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Shades Of Gray #16

In this week's column, I discuss the WWE's change to PG rated programming. Why was the decision made and how will it affect the product and you, the fan? I also introduce a new part of the column, "Quick Hits," in which I'll cover various pro wrestling topics.

In "The Links of the Week," you can catch up on all the major happenings from the past week of television, including D'Lo Brown's return to "Raw," the 6-man Elimination Tables Match on "iMPACT!" and the Battle Royal on "SmackDown!" And "Extras" dishes out your weekly dose of randomness, including a drunken speech by Sandman, a rare clip of Eugene in WCW, CM Punk's "ECW" debut, and much more.

WWE goes PG

On Tuesday, in a rather brief article under the "Industry News" section of, it was reported that,

"WWE’s family programming has been deemed a PG television rating by their network distributors. World Wrestling Entertainment has been engaging families across all generations with their family programming for more than two decades, and will continue to do so for years to come with all the action on Raw, SmackDown and ECW."

I suppose this shouldn’t come across as a shocking move when you consider their already young fanbase, as well as other kid-friendly WWE ventures, like the launch of WWE Kids Magazine. But at the same time, JBL tried to kill John Cena two weeks ago - that’s not exactly the type of programming suitable for a 7 year-old.

WWE was considered family programming for years, and Saturday morning/afternoon shows were the staple of wrestling programming. That all changed in the Attitude Era. But PG-rated programming worked in the 80s because it was a different time. The superhero who preached “say your prayers and take your vitamins” was over.

But when the fed maintained its family image through the beginning of the 90s, they suffered through one of their most unsuccessful times. Stone Cold Steve Austin moved the WWE out of its family programming and into the Attitude Era when he told Jake “The Snake” Roberts “Austin 3:16 says I just kicked your ass!” Soon after, WWE was more popular than ever before. Sure, it wasn't that simple but there's no doubt Austin's badass, beer-drinking, cursing babyface character was one of the main reasons WWE was so popular in the 90s.

If WWE had PG programming in the late-90s, there never would have been a Stone Cold Steve Austin, Degeneration-X, or even The Rock for that matter. PG programming just isn’t going to cut it in 2008 either. I understand that WWE wants to attract younger fans, but I’d argue the majority of their fans are 13 and under already. The change certainly won’t lead to higher ratings for “Raw” - are 10 year-olds even up late enough to watch “Raw?”

Granted, we won’t see guys making moves on corpses or attempted vehicular homicide (definitely good things), but WWE programming as PG-rated isn’t good for the product or its devoted fans. What WWE really needs is an edgy Superstar (a la Stone Cold) who’s going to draw in the casual fan, someone so interesting that fans will feel like they can’t miss a single show. And that person doesn’t spray “JBL is Poopy” on limousines.

Quick Hits

It’s official: Undertaker is returning at SummerSlam to take on Edge in a Hell in a Cell Match. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons the fed thinks they can get away with a Triple H-Khali main event.

Am I the only one mourning the Edge-Vickie break-up? Edge loses some heat by no longer having the General Manager at his beck and call. Can Vickie really pull off a face turn or will she remain as a heel G.M.?

It appears as if Ron Killings will make his in-ring return on “SmackDown!” any week now. (Check out the vignette that played on “SmackDown!” in the “Links of the Week” below) How do you think Chris Harris feels about the fed putting (much) more effort into hyping Killings’ debut?

TNA’s September pay-per-view, No Surrender, will be held at the General Motors Centre in Oshawa, Ontario. I wouldn’t be surprised if they sold out the place after the terrific house show TNA put on in the same building last December. It’ll be interesting to see how TNA does the night before in London, Ontario for a house show at the John Labatt Centre. You can look forward to a live report by yours truly from the London show.

Rumor has it that a new G.M. could be announced Monday night on “Raw.” William Regal’s character was really taking off prior to his drug suspension, so I wouldn’t be shocked if he resumed his role as G.M. He could, however, simply return as a worker and play up “The King” gimmick.

Randy Orton has been named No. 1 in this year’s Pro Wrestling Illustrated (PWI) 500 list. Good choice. He’ll easily resume his role as the top heel on “Raw” when he returns.

WWE hit up Ultimate Warrior with a cease and desist letter last Sunday prior to The Great American Bash. Warrior was having an autograph signing at the Marriot next to the event, and the fed argued he was using WWE to attract people to his signing (which is exactly what he was doing). Warrior is hypocritical in making money off the fed’s coattails after bashing them for the past 10 plus years. But so was WWE in making a lot more money off The Self Destruction of The Ultimate Warrior DVD.

Links of the Week

1. D’Lo Brown’s return to WWE against Santino, with an interesting twist at the end.

2. A rematch from 2 weeks ago: John Cena and Cryme Tyme vs. JBL, Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase (Part 1; Part 2).

3. Colin Delaney takes on his former mentor, Tommy Dreamer.

4. Matt Hardy, The Miz, John Morrison and Finlay in a Fatal Four-Way to decide who will face Mark Henry at SummerSlam. (Part 1; Part 2)

5. Christian Cage, AJ Styles and Rhino vs. Kurt Angle and Team 3D in an Elimination Tables Match. (Part 1; Part 2)

6. An interesting VIP Lounge with MVP and Jeff Hardy.

7. A vignette for the soon-to-be-debuting R-Truth (Ron Killings).

8. A 6-man Battle Royal to determine the No. 1 Contender to the WWE Championship. You won’t like the result. (Part 1; Part 2)

9. Vickie Guerrero announces the return of one of the most popular Superstars of all-time.


10. Sandman’s drunken speech at Capt. Lou Albano’s birthday party. He was arrested later that night.

11. I guess WWE is running out of ideas. Here’s Khali winning a 20-man Battle Royal to become World Heavyweight Champion a year ago this week (Part 1; Part 2; Part 3).

12. The inaugural episode of Stylin’ and Profilin’ with Ric Flair.

13. Does anyone else remember this shit?

14. More WCW: The first time Sting descended from the rafters.

15. More randomness: “Eugene” Nick Dinsmore on WCW “Thunder” against Ernest "The Cat" Miller

16. CM Punk’s “ECW” debut

1 comments: on "Shades Of Gray #16"

Anonymous said...

Great read, wow though . . . Nick Dinsmore got RAPED!