Check This Out...


HGC 11: Zack And Einstein Make A Porno

The eleventh episode of the Handsome Genius Club Radio Show is on the interwebs for your listening enjoyment! Your host and hero, ANTHONY KINGDOM JAMES, is back from Sterling Keenan's wedding and catches us up on all the fun, frivolity and frozen roads from his trip to Pittsburgh. Then Kingdom discusses what tv shows are keeping his attention this season and what shows have fallen completely off his radar screen.

Next up, comic book writer SAM PANICO joins today's auditory extravanganza to discuss his small press tour de force "Adventures of the World's Angriest Robot" including what led him to self-publish, how he found his artist and what makes that robot so damn angry.

Go to and check out today's show!!

Sam also discusses his almost-finalized divorce, what it's like being single again after almost ten years, XBox etiquette for ex-lovers and where to find some good porn online.

Plus this week's Nerd News, an update on Yoshi, some amazing news for TJ and his band Secret Suburbia, Kingdom professes his love for American Wal-Mart stores and the state of our hero's running shoes. All this and so much more, all for the low, low price of ABSOLUTELY FREE!

1 comments: on "HGC 11: Zack And Einstein Make A Porno"

Anonymous said...

THIS SHITS SMACKDOWN! and why cant kingdom put t.j. in the promo and label him as a co host cause t.j. is savin kingdoms life..