*A GM needs to have a strong persona for TV*
Nobody cares about Mike Adamle because he's not a larger than life wrestling or sports entertainment character. He's the exact same dork in real life that he portrays on TV, and there's nothing compelling about that. He will never excite a crowd by giving the babyface his big title shot or be seen as a ruthless William Regal style villain, drunk off of his own power.
Mike Adamle's persona is a guy who can't remember the names of employees and flubs all of his lines. That's not entertaining for more than ten seconds, then the shit just gets old.
*A GM needs to provoke a crowd reaction*
This can be either positive (Teddy Long) or negative (Vickie Guerrero). Mike Adamle can occasionally be booed by hardcore crowds when he comes out to announce ECW, but that takes some doing as not every WWE crowd is going to be people who watch ECW on Tuesday nights (and not all of them stay after "SmackDown!" is taped just to be live on Sci-Fi). His usual heat is well...what you heard last night on "Raw". Silence. Utter abyssmal shit.
No one cares. Just think for one minute and you can come up with a half-dozen people who would draw more heat than Adamle booking matches, announcing stips, and doling out favors due to their position in power. Here's six right now - Steve Austin, Ric Flair, Shane McMahon, Kevin Federline, Runjan Singh, and Jim Cornette. These are people you'd either love to hate every time they said something to screw a babyface or cheer every time they gave that same face his title shot. All of these men have what Mike Adamle does not - *CHARISMA*.

Adamle can barely string together two words without saying something that is mind-numbingly stupid. His reputation in this department proceded him even before he joined WWE as old broadcasters he worked with kept "highlight reels" of all his goof-ups for their own personal amusement. If something is important enough that it's going to be a selling point for PPV, you can't possibly use a guy who doesn't know the difference between *JEFF HARVEY* and *JEFF HARDY* to make the announcement. The wrestlers would be better off doing it themselves.
*A GM needs to get people talking at the water cooler*
You'd have to care about Mike Adamle first to care about what he does on the show every week. When Vince McMahon does something, whether as a crazy old coot giving away millions or as a evil tyrannical boss putting the screws to Austin you'd always get that "I can't believe he did that" feeling when talking about him to your friends. Good GM's make you believe they have even more power on TV than they do in real life. If anything Adamle has LESS.
Mike Adamle as the "Raw" GM is a textbook example of *EPIC FAIL* on every conceivable level.
Read more angry rants from Stevie J at AngryMarks.com
9 comments: on "Adamle As "Raw" GM - A Study In Epic Fail"
I wanted to find SOMETHING good about this. I was scouring and trying to find every possible silver lining there was.
There are none.
"Raw" is about to get real ugly, real quick.
I'm glad you mentioned Austin, as the events on raw seemed to beautifully foreshadow an austin return. First, he put Cole in a match, and Austin always picked on Cole during the attitude era ( i think he did, i might be thinking of the rock). Also, bringing JR back in, who is austin's boy. It woulda been a beautiful way to bring austin back babyface, as the live fans still boo micheal cole, and austin's first decree could've been bringing jr back and shipping cole back to smackdown. I wouldnt have been happy about it, becasue i see cole as presently the better announcer of the two, but it seems like this shit just writes itself.
Also, the "most technically sound free agent in our business" was a dead giveaway.
Good article.
I have to say it was a surprise who would funked it that the new GM was going to Adamle ?
I was thinking Regal, Flair, or even Linda McMahon but Adamle.
Maybe Triple H is trying to bury RAW since he is on SD now.
I'm glad it wasn't someone that you could think of. A lot of you (smarks in general) want the show to be unpredictable, yet at the same time want the shows to be exactly what you were hoping.
I'd really like to believe that WWE didn't just ignore Adamle being green on the mic and decided to put him a bigger role on the show. I'm sure someone knows what their doing, and either of two things are planned;
1. They'll make it so Adamle is a horrible GM, and none of the roster likes him, thus setting up an angle where someone everyone likes to come in and take Adamle's job.
