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Tha O Show's WrestleMania 23 Predictions

Well, of course, it's that time of year again! The event every wrestling fan waits for all year finally arrives tonight!

WrestleMania 23 is upon us. It seems that most O-sters, indy workers and wrestling fans alike have pretty much surmised that this year's big show will be lackluster.

However, to the true fan of pro wrestling, WrestleMania is Christmas. It's the wrestling SuperBowl, the World Series, the Stanley Cup Championship. So no matter how bad you may think the event will's still a part of history that you just can't help but want to be a part of.

So without further ado, here are the Tha O Show's official WrestleMania 23 predictions:

United States Champion Chris Benoit VS. MVP

F'n Frank Fronte says: Benoit really needs to make MVP look strong. This match should be 20 minutes in order to fill time and needs which doesn't cater to MVP's strengths. MVP goes over and takes the title, but looking good in doing so is most important. I hope MVP realizes how important a good match is this Sunday.

Winner: MVP

Dan-e-o says: I refuse to believe that WWE is going to continue to treat the incredible wrestling talent and in-ring genius that is Chris Benoit like shit. MVP is gold strap-bound but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the Rabid Wolverine retains this Sunday. Hopefully, this will be the beginnings of a much more in-depth feud between Benoit and Porter so that when/if the strap is dropped, it will be worth it.

Winner: Chris Benoit

Big Daddy Donnie says: My boy Dan-e-o is kidding himself if he thinks Benoit is retaining. For what? To prove what point? To cement him as the U.S. Champ? Hell, fans outside of Canada probably associate him closer to that title than they do the World strap he won and held for three minutes. Benoit was defending the U.S. title last year at Mania. Of course, back then it was to a perrenial main eventer in JBL, so nobody got too hot. He'll do the job.

Winner: MVP

Brian Plunkett says: Benoit has been getting buried ever since SummerSlam of 2004. How many guys have walked into the main event of a major pay-per-view as the champion and then jerked the curtain at the following month's pay-per-view? MVP may be getting too much, too soon, but "SmackDown!" lacks midcarders, and if this is a guy who they can picture eventually being a champion down the line, it makes sense to put the belt on him.

Winner: MVP

Ben Boudreau says: These are two of my personal favorites competing in what's likely to be the curtain jerker of the evening. I predict a new United States champion in MVP.

Winner: MVP

ECW Orginals VS. The New Breed

F'n Frank Fronte says: With the future of Sandman, RVD, and Sabu in serious jeopardy, I see the New Breed going over. Marcus Cor Von has to come off as a big star and I expect him to "Pouuuuuuunce" and pin RVD to start a feud.

Winners: The New Breed

Dan-e-o says: I was very impressed by the Elijah Burke/RVD match this past week on ECW. I think Burke has a bright future. The fan in me wants the Originals to go over because they are literally the last barely-hanging-on-by-a-thread remains of the REAL ECW. It's great to see Sabu, Sandman and Tommy Dreamer get a WrestleMania match. But what would veterans be if they didn't help put over the young guys, right? To me, it only makes sense that The New Breed win tonight...but then again, how often do WWE storylines make all that much sense?

Winners: The New Breed

Big Daddy Donnie says: I'm really hoping for a strong showing from Elijah Burke and Marquis Cor Von. I was told recently that these two could end up as a tag team on "Raw" and I'd love to see it. Sabu is still with the company only so he could induct his Uncle Sheik to the Hall and to put over some youth on the way. RVD has been very vocal about leaving, and Sandman just doesn't give a fuck about anyone. I expect Dreamer, WWE's favorite ECW boy scout, to take the pinfall.

Winners: The New Breed

Brian Plunkett says: The Originals are going to be phased out one by one this year. This match is the catalyst to do both that and put the New Breed over. Hopefully Striker and Thorn get knocked the fuck out.

Winners: The New Breed

Ben Boudreau says: This match has the potential to steal the show if they devote enough time to it, which they won't, so it doesn't matter. I look for the ECW Originals to go over on the New Breed. It's great to see Sabu and Sandman make it to the "Grandest Stage of Them All". They certainly deserve it.

