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Friday Night Fallout: This Is Called A Rant

I'll guarantee right now that 50% or more of the people that read this article absolutely loved the Triple H segment at the beginning of the show. Sure he tried to make it into a comedic gimmick and not make it seem like a shoot, but you know that's what it was. "I'm going to be the champion for like the next century." Go to hell.

This wasn't a completely bad show and this review won't be completely negative, but this further proves that ECW is the A show. No show Triple H is on will be the A show. The main reason that is the case is because every major challenger he has he will eventually bury and send right back down the card. He is the main event, and if he works in the mid-card on that show it makes it even worse.

If there ever comes a day when Vince or Stephanie or anyone tells Triple H he can't bury the younger guys he'll walk, plain and simple. Sure he's a great worker but him holding anything other than a microphone is completely unnecessary. He doesn't need to be a champion just like the Undertaker doesn't need to be a champion. Difference is though, Triple H "needs" to be champion.

Undertaker's promo regarding Vickie Guerrero was weird. I don't think I disliked it, maybe I was sleepy when I watched it, but it seemed weird. Another thing though, he brought up burning the casket he puts Vickie in. I don't know about anyone else but if I never saw another burning casket on WWE TV I'd be perfectly fine with this.

The Edge/Taker angle is one of my favorite in recent years, and I hope it doesn't end soon. This angle will also give Edge a chance to do something that only Taker has done before, and that's return from the dead. Maybe after the feud concludes though Edge can die once more only to return as the Canadian Badass. I really shouldn't have said that, because someone in WWE creative is going to read this and think it's a good idea.

The Butterfly Belt is going to be on the line at Unforgiven. Whoever thought putting Maryse and Michelle McCool in the ring together for a championship match was drunk. I mean come on. Maryse doesn't wrestle. Michelle McCool is only half decent so the mixture of those two is sure to send people screaming to the bathroom. Not to use the bathroom regularly, just to vomit. The rest of the match they'll spend recouping the food they just vomited.

The Brian Kendrick and Jeff Hardy could have some potentially show stealing matches down the road, or as soon as next week. Give it some build and make it mean a little more and that could be the #2 feud on "SmackDown." The matches this week was pretty good and big Zeke continues to impress. I really like this pairing and hope the E allows it to run into the future.

How does Vickie Guerrero draw so much heat? That woman opens her mouth and you can't hear her. That is unreal. I find it amazing that she and Edge hate each other and the two of them are still the two biggest heels arguably in the company. The "I will not be intimidated" steez has been done and done to death (pun intended) but this time the payoff will be the return of Edge and even more interest as to which direction he'll go.

With just a few nights left until Unforgiven there are lots of tickets left to show and that isn't a good sign, though I don't think too many people would be excited about three scramble matches and Maryse vs. McCool. The only intriguing matches are Cryme Tyme vs. Priceless and the ECW Scramble. The E needs to do better. Things looked so promising not too long ago.

While this week ECW proved how great it actually is over the past few weeks, "SmackDown" did a little something out of the ordinary and tried to add a little flavor to the foregone conclusion that is their scramble match. "SmackDown" ended with Jeff Hardy standing tall and Triple H on the mat. I can't recall that happening with a babyface over Triple H before a PPV. It's a case of too little too late, but it's something nonetheless.

Quick Results...
*R-Truth def. Bam Neely
*Shelton Benjamin def. MVP
*Maryse def. Maria
*The Brian Kendrick def. Jeff Hardy
*Super Crazy def. Ryan Braddock
*Brie Bella def. Victoria
*Triple H def. the Great Khali (Lumberjack match)

4 comments: on "Friday Night Fallout: This Is Called A Rant"

Christopher Casúr said...

No love for R-Truth? You know, the guy who's still using the same attire, same shirt, same hair...same entrance music...

Okay, let's be blunt. Even though WWE has an affinity for trademarked names, the only reason he had his name changed to R-Truth is because there is no way in hell that WWE will put someone with a last name of "Killings" on TV ever again.

Wow...incredible, I call DJB a vanilla midget and less than a week later he goes nuts. Thank God you don't own a Bowflex.

Anonymous said...

Triple H was in shoot mode last night. You mentioned the first instance at the top of the show.

You neglected to mention the backstage segment with Jeff Hardy where Triple H said Jeff already has two strikes against him. Anyone thinking that wasn't a reference to the Wellness policy is fooling themselves.

Is it just me, or did the fed send out ALL of the knee-est divas last night? knee bitches and a butterfly belt.

Perhaps THIS was the squash Vince had wanted for R-Truth to go over in his debut. Killings looked awesome in the ring. I'd like to see him and Yang work a few matches. workrate through the roof potential there.

I'm wondering if Vince told Vickie to "spic it up" in her promos. Vickie's always been one shrill bean, but last night she was shrill AND kicking the Hispanic accent.

D.J.B. said...

To be completely honest I didn't mention the Hardy/HHH backstage segment because it pissed me off so fucking bad. Triple H is a good worker but I legitimately think he's so worried about his legacy that he's willing to throw anyone under the bus, including his wife, father-in-law, brother in law or whoever. Not for the business for his selfish fucking self and that's a shoot.

Anonymous said...

Hardy/Kendrick was a hell of a match. I've been skeptical of Kendrick, but he won me over last night. Bravo.

Seeing Jeff standing over Trips like that kinda made me think heel turn. Not sure if anyone else got those vibes...

Super Crazy wins! Call the press!