Like most people, I have a select few vices in life. One of those vices is that I love watching wrestling. Be it on the independent circuit or professional, wrestling is to me what whiskey is to an alcoholic. Maybe sometimes it leads me to be a little critical in what I say, and make comments that border on being over the line, but that's the way it is with anyone's vice. You love it, you're going to defend it.
That being said, there is a distinct possibility that something may be amiss when the heart of someone like that is no longer into faithfully reporting on a show. And something is definitley wrong when it's so bad, that two wrestling junkies are turned off by it within a span of several months (after all, I only got this gig after Dan couldn't stomach "Raw" any more).
Let me make something clear. That is not to say that I am jumping ship as it comes to covering Tha Raw Report. Donnie and Dan have made it clear in the past that they are very appreciative for what the writers do for their site, so I'm not about to kayfabe them. This is also not my way of saying that I no longer wish to cover "Raw", please don't interpret it as that. What I'm getting at, though, is that "Raw" is getting progressively about as painful as putting an pickaxe into your temple. Forget about looking at subtle nuances in the booking in order to criticize; this shit is just plain top-to-bottom bad.
I will start off on a positive note though. Randy Orton's promo was solid. He has grown by remarkable leaps and bounds over the past year, and he has earned the spot that he has. Not to mention, John Cena came out but didn't say anything. It may have been the best promo of his career; yes, maybe even better than his promos circa 2003 (you know, back when he had charisma).
Victoria, one of only a handful of women in WWE who know how to work, was featured alongside Beth Phoenix in a match last night. Normally, I'd be happy and think this was a sign that maybe she's being integrated back into the Women's Championship picture. Alas, this is not the case. Instead, she's feuding with Kelly Kelly. I realize that when PWI gives out their wrestler awards each year, that "Most Misused/Underused Talent" generally goes to a guy, but at this rate, I'd love to nominate Victoria. She must've really pissed off somebody in the back.
We had a Super Crazy sighting this week, as he jobbed to Kennedy. Not really much I can say about this match, it wasn't terribly long and was really only a springboard for the Kennedy/Flair match at No Way Out. I do like how WWE is actually playing up that Kennedy has paid attention to the fact that working on Flair's legs is the best strategy to beat him. Maybe that's an obvious statement, but it's still better than hearing about Undertaker's mysterious triangle choke, which nobody there seems to have a fucking clue about. It's all about consistency, people.
Santino is funny as hell. I'm not sure how it happens that he takes insults that normally would be viewed as unfunny if said by anyone else, and can make them side-splittingly funny, but I suppose that's the magic of that "it" factor. Team Whitey vs. Team O, it's on! Poor Theater Fags and Rednecks though. They both jobbed, and what the hell was with the entrance attire for Cade and Murdoch? It looked like the guys from "Queer Eye" raided Ric Flair's closet. By the way, for those of you who missed it, the line was, to Hardcore Holly-"You look like you belong in 'Balding Tough Guy With Little Friend Whose Name Sounds Like A Girl's' Magazine!"
I honestly can't forsee Snitsky having a job much longer with WWE in HD. I don't even have HD, and I could see him clearly screw up spot after spot. Most notable was when he missed a big boot and straddled the top rope. It was very clear that he gently went to straddle it. Mind you, not that I'm saying I demand that he go and give his junk a rope burn (although somebody that ugly probably won't get much use of them anyway), but when it's that obvious even with the motion blur of non-HDTV, it's bad.
The "Kiss My Ass Club" has jumped the shark. Sure, it's fun to mimic the lines that McMahon said the night that it was created (There's not one blemish on my ass, in case you were wondering), but does this gimmick even need to be around anymore? What's more, it's being used to facilitate his angle with Hornswoggle, which is altogether a bad storyline. To be clear, a good storyline is one that has you saying "I wonder what happens next?", like when Frank realizes that he left his wallet at home when he went to go take the hooker to a hotel. This storyline, however, has me saying "Can we please just get to the part where Finlay is a world champion?" In otherwords, instead of wanting to see this storyline continue, I want to see it end, which means that it has failed as a whole.
