

Ring Of Honor made their Canadian debut last night to a really hot crowd of 700 or so. The sauna known as the Ted Reeve Arena was the venue and will also be ROH's home when they return to Toronto on November 8th.

The crowd was a mix of people from Ontario, Quebec, New York, Michigan... I even met a pair who drove in from Calgary Alberta.

There were a ton of workers in the crowd, and several member of the wrestling media came out of the woodwork. The show was exactly what fans have come to expect from an ROH event. Non stop action, high spots and adrenaline.

I decided to gather some feedback from spectators before and after the show.

"AMAZING! Best show ever!" - Chris from Toronto

"Great show but too long" - Mark and Elaine from Thunderbay

"A lot of the matches looked the same after a while" - Mark from Ottawa

"I'm driving to the show tomorrow and will be going to Montreal and when they come back here in November. ROH! ROH! ROH! ROH!" - Brian from Toronto

My personal highlights of the night - Marafuji VS Roderick Strong and Asylum vs. some jabronie in the parking lot who insisted on being chopped to shreds. I took some grainy video on my blackberry and I'll try to get it up on YouTube.

Opinions were diverse but one thing is for sure, ROH's Canadian debut was a financial success.

Quick Results

* Chris Hero d Ruckus
* Delirious d Kenny Omega.
* Sarah Del Ray d Jennifer Blake.
* Erick Stevens DRAW Go Shiozaki.
* Bryan Danielson d Claudio Castagnoli.
* Naomichi Marufuji d Roderick Strong.
* Nigel McGuinness d Kevin Steen.
* Austin Aries and Jay Briscoe d Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black.

5 comments: on "ROH Live - Reactions"

Anonymous said...

roh sucks

Anonymous said...

donnie i didnt see you there you tall wewre prolly with the boys in the back takin it in the pink...fuckin stink take it in the pink!

Anonymous said...

donnie why not make a youtube o show page with videos of you guys interviewing? it would be HYPULAS!

Anonymous said...

i hated sweeney on this weeks show. guys was too kayfabe and treated you guys bad. fuck his gimmick

Anonymous said...

yea dude did have his "cool hat" on and he acted like hes talkin to some marks...sweeny is a faggot..