Winners: ECW Originals

The Great Khali VS. Kane

F'n Frank Fronte says: The people in Detroit will have no patience for this, it will be bad and it will get booed. Khali wins, but the fans lose.

Winner: The Great Khali

Dan-e-o says: Why this damn match is on the card while talents like Ric Flair, Carlito, Johnny Nitro, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, William Regal, Brian Kendrick, Paul London and Gregory Helms (of course, this list could go on and on) are beyond me! The real answer to who is going to win this match: Who cares? My prediction: The Great let's move on.

Winner: The Great Khali

Big Daddy Donnie says: This could literally go either way, and have zero impact on the fans or the show. Kane has been teasing that hook, but it's not part of the match in any way - nor will he use it. I mean, it's a freakin' hook! What's he gonna do with it?? It makes sense for Kane to win because WWE has very little faith in the long term success of Khali. It makes sense for Khali to leave because Kane will be taking some time off and deciding if he is ready to retire. I hear that Mark Henry is on his way back to "SmackDown!" to put Kane on the shelf. If that's the case, I'd say it would make sense for Kane to win tonight, to give an even bigger rub to Henry.

Winner: Kane

Brian Plunkett says: Who really cares about this? I plan on drinking my weight in Pepsi the day of WrestleMania so that I can put both of the show's piss breaks to good use. Kane will get a win just because he's a face and it's WrestleMania.

Winner: Kane

Ben Boudreau says: While this is not going to be a Funk/Brisco classic, it should be a hard hitter. Who am I fooling? You can't polish a turd. Khali is a turd, so is this match. I guess I'll go with Kane.

Winner: Kane

WWE Women's Champion Melina VS. Ashley

F'n Frank Fronte says: With WWE getting just about as much out of Ashley as they could, I don't see a reason for her to have the title. Her television performances leave a lot to be desired as she has yet to get over being in front of a camera. Ashley's constant giggling and ruining segments is symptomatic of a huge problem in women's wrestling. Melina, the most talented woman in WWE, goes over.

Winner: Melina

Dan-e-o says: Melina double wins this match in my opinion. 1) She is sexier than Ashley hands down (speaking of which, I'd love to lay my hands down on Melina! - cheesy, but true nonetheless). 2) It doesn't matter if Ashley is this year's WWE slutdog Playboy covergirl...championship material, she is not. This whole match is a simple promo for her spread. (speaking of which, I'm sure she's done a lot of spreading to get to where she currently is). Melina will retain.

Winner: Melina

Big Daddy Donnie says: In this mid-card spectacular between The World's Greatest Tag Team and the alliance of Carlito and Flair I predict that...oh wait. No, that's what SHOULD be in this slot. Instead we get slutdogs that will bore me to tears. If Ashley doesn't get her top ripped off, the match will be a complete waste. Even if she does, I doubt she'll earn an O.

Winner: Melina

Brian Plunkett says: Ashley is getting this match solely because she was in Playboy. She has potential should the WWE ever actually decide to use her as a legitimate women's worker, but this is just a vehicle to put Melina over. At least, I hope.

Winner: Melina

Ben Boudreau says: WWE added the Lumberjill stipulation to up the eye candy factor in this match. I predict Melina will retain the title against the Playboy model de jour a.k.a. Ashley.

Winner: Melina

Money In The Bank Ladder Match

F'n Frank Fronte says: This is the match to create a new star that could be a drawing card for the rest of 2007. With the heels on "SmackDown!" being weak, I see Kennedy going over strong and making his way into the title picture on that show. A CM Punk win would surprise me and I'm under the impression it might be too early to put such focus on the ECW star. Kennedy is Money In The Bank.

Winner: Mr. Kennedy

Dan-e-o says: I'm still 'banking' on this being Tha O-match of the night. Expect high spots from the Hardys and in all liklihood, an Edge beatdown. Mr. Kennedy not only represents the best candidate for future World Champion, but he could easily rock the "Mr. Money In The Bank" gimmick better than nearly everyone else involved in this contest. (However, it must be noted that we should all STILL hail King Bookah!).