The "main event" of the night (*snicker*) featured John Cena vs. Mark Henry in an arm wrestling match. Arm wrestling matches may be the lamest cliche in all of wrestling, and I certainly am not going to be rapt in anticipation at the idea of seeing Mark Henry or John Cena on my television screen any more than absolutely necessary. The ending image of "Raw" should be one that leaves viewers intrigued, and anticipating next week's show. Nothing about watching John Cena FU Mark Henry makes me want to watch next week.
Tha results:
*Mickie James & Kelly Kelly def. Beth Phoenix & Victoria
*Mr. Kennedy def. Super Crazy
*Carlito & Santino Marella def. Theater Fags (Paul London & Brian Kendrick)
*Team Whitey (Harcore Holly & Cody Rhodes) def. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
*Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho & Shawn Michaels def. Umaga, JBL and Snitsky
*John Cena vs. Mark Henry arm wrestling match (no contest)
16 comments: on "Tha Raw Report: Something's Wrong Here"
Sometimes it just hurts...
Like the first time Fatty realized that the hooker didn't love him back.
As far as Team O, here's hoping SantinO and CarlitO can wear tag team gold, since apparently, they're a real tag team now. I know, I know, I hate gimmicked tag teams running over legit tag teams, but AT LEAST it's Santino, not Cody.
Did anyone else notice John Cena's epileptic neck jerk near the end of the arm wrestling "match," I'm convinced, John Cena went to the newly renamed Fatty Fronte School of Acting, and he too, failed miserably.
The sad thing is that all of this is true.
I can't remember the last time I was into a story line, hell have the time we can figure out the outcome of a storyline without spoilers. Its sad...just sad.
p.s.Respect to the o show for doing what it does, great work guys.
I'm thankfull that you guys watch it so I don't have to supject my self to it.
At least you're better than Brian Plunkett Christopher!
Professional ass-buffer, sounds like a lock for the true calling of one F'n Fatty Fronte. If accounting doesn't work out, Assbuffing is for you man.
you're kidding about cade/ murdoch outfits right?
it's classic '2 rednecks wanna be the midnight express, buy the duds and still look like average rednecks'...
Lets be optimistic. Looks like we finally might have what looks like a tag division. Baby steps, right?
Okay people, don't get me wrong. I hate Mark Henry and John Cena equally, but doesn't the WWE push Mark Henry as the world's strongest man ??? Well, if that's the case, why the hell was he losing that arm wrestling contest to Cena??? C'mon. Also, did Henry have to dress up in his ring gear for that??? UGH!!!
Vinnie Mac needs to drop the bastard child angle with Hornswaggle and keep off of tv for good. Let the other talent have their time in the spotlight.
I used to look forward to watching RAW on Monday nights and now, I can barely stomach it! Where did it all go wrong???
I am tired of Kelly x 2. Why is she even being placed into a ring? Chick is a liability. She is the new Jackie Gayda. Victoria looked hot as always. Wasnt digging Mickie's disco pants though. As for Beth I am still waiting to be impressed. Her theme music sounds like mid-80's porn music.
When someone like Kennedy does a new finisher it should be blown out of proportion! JR shoulda been like "What in the blue hell is that, King?!" When they dont and someone loses or gives up I'm reacting like, "Oh? Really?" Super Crazy needs to bust out the Stacker 2. I am sure Taz still has some laying around. He sure aint using it.
London returns and...nothing. Did he even wrestle in that match? Santino is funny and Carlito is...Carlito. As soon as Maria gets butt booty ass naked I think her appeal will vanish. Some chicks just look better clothed. Like Fatty.
The Big Redneck vs. The Little Rednecks was an odd match. The fact that people are still losing to the DDT shock me. Thats like having a drop toe hold for a finisher at this point.
A HHH-less Raw? WTF?! The six man match was okay. Thought Umaga screwed his leg up good but he came back. It looks like JBL isnt really trying. The Jeff Hardy promo was funny which is bad because it wasnt supposed to be. Love finisher that happen almost all at once. Snitsky seemed afraid to take the Twist of Fate. He just fell to his knees like he was being Stunned. Great Swanton to get me pumped for...
