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Tha Raw Report

Hmm. I'm not actually sure what to say. The decision to make Mike Adamle the new General Manager of "Raw" is one that has some sort of upside to it, I'm sure. I suppose I can at least credit them for managing to cleverly have Adamle in attendance so that viewers didn't suspect anything, but still. I'm really lukewarm on this idea, I'm going to need to see that he can actually do this job without screwing up before I say it was a good move.

I wanted to touch on that topic first and foremost because I feel that for as fizzled out as the ending to "Raw" was, the rest of the show was top to bottom solid, including the build that was put into the ending.

Batista and John Cena should be headlining WrestleMania? That's news to me. I'm normally the last person to ever give Cena credit (partly because he usually doesn't deserve it), but both he and Batista cut decent promos last night. Not a Stone Cold/Rock level promo, but it did its job in creating a segue for Shane McMahon to come out and announce the coming of a new GM.

Take notice, O-sters. Santino Marella is not a piece of meat. He is, however, great at acting like a smitten middle school-aged kid around Beth Phoenix. Great acting job by both Phoenix and Marella. I'd say that I want to see where this goes, but after a year in WWE, I've given up on thinking that WWE will ever give a payoff for any feud that Santino is involved in. In the meantime, fuck, is this guy ever funny.

Recently, on Tha O Show, Big Daddy Donnie mentioned that WWE often will have people show up without any explanation. With that being said, I suppose I should have suspected something was up when they did give a legitimate reason for Adamle being on "Raw". Michael Cole being put in the place of Jim Duggan to team with Jerry Lawler against Simply Priceless, and ultimately getting knocked out, not only served as a plausible reason for Adamle to be in attendance, but also made for great heel heat for the tag team champs.

It seems that Santino isn't the only funny man on "Raw" these days, as Jamie Noble keeps getting comedically squashed week in and week out. He even stole Marella's gimmick of getting the names wrong, as he challenged "Coffee" Kingston last night. Another good showing by Kingston, even though we had to again listen to Adamle say "Jamaican Me Crazy". Adamle, you're "Ghana" make us all crazy if you keep that shit up.

CM Punk is still in the midcard. And he's still the champion. And he was wrestling a guy who's probably guaranteed himself a lifetime of jobbing out in William Regal. I'll probably get heat for saying this, but screw it. While I'm not hot on the idea of Adamle as GM, WWE was right to not give Regal that spot back. Regal has two strikes on him, and more importantly, has given the impression that he isn't serious about cleaning up his act. Should he manage to keep his nose clean for a certain length of time, then, by all means, push him again, but don't take a guy who just was in trouble and put the spotlight on him. Wait until you're sure that he won't cause trouble again.

Mickie James made short work of Jillian last night, but more importantly, was jumped by Katie Lea Burchill after the match. It's no secret that not many women in WWE can work, so it's good to see that there's a title feud being built around two workers rather than around a girl who posed in Playboy and a girl who spread her legs in front of the right people backstage.

Chris Jericho's final Highlight Reel was last night. Over the past month, I believe Jericho has made great strides in establishing himself as a legitimate heel instead of a cartoon character. Last night was the pinnacle of this, in which he openly stated that he was tired of being a comedy act. On a show that's dying for top heels, this is good. A serious Jericho can be a helpful addition to the main event on Monday nights.

The main event featured John Cena and Batista vs. JBL and Kane. Nothing spectacular, but given the first team, what did you expect? Of course, after the match, Shane McMahon came out again and announced that Mike Adamle was the new "Raw" General Manager. Adamle then immediately announced John Cena vs. Batista for SummerSlam. Looks like Bathroom Break will triumph again that night of August 17th at Dante Ross' pad.

My biggest hope for next week is that Adamle still can't keep anything straight. Him not knowing shit about the product and then botching call after call on live television is over with me. I look forward to Adamle addressing superstars like MM Punk, Bradshaw John Layfield, and, of course, Doug Batista.

Tha Results:
*Santino Marella & Beth Phoenix def. D-Lo Brown & Kelly Kelly.
*Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase def. Jerry “The King” Lawler & Michael Cole to retain World Tag Team Championship.
*Kofi Kingston def. Jamie Noble.
*CM Punk def. William Regal.
*Mickie James def. Jillian.
*John Cena & Batista def. JBL & Kane.

4 comments: on "Tha Raw Report"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I thought for sure they were gonna name JR as the Raw GM ... the way he kept kayfabing Adamle and King everytime they mentioned Raw GM ... The way he said the GM made brilliant decisions ...

Seemed to be where they were going. Then I thought... an announcer? As GM? While he's announcer of another show? That's gay. No JR won't be GM.

Adamle is.


First NO of the week.

Sir. Jimmy Of Tha O'ster Nation said...

I always liked Adamle in a he's so bad it's entertaining way but, I can't see him working as GM. It's easy to see they overpaid this guy and the're gonna get the most out of him come hell or hot water. I think it pretty much sink or swim now for Mike. So many other guys deserved this spot. Matt Striker was at the top of my list. He would have been perfect for it. Hey, Cham Pain would kick ass as a GM.

The only time in history a babyface vs. babyface scenario every worked was Hogan and the Warriror. Mostly because it was a champion vs. champion deal. Batista/Taker, Cena/Michaels, Cena/Lashley and so on all sucked ass. Time tested 100% proven formula for all of entertainment... Good vs. Evil. Turn somebody Heel damn it! Don't just wait until Orton gets back.

Anonymous said...

Adamle as GM is so hilarious. I hope he fires King, and make sures JR never shows up on RAW again. It's also a funny move because everyone always cracked jokes about the guy now he's in one of the top spots in the company, lol.

I'm hoping he does play the role of some GM who doesn't care to know about wrestling, and just plays super heel GM.

D.J.B. said...

Did "Raw" announce a new GM who didn't know the difference between Lillian and Jillian? Really? I must have been asleep and dreamed that. Surely to God he wouldnt screw up someones name. I mean he's dead on everytime with Jack Harvey and his brother Map. Thank God though he's off the mic. JR explained to him what a cradle was. A cradle, really? Dan's son who isn't born yet will know a cradle by the time he's 6...months. Jesus H mother of God.

That whole mic rant, leads to the this, the ECW spot is OPEN, it's open and guess who gets wont be Joey Styles folks, I pray to God in Heaven above it is, but it wont be. It is going to be Todd Suck a Dicksham. Is he Grisham or Grissom? You know what it doesn't matter. He'll assrape the legacy of great announcers just like Adamle did, and when Vickie gets her walking papers he'll be there to gobble up that job.

The real WWE talent initiative:
We Take Shitty Announcers and give them Higher Profile Roles!

Maybe it's because I'm tired and ill and overworked and underpayed and not at all working a gimmick here, but what the fuck. you're telling me the same week they announce Freddie Prinze Jr. as a member of hte creative team this shit happens. No damn wonder I haven't seen that bitch since I found out what he did like 9 summers ago. DAMN!

Thank God for Santino. Beth Phoenix is hot. Santino isn't meat, great pair.

Jamie Noble is golden. Coffee Kingston should have went down, I mean for Adamle's sake he had his part time girlfriend and associate person out there with him. Dammit people show the short country cracker some love.

Welcome back Regal welcome back clap clap.

You know what "Raw" didn't have last night. It had everything but a good old fashioned line of cocain for Vince and a strapon ass fuck FROM Stephanie. I would say Randy Savage, but he aint coming back in there anyway, in his defense though, he was a good baseball player...there was grass on the field, so he did as the umpire said, "PLAY BALL!" Wow, did I really come that far off topic? Fuck it.