Winner: Mr. Kennedy

Big Daddy Donnie says: Like I said on this week's radio show - most of these guys are NOT deserving of a win (sorry Plunkett, you're wrong). Neither Hardy is at main event level, CM Punk is NOT ready, Finlay is dope but he's 78 years old and Booker can get a title shot without needing to win a gimmick match. That brings me down to the former MITB winner Edge (who does deserve it but has looked like shit in recent weeks while nursing an injury and cutting shitty promos), Ken Kennedy (the clear cut Internet fav) and Randy Orton.

I'd love, love, love to pick Kennedy - but something in my heart tells me that Triple H has pulled some strings for his homie and Orton is going over. He's been out of the title picture for a long time, but is still viewed as a main eventer by the company. I'd love to see them give this to Kennedy, but that would be way too cool.

Winner: Randy fuckin' Orton

Brian Plunkett says: Everybody in this match except for Matt Hardy would be a plausible winner (even CM Punk; he is on ECW, remember). Kennedy is the best choice to go with in this match, however, since he's the most over wrestler in the match who has not already been a champion.

Winner: Misterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Kennedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! (...Kennedy.)

Ben Boudreau says: I think we're all looking for this match to steal the show. There should be plenty of O's to discuss on Monday morning. I fear that eight men could possibly turn this match into a clusterfuck. If they can avoid that from happening, I predict Mr. Kennedy will be victorious in a match of the year candidate.

Winner: Mr. Kennedy

Battle Of The Billionaires

F'n Frank Fronte says: Umaga showed in his feud with Cena that he is very capable of being involved in good matches. I'm positive this match will be allowed every shortcut to be entertaining. This is the night that Lashley needs to shine and I expect a dominating win over Umaga. Vince goes bald and appears on "Entertainment Tonight" on Monday.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Dan-e-o says: Damn, this match pisses me off. No other match on the card is more predictable. So much has been said about this disaster-waiting-to-happen in the past few weeks that I don't feel it necessary to add any more. Plain and simple, Lashley is going over and Vinnie Mac is getting a haircut.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Big Daddy Donnie says: This just in: I spoke to someone within WWE last night who told me they wouldn't be surprised to see Umaga win the match, and then have Stone Cold tell Trump to take off, as he personally shaves McMahon's head. He did say SOMEONE was getting their head shaved. That being said, I'm going to pick Bibby Lindsay beause I know Vince gets hard ons everytime his music hits.

Winner: Bibby Lindsay

Brian Plunkett says: This whole match is Vince McMahon's idea of a big time match. Which it's not. McMahon is, quite frankly, losing his hair and without gaining any new fans. Hopefully after this match, Umaga will turn face, so I can hear that "My name is..." line again.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Ben Boudreau says: I have little doubt that Bobby Lashley will defeat the previously undefeatable Umaga. Donald Trump is not going to shave his head. Vinnie Mac is definitely going to take one for the team. Please don't let this match end in a powerslam!

Winner: Bobby Lashley

World Heavyweight Champion Batista VS. The Undertaker

F'n Frank Fronte says: The mediocre performance of Batista in his inability to put together convincing promos leads me to think Big Dave is going to be a Big Heel on Sunday. I can only hope this match is allowed to have all the short-cuts including blood and weapons because there is no way a regular match with Batista can be at all decent. The Undertaker will win. To me, with the heel side of "SmackDown!" being so weak, Edge needs to be flipped to that show and start a feud with Undertaker after Sunday.

Winner: The Undertaker

Dan-e-o says: I sincerely care more about this match than any other match at WrestleMania 23. Not because it's gonna be a classic. Hell, it probably won't be that good at all. But I'm literally praying that Taker's WrestleMania win streak does NOT come to an end tonight. At this point, no one deserves to break the streak...let alone one of the worst "talents" in the company. Batista sucks. Period. I could never, in good conscience, predict a Batista victory. Go Undertaker go! PLEASE!!

Winner: The Undertaker

Big Daddy Donnie says: If Batista wins, I'm driving to Stanford and launchin' an RPG (all Grand Theft Auto style) right at WWE Headquarters.

Winner: Better fuckin' be The Undertaker.

