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Talkin' Smack! - Tha WM23 Preview

Since WrestleMania 23 is tomorrow night, this episode of "Talkin' Smack!" is devoted to all things "SmackDown!" as it pertains to Mania. If you didn't watch the show this week, you missed the first ever Leprechaun Bomb and a solid evening of wrestling.

That's what the "A Show" does best. The "SmackDown!" roster will attempt to once again steal the show this Sunday on the "Grandest Stage of Them All".

The "SmackDown!" main event at Mania is Batista defending the world title against The Undertaker and his undefeated streak. Again, I don't share my colleagues' disdain for Batista but he is not the man to end Taker's streak.

In fact, a win for Batista could possibly instantly turn 70,000 screaming fans against him. Legacies are far and few between in this era of professional wrestling, and this one should be protected. However, I will go on the record as saying I'd rather see Batista pin Taker in the middle of the ring than Taker retaining his streak by a disqualification or countout.

As far as the match itself goes, it should be extremely physical and I look for Taker to take Batista to the limit. My official fantasy ending to this match would be Batista passing out in the triangle choke. I'd also accept a Tombstone or two.

"SmackDown!" is solidly represented in the "Money in the Bank" Ladder Match. The group of Mr. Kennedy, Finlay, Matt Hardy and King Booker is an amazing display of talent. While my fantasy winner of this match would be Finlay, Mr. Kennedy would be my second and in likelihood the projected winner. I can easily envision him carrying around the briefcase for months, christening himself "Mr. Money in the Bank".

I've mentioned it before, but it deserves repeating. I fear that eight men in a ladder match could become a clusterfuck. Six almost seemed like too many. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, beacause this match has all the elements to steal the show and make WrestleMania 23 worth the fifty dollars. There's no doubt that everyone on Tha O Show is counting on this match to deliver. I definitely share that sentiment.

Every year since the brand extension, Mania has featured a cross brand dream match. The type of match you'd only be able to witness at WrestleMania. Unfortunately, this year that spot goes to Kane and The Great Khali. While I'm not taking anything away from "SmackDown!" representative Kane, there's no way he's going to be able to drag a decent match out of Khali. I think JBL said it best, as he so often does, when he dubbed this match "Jason Voorhees VS. Freddy Kruger of the Jurassic Era". Enough said.

In the only other "SmackDown!" exclusive match, both Chris Benoit and MVP will be representating the "A Show" at Mania for the United States championship. These are two of my personal favorites and I think MVP is going to surprise a lot of people in this match. There's no doubt Benoit is the measuring stick for talent, and I think MVP is going to take it to the next level. I also see this match as the perfect opening contest for Mania. Look for MVP to wear his first piece of gold by the end of the night.

Is Ashley still part of the "SmackDown!" roster? She's been all over "Raw" so often, I almost forgot about her. What can you say about her match with Melina for the women's title? This is the perennial Playboy model match at Mania. Every year there's a new one.

Apparently, Playboy status equals talent in the ring. I don't see Ashley defeating Melina for the strap, but to be quite frank I really don't care who wins. I have no emotional investment at all in this match.

There you have it; the official "SmackDown!" brand exclusive preview of Mania. While the "A Show" isn't appropriately represented this year, it should be one hell of a show. Let's face it, it's WrestleMania. It always delivers in one way or another. What's missing from Mania as far as "SmackDown!" is concerned? Three words...London and Kendrick. Happy WrestleMania everybody!

3 comments: on "Talkin' Smack! - Tha WM23 Preview"

Unknown said...

I do hope McMahon realizes that if he has Batista end Undertaker's streak, that he's instantly going to lose thousands and thousands of fans that he will never be able to get back.

I didn't expect Kennedy to say Mr. Money In The Bank instead of Mr. Kennedy last night, but it was good. I popped like a mofo when Little Bastard performed the Leprechaun Bomb.

Also popped for the appearance of D-Ray 3000, er...Viko Botamongo. I felt bad, but I couldn't help but laugh when MVP referred to his opponent as the "Heavyweight Champion of Ethiopia".

Kane vs. Great Khali is the match that everyone should be calling a clusterfuck, not Money In The Bank.

The "biggest interview in sports entertainment history" was a total crock. What about Hogan/Andre? At least they said something during their interview.

I'm really looking forward to WrestleMania right now. I need something to take my mind off this damn flu.

Anonymous said...

ill be one of the many fans that walks away from wrestling if undertakers streak is ended im sick of the shit they are feeding me

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see the crowd at Mania flood the ring with shit if Batista goes over. Followed by a riot and either shutting the show down or walking out. I'd love it. I honestly will not watch WWE programming until the build for Summerslam begins in July if Batista goes over. I'll stay on Tha O Show to keep up but I won't give then the 2,1,2 hours of programming they take up.

Ben, if someone took away Batista's needles then they'd push him to the limit.

MVP had better surprise me, cause if he don't I will gloat for weeks and months to come. Montel Vontavious Pooperscooper, has done nothing, except get caught on fire, and I've said it before, yet somehow people love to kiss his diamond encrusted ass. He should be sitting on the sidelines this year watching someone who has proven themselves time and time again put on a true wrestling match with Benoit. Someone like a Regal, or a Helms. Not someone that the E has pushed down our throats and most have bought.

Onto better things, O'd for the Leprechaun bomb, and Dray. He would make one hell of an ethopian heavyweight champion.