An arm wrestling match! What? Do you think I tune into Raw to see wrestling? Fuck you, man! When I tune into the biggest wrestling company in the world, ney, the UNIVERSE, I wanna see some golld ol' fashioned arm wrestling! In one corner is the worlds strongest man! In the other...the fastest healing man in the history of sports. Stabbings? Ha! Torn muscles? Whatever! You dont know who he is? You mus not know who he is. He's John Cena, bitch!
Why cant Cena sell the RKO? Isnt it supposed to knock you out? The letts "K" and "O" are right there in the spelling! Its isnt called the "Explosive Gas Roll Around Afterwards!" Or the EGRAA!" Notice the level of bitching about wrestling rise in the next few weeks as the level of praise goes up for MMA.
Thank you guys for being strong enough to watch this shit so I know what I miss when I am freeing James Brown or growing a tail.
If by "He has grown by remarkable leaps and bounds over the past year," you mean that he has managed to become even more boring and continues to deliver cringe-inducing promos in a monotone drone, and by "he has earned the spot that he has," you mean that he was handed a spot he wasn't ready for at time when they had practically no other options, then I agree with you completely.
The finish in the 6-man was great, as was the triple plancha spot. I too wish Snitsky would go (and Umanga, while we're at it), but as long at Capt. Backne (or as my wife said, Capt. Assne) is getting a reaction from the crowd, even if its "brush your teeth," they'll see that as a good kind of heat and keep him around. Maybe if they send him to a ballet class he'll learn some balance and rhythm and actually be able to put on a good show.
The Mark Henry/John Cena arm-wrestling fiasco can be described simply as, "THE E DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO NOT PUSH JOHN CENA."
WWE programming has become a gifted child who gets low grades because they don't try.
They know how to put a good wrestling product on the TV, but they simply don't care about free TV wrestling anymore.
Wanna know how I get through Raw? I wait until the midnight showing and flip it to ROH on The Fight Network when it gets bad. Works like a charm.
The writers of Raw, Smackdown and ECW believe in saving it for PPV, but it's to the point that almost NOTHING of value shows up on Monday, Tuesday or Friday. Raw is the worst for this because it seems to be almost 100% "Entertainment"-driven. They patronize the fans by spoon-feeding the stories in a way that a foulmouthed 10 year-old can understand.
It's predictable and boring. There were more wrestling moves in 5 minutes of the Christopher Daniels vs. Claudio Castagnoli match I caught on the other channel than in the WHOLE FUCKING 2 HOUR RAW BROADCAST.
If they were smart in Stamford, they wold cut back on the non-televised events by like 50% and put actual wrestling on TV.
Man the smark elitism is at an all time high lately isn't it?
Not a bad show. The F-U to Henry I thought looked pretty cool and the six man tag was solid. And no, Henry didn't lose. The thing was he was letting Cena get the advantage so he wouldn't notice the attack from behind. Classic heel shit, come on.
Everybody hates poor little bastards... let me ask this, when was the last time Finlay went over as a face? Yes it's a screwy storyline but we get Finlay fueding with Vince as a result. Not entirely bad.
Anyone else notice that the IC champ came to the ring without his belt for the jibba-jabba?
The arm wrestling was lame, I kept hoping Cena's arm would snap with a compound fracture. And I'm not even a Cena hater. But him giving the FU to Mark Henry was impressive, it just should have taken place before the six man.
"The ending image of "Raw" should be one that leaves viewers intrigued, and anticipating next week's show. Nothing about watching John Cena FU Mark Henry makes me want to watch next week."
This statement is the antithesis of hatin' for hatin's sake. That spot was badass and just because you don't like the guy who pulled it off... its a bad ending image? Survey says, no. That's just hatin'
"Antithesis" means ultimately opposite...
You meant to say "epitome".
Cena's to good-ass to be bad-ass. I'm drooling for a heel turn, already.
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