Brian Plunkett says: Batista is not going over. Sunday marks 20 years since WrestleMania was in Detroit, but it also marks ten years since Undertaker won the championship at 'Mania. I'm hoping that since McMahon was going for the whole nostalgia thing this year, that all of these signs means that Undertaker is going to go over.

Winner: The Undertaker

Ben Boudreau says: The Undertaker needs to keep his Mania streak in tact. I guess if the E wants 70,000 people to instantly boo Batista out of the building, they could have him go over on Taker. While I don't share the same hatred for Batista as my colleagues, he is not the man to break the streak. I also fear a shmoz ending in the form of a disqualification.

Winner: The Undertaker

WWE Champion John Cena VS. Shawn Michaels

F'n Frank Fronte says: I can't see both Undertaker and Michaels winning this Sunday. A Shawn Michales match at WrestleMania has no choice but to be good, and I absolutely expect Cena to bring his best effort to Ford Field. Cena has the potential to have great matches, and I really expect this to be a higher calibre match then we are used to seeing out of champion. Cena retains and is booed out of Detroit.

Winner: John Cena

Dan-e-o says: Straight up, everytime I think Cena is going to lose his title, he doesn't. With my begging for The Undertaker to become World Champion tonight and hoping that it will be so...I doubt that two major belts will switch hands. And hell, Cena is "unstoppable" right? Just as Triple H did the job last Mania, good ol' HBK will do the same for wack-ass John this year. Ah well.

Winner: John Cena

Big Daddy Donnie says: Screw all you bastards predicting Cena. Cena will hit the FU. Shawn will kick out. Cena will hit Sweet Chin Music. Shawn will kick out. Cena will go for the STFU and Shawn will ask for a mic and say "Honestly, this doesn't hurt".

C'MON WWE! Stop pissin me off! Give us what we want! Give the title to Shawn. AND IF NOT SHAWN...then give it to WHOEVER wins MITB immediately following the main event. PLEASE! ANYONE but Cena. I've seriously had enough. I'm fed up.

Winner: Anybody but John Cena.

Brian Plunkett says: If Michaels and Cena had lost the tag team championship before 'Mania, I would have said Cena will win. It would basically be a repeat of last year's Cena/Triple H match, with the crowd turning on Cena. However, them still being the tag champs gives away that this story is going to continue after Sunday. So, I say Michaels wins the title, Cena wins it back at Backlash. Vanilla John will emerge from this feud still the champ. Since, you know, according to Vince, Cena's the next Hogan. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

Ben Boudreau says: I look at this match as THE main event of 'Mania. Two things could possibly disappoint me about this match. The first is Cena retaining the title. The second is this match not being last on the card.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

8 comments: on "Tha O Show's WrestleMania 23 Predictions"

MISSLE said...

I will give you guys my predicitions. (Haven't posted for awhile and I need to get some sleep as I'm going to Meet the Legends in the morning. lol.)

Benoit vs MVP

I don't see the appeal in MVP, but I'm not stupid enough to say he isn't a star in the making. Benoit can't drop the title in 2 straight WM's. I say Benoit pulls out a great match out of MVP and makes him tap.

Chris Benoit is the winner.

ECW Originals vs New Breed

This one I'm a bit confused on. I expect there to be weapons brought into this at some point, and when that happens the tables come and highspots commense. I really think this angle sucks, but I think the originals will take it for the sole purpose of nostalgia at Wrestlemania.

ECW Originals are the winners.

The Great Khali vs Kane

Hmmm....I know everyone is crapping on this match. (Rightfully so.) I expect one huge spot/big bump in this match to save it. In the end, I'm pretty sure Khali will win and his monster push will continue.

The Great Khali is the winner.

Melina vs Ashley

In all fairness, Ashley does have some popularity right now. But, she has no business being in this match. Expect some sort of sexual thing to occur during this match to save it.

Melina is the winner.

Money in the Bank

This will definately be a huge spot fest. I would say that the safe bet is on Mr. Kennedy to win this match. HOWEVER, as we all know all superstars will be on every show now so CM Punk winning could be a possibility for a shocker. But, I really believe the man weighing in at 243 lbs from Green Bay, Wisconsin will take it. (He's had the defeat of 8 World Champions in the past year gimmick for awhile now)

Mr. Kennedy is the winner.

