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Tha Rico Montana Situation

The following piece was written by Tha O Show's Rico Montana who, as you all know, has been suffering from an illness as of late. We hope you will join us in wishing him a speedy recovery.

It's about 2 a.m. Friday night, early Saturday morning, August 2nd when I wake up and feel like my eyes won't open up and my ears are closing in on me. When I get out of bed, walk to the bathroom wash out my face and see that my face is the size of a basketball. Let's just say I shit myself in fear, so many things were running through my mind.

Am I gonna stay like this forever? Did I catch some fucked up disease? Why on a weekend I have to wrestle on? Is Dan-e-o gonna be better looking than me if my face stays like this?!!!

Then I started getting these sharp pains in my knees and ankles, I had no idea what was happening to me. I went and called my sister and she freaked out from how swollen my head was, so she drove me to the hospital. After about 11 hours in the hospital and about 4 or 5 wrong diognosis', I came back home with my face swelling down about 30%, but my ears still swollen shut.

I chilled at home for about an hour and got pissed that after all those hours in the hospital all they told me was I might have food poisoning or an allergic reaction to something, but I explained to them im only allergic to Gravol and I hadn't taken any so I headed over to the walk-in clinic.

While I was there, the doctor gave me a prescription for some Predisone or some other steroid that would help the swelling, but all that did was make me feel worse. I was locked up in my house, missing shows I was really looking forward to working on and felt like I had let down the boys. Oh, and at the same time wondering when my ears would open up again.

I waited till Tuesday to get an appointment with my doctor, where she knew it was more than an allergic reaction or food poisoning and she had me take a bunch of tests. Basically, I took blood and urine for about 10 days after that Tuesday 'cause certain things just didn't seem right.

After a lot of waiting and suffering from blurred vision, crazy knee pain, throwing up about 3 times a day and being teased with good health only to have a cold sweating fit and dry heaving spoil what I thought was a good day, the doctors told me I have a kidney disfunction and proteinurinia.

That's when there is too much protein in the urine, so my kidneys couldn't clean out the toxins in my body so that caused the face, knee and ankle swelling. Changing the way I eat was the only way, for now, that I can help this situation 'cause I have to wait a while before a kidney specialist will see me.

I have to say I have been feeling better the last couple weeks aside from a day here and there. I went back to the gym about 10 days ago and pushed too hard and now have 2 minor seperations in my right shoulder. It sucks, but it won't hold me down, my shoulders have been ruined since I was 17!!

Through this shitty situation I learned how important our health actually is and I will always put it first. But I also learned not to let the stress attatched to it beat me. I want to thank LLW, GCW and Stranglehold for all being understanding and not forgetting about me while I'm going through this. I also want to thank the boys who all sent me messages or called me, it really means a lot.

Obviously THA O SHOW for there best wishes and putting my situation out there, 'cause I would hate the thought of the fans thinking I'm a no show worker! But most importantly I want to thank THA O-STERS for their concerns and best wishes that I read on the comments board, it really means a lot to me.

Due to technical difficulties or lazy-itis, I haven't received e-mails so I would like all the people to send me any questions or comments to I hope to get in studio this coming week or very soon 'cause I really miss being part of tha show. Thanks again. Dan-e-o is a BIAAAAAAAAAATTTTCHHHHHH!

6 comments: on "Tha Rico Montana Situation"

Anonymous said...

Damn, that sounds like it sucks. Hell, I've had food poisoning before and what you got sounds waaaay fucking worse. I am glad that you're getting better though. Stop pushing yourself so damned hard though. Hope to hear you back on tha show soon.

Anonymous said...

get well soon rico

Anonymous said...

Wow man, that's crazy. I'd freak the fuck out worse than you if I woke up like that. How exactly do you get too much protein in your urine? Just curious.

Hope you get better real soon.

ron stryker said...

Rico we miss your funny banter with the guys on the show. Most of all I hope you kick this thing in the ass and get back on your feet. Don't let it keep you down. Rehabbing my own injury it is easy to fall into depression. You got alot of support out here. Tha O-sters one and all want to see you back full force. Besh Wishes with a cup of O.

Anonymous said...

Rico is a god

Anonymous said...

That's why I'm a vegetarian. You should be too.

P.S. the extra protein is from meat(aka: The Devil) and obviously all the gear you were on.

seriously though, it's good to hear you're doing better.