Check This Out...


Tha Power Of A Promo

Author's note: Before I get into anything, I would to like to send my personal condolences, along with those of Tha O Show, to Jeff Jarrett for the loss of his wife, Jill. Few, if any, of us can imagine what it's like to have the one person you're closest to leave the world prematurely. Our prayers and thoughts are with you, Jeff.

For the longest time, there has been debate raging on Tha O Show about whether ot not TNA should add a second hour to its programming. As time went on, fewer people cared, so the debate popped up less and less, but it still laid underneath the surface the entire time. And most people who have been paying attention to the debate know that I was a staunch supporter of TNA receiving a second hour.

Tonight, however, changed my mind. TNA did everything right to set up their hot feuds and big money matches at Slammiversary, and did it in a fashion that makes people question whether or not Vince Russo is still around.

Take, for instance, Team 3D and the Steiner Bros. This segment was unbelievable. Even for Ray and Devon, whom I've never been sold on as far as skills on the stick. Scott did a great job of playing the classic heel (even though they were cheered and 3D were booed...fucking smarks), and the "list" that Rick Steiner busted out was hilarious.

The aftermath of this promo, of course, is that we have another match announced for Slammiversary. Team 3D VS. The Steiner Bros. for the TNA Tag Team Championships. TNA has only announced one and a half matches for their upcoming pay-per-view and I'm already popping like a kid with a sheet of bubble wrap.

For a while, I was honestly unsure about Robert Roode's mic skills. Sure, he was impressive in the ring, but when he was with Team Canada, he never got the chance to talk, as Scott D'Amore served as his mouthpiece. His promos have been outstanding though. He's even got a snappy catchphrase. "It pays to be Roode" - how cool is that?

Christian Cage held his own in a promo that he should not have been involved in. Tomko is completely unappealing, and has nothing to offer to any storylines in TNA right now. If WWE is after this guy so badly, TNA should let them have him.

Should TNA just let "iMPACT!" be nothing but promos every week? Not by any means. The main event this week between Sting and Samoa Joe is perfect for what they should be giving away for free considering the time they have to work with. Sure, Christopher Daniels did a run-in, but it was because he's about to enter a feud with Sting, whereas in previous months, guys from completely separate feuds would interrupt matches.

TNA is getting better, and someday soon maybe Ben Boudreau might even start to believe. One thing's for sure, though...these are exciting times to be a wrestling fan, even for TNA fans.

3 comments: on "Tha Power Of A Promo"

Downtown said...

7 minute promo and I was on the edge of my damn seat with honest goosebumps...

When was the last time WWE had, let alone allowed, a tag team to cut a promo?

That's the shit that sells tickets and bring PPV buys.

The match could very well be shit, but I want to see it any-damn-way here's the link for those that missed it

Anonymous said...

TNA is definently on the right track, or just jumped on it for a second with this impact, but I loved this one, fucked up hand and all.

Anonymous said...

that steiner and team 3D promo was awesome rick steiner is fuckin funny.he just kept reading the list