2. WWE is gonna look out for him, and write everything he needs to say, and coach him through the process when it comes to being an on screen character.
I think at the end of the day, this will turn out to be another example why the promotions should continue ignoring the online community.
The E payed feels like they payed him too much, and now they're trying to make up for it by milking him for all he's worth. That's the bottom line, and there's nothing else that needs to be said. It's why he got the job as ECW announcer, and he couldnt cut it, so now they're trying this out on him.
Todd Grisham and Micheal Cole were backstage interviewers for years before they became announcers. Adamle had that job for no more than two months before they moved him to the table. He couldnt cut it as an interviewer, so they moved him to the table. He obviously cant cut it there, so they're moving him to the GM role. If the past is any indication of the future, he'll take over lillian garcia's spot in a month or two. They're trying to find something he's good at so that they can use him until his contract expires and then say good riddance. Unfortunately, the product will suffer because they cant admit that they made a bad deal and payed a guy too much, and let it slide. Vince's ego is causing his product to suffer.
As far as what aDance2Die2 said, yes, we want the show to be unpredictable. This was unpredictable, but not in an explosive way. It was more unpredictable in the way that a firework is unpredictable when it doesnt go off. All of your anticipation is aimed at seeing this firework explode in the sky, and instead your payoff is a 'dud.' You're let down, and left with a feeling of "eh, oh well."
CM Punk's victory was unpredictable in a "I cant belive this happened, I wasnt expecting it." kind of way.
This Kane storyline they have going is unpredictable in a "I wonder what's going to happen next" kind of way.
Mike Adamle being announced as GM is unpredictable in a "I cant believe i stayed up 2 hours for this dud" kind of way.
I miss the days of having GM's that were good guys. Adamle can be just that. Teddy was one in that he gave the fans what they wanted but his gimmick was old and he took FOREVER to get to the point. I can only take so many "HOLLA HOLLA!"'s and "PLAYA!"'a before I roll my eyes and wish for the days where he sported a gheri curl. I have a feeling that in a few weeks everyone will be talking about how good it is to have Adamle as GM.
Having a former wrestler as GM is old and they usually steal the thunder of wrestlers. Regal and Estrada were the only ones I believe that were able to do it successfully. Let's give Adamle a chance as we did as an announcer. That turned out to be funny if anything else.
i know it's probably too early to judge and i should give it a chance to see where it's going, but this adamle business singlehandedly ruined all the positive things WWE has done over the past month for me. punk still being in the midcard hasn't helped much either, but it's been a while since i've cared enough about the fed to be disappointed by them, and this was a doozy.
I know it's routine for everyone to jump to conclusions. That's part of what we love about wrestling and the genesis of why sites like this exist.
With that being said, Adamle could be GM for a "coffee break", or stories could be written for none of the guys to listen to anything he says and "chaos ensues" even more than the prior 4-5 weeks, leading to a new GM that all the guys would respect. This move could also be nothing but the expected "drizzling shits"
As far as the continual opinion that WWE is keeping this guy around, ON TV, because of his ridiculous contract is preposterous. If WWE felt they had made this huge error and his presence was going to cost them money, they would've fulfilled their obligations to MR. Adamle and he would've sat at home and collected his checks (if that guarantee had been set in place.
Lastly, people are talking about it and the big question is WHY? When people ask WHY they usually will take the necessary steps to find the answer. We will all watch next Monday, then give our opinions on it Tuesday. And we all know it, besides the new episodes of house don't start until September and most of us have DVR anyways.
Classic quote (not verbatim) from Monday
JBL "Adamle, you belong on the Home Shopping Network..."
We all love a good "punching bag"
i support adamle he can be all of those things mentioned in due time.
you dont know how good or bad this can turn out.
lord knows you cant always get what you want.
this is fun no reason to hate honestly if it was regal i wouldnt have gave a shit. if it was someone who was already a GM then noone would care as much. if its someone new than its great.
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