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He's Pissed. Dat's Not Cool.

We talked about it on this week's episode of Tha O Show Radio Hour, how many big name WWE stars had been left off of WrestleMania 23.

One of those stars, has chosen to speak out.

At WWE's "SmackDown! VS. Raw 2007" video game challenge, Carlito was visibly upset.

Carlito made some very poignant comments to a reporter from the Ottawa Sun.

"I'm out of WrestleMania. Apparently, they had to make space for Kane VS. Khali and Melina VS. Ashley." When the question was asked, what would he have to do to be on the big show, Carlito snapped off, "How can I be at WrestleMania? If I politic and kiss ass, I should make it."

Carlito continued by saying, "I'm not going to cry or be bitter, there's always next year. I don't want to get fired. But they're showing disrespect by not having Ric Flair at WrestleMania and even more disrespect by not having Carlito there."

As if that wasn't enough, Carlito then went on to shoot about his current spot in the company as a midcard baby: "I absolutely hate being a babyface more than anything else".

No word yet how WWE will react to these comments, or even if it is part of a work that will see a pissed Flair and Carly end up on the show after some "on camera bitching".

Interesting comments nonetheless.

10 comments: on "He's Pissed. Dat's Not Cool."

Unknown said...

Carlito wants to get fired, I swear. TNA may put up with its superstars publicly calling them out, but WWE has a revolving door policy for people who call them out, and if you're a midcarder or curtain jerker and you piss them off, you are gone.

Carlito out, TJ Hart IN BABY!

Tim Haught said...

I have no sympathy for Carlito. Kane is a fantastic worker for a big man who has put many guys over. He deserves a spot at Mania.

It's more disrespectful to not have Carlito at Wrestlemania than Flair? If this was a worked interview, it's still ridiculous. If it's just a shoot, Carlito is a moron.

Carlito half-assed all year until Wrestlemania rolled around, and now he just expects a spot to be waiting for him. He isn't entitled to shit.

I feel much worse for Gregory Helms, Mickie James, and Cade & Murdoch, who bust their asses weekly and are left off the showcase of the immortals.

What would letting Carlito on the show after his little tantrum tell the other guys on the roster who worked hard all year and didn't get a spot at Mania.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I'd much rather see the Hooliganz

Unknown said...

They're probably going to do what they did at WrestleMania 21. Have a 30+ man battle royal in the pre-show, then only show it when the DVD comes out.

Tim Haught said...

I dunno about 30 plus but they have already announced a dark match battle royal.

Anonymous said...

You guys make me sick!!! Carlito is a good worker, have you seen his in ring work when is given someone who he can work with he can produce a match.

Tim when you said that Kane is a good worker and he desevering of the spot at Wrestlemania more then Carlito made me puke a little bit in my mouth.

If given time by WWE Carlito and Flair could have put on a great program.

So please don't come close to saying that you rather see Khali vs Kane then Carlito and Flair becasue that makes me sick!

Anonymous said...

Well Carlito is NOT as good a worker as Kane. Khali is garbage.

Anonymous said...

Carlito is a good worker. There is no doubt about that. No he does not deserve a spot at WM more then Flair. No one has earned more respect than Ric Flair.
Heres what it comes down to... there are only so many spots. Vince cant put every wrestler on the show. Truth be told.. I would rather see Carlito vs Flair than Kane vs Khali. But the battle of the monsters should be ok. Not great but ok.
The bottom line is Carlito needs to suck up it. Work harder this year and get over it. I like him but you dont see anyone else crying cause they arent in the big show.

Tim Haught said...

I didn't say I'd rather see Kane/Khali than Carlito/Flair. I said Kane deserves his spot.

Also, while I never flat out stated that Kane is a better worker than Carlito, I will say that being a good worker doesn't mean doing flippies and springboards. Big men have a place in wrestling too, and Kane is one of the best of all time.

All in all, I'd rather see Flair vs. Kane, but there is obviously no storyline or justification for it.

Carlito has a bad attitude. Had Triple H made comments like that when he was Hunter Hearst Helmsley jobbing to the Warrior in 12 seconds, or if Deacon Batista would have had an outburst like that, or Rocker Shawn Michaels when his team wasn't getting the tag titles, none of those guys would have gone anywhere either.

Carlito has to earn his spot. I think if you watched last night's Hall of Fame inductions and heard Dusty Rhodes talk about passion, giving fans their money, driving around for shitty paydays, and working 1 hr matches 7 nights a week, you will find all the shit that second generation stars like Orton and Carlito should by all means understand and take to heart. Instead, they feel entitled to be stars. You can't say fuck Orton without saying Fuck Carlito. They are one in the same.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Tim, had Hunter Hearst Helmsley made comments like that, he'd still be where he is. Had Batista been pissed about carrying a box around his neck...wait, he did that already. Batista is awesome with his syringes, so yeah, he had a spot waiting on him. Had Rocker Shawn complained, wait he did too. Shawn Michaels has said, he went to Vince after all the shit they'd already been through, and said, I want to be one of your guys, how do I do that. Vince told him, you just did.

Orton and Carlito aren't one in the same, but I'll give you that they are close. Why though, do they feel they are entitled to stardom? Because Vince, and creative tells them they are. Wasn't the Rock the same way? Yes. No matter the talent or it factor, they knew Flex Cavana, Rocky Maivia, or The Rock was going to be huge. No first time showing of winning a Survivor Series would be given to a guy trying to make a name. These guys already have names, and just need to capitolize.

I disagree with Carlito saying that he deserves it more than Flair, unless of course this is a work. But other than that he's right. Melina vs. Ashley is happening cause Ashley showed her tits again. Khali has a spot on the show cause that no speaking english bastard is big. Kane deserves his spot, he IS one of the best big men in the business. This wrestlemania has been booked shittily. It needs no more recognition that it's shit that Flair isn't on the show. The Hooliganz should be on the show, Carlito,(who is one of the better workers right now) Mickie James, Cade and Murdoch, hell even Ballz Mahoney should be on the show. This Wrestlemania, even though I'm buying it and have a cookout planned in the rain no-less, isn't going to be that good. It may go down as one of the worst.