Battle of the Billionaires

Okay, no one is convinced that Vince will win this match but I honestly believe he will. I believe Trump is getting his head shaved since the media would be HUGE all over Trump without his trademark combover or whatever the hell he has on his head. This will be a shocker and some sort of screwjob ending with Lashley still looking strong in the end. Trump isn't a face anyway, so I can't see him getting a monster pop.

Trump is getting shaved....(mark my words)

Batista vs Undertaker

Honestly, this should be the main event. The hell with Cena and Michaels. I guarantee the Undertaker will pull out the best match of Batista's career, before he tombstones his head into the canvas. To me, this is a sleeper match. No one is expecting much from Batista, but this will be better than people expect. Undertaker is unbelievably over right now, and this will further cement his legacy as one of the greatest superstars in the history of the business. We will all be marks again when he walks out with the belt.

Undertaker continues the streak and becomes the World Heavyweight Champion.

John Cena vs Shawn Michaels

I honestly don't like either, however I respect great athletes and there aren't many better than HBK. Shawn Michaels is everything JR puts him over to be on commentary....a big time performer. He is going to make Cena's career at Wrestlemania, no question about it. Michaels is terribly over as well and I see no reason why he should lose. Honestly, it wasn't even in the plans for him to be in WM. (We all know HHH was gonna be in that spot) To me, this is one instance where the WWE listened to the fans. He deserves to be there. In my opinion, he deserves the title this time as well. If Cena wins this match, it will be huge for his career. HHH last year, HBK this year?? Hmmm....I'm going with HBK for nostalgia.

Shawn Michaels becomes the WWE Champion.

That's all folks.


Unknown said...

I didn't say that all the MITB challengers deserved to be champions, just that they all could be believable for one title match so long as they didn't win and didn't get another shot.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

If you're only believable for one match with no shot at a re-match, are you believable?

Tim Haught said...

My Winner Predictions:

New Breed (Burke gets the fall)
Melina (the lumberjill stip rules out my other predictions like an Ashley countout or dq win)
Edge (but Kennedy will be put over hard)
John Cena

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling the Battle of the Billionaires ends in neither getting shaved...

Anonymous said...

i call trump getting a hair cut..just cause nobody would expect it...hey i'm bald and sexy, whats the big deal

Anonymous said...

D.J.B's predictions

MVP vs. Benoit: MVP will go over, because that's what needs to happen. At least, I guess thats what needs to happen, I still don't see it but with 75% of the world eating out of MVP's ass-crack it'll happen.
Winner MVP

Kane vs. Khali: Kane really needs to go over, all to put over Mark Henry before his next big injury. Khali is I hear going to be in this match too.
Winner Kane

Melina vs. Ashley: Wait, I had to take a piss.
Winner My bladder

Originals vs. New Breed: I'll make a quick wardrobe change into a circa 1997 ECW shirt for this one, only to have my heart crushed as they make the originals look like crap, and give Burke the rub. It should only be Burke in this match. As much as he impresses me, I don't think that he should be the highlight of a team.
Winner New Breed.

Battle of the Billionaires: Stone Cold will be there.
Winner My stomach from the nacho's and cheeseburger not in that order I will consume while not giving two squirts of the shit I'm about to take.

Money in the Bank: 8 good workers and while I don't understand the shit everyone gives the Hardys I'll let it go for now, because this match will steal the show, and will not be a clusterfuck, because with the great workers and O spot makers this match may go down as one of the better Mania outings ever. While neither Punk, Hardys, Booker, or Finlay have a shot, I still think the winner will be a shocker.
Winner Edge

World Heavyweight Championship Roidtista vs. Taker: I may be too terrified to watch, because I honestly don't believe that Taker is going to go over.
Winner nobody at all, because Batista will get a win

WWE Championship John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels: Michaels may pull a great match out of Cena who knows. Michaels will "cement" Cena's status as #1 and give him the rub sadly.
Winner John Cena

Anonymous said...

3/8 screw this years Mania. 4 magical moments. Benoit, Taker, Kennedy, and the piss I took for all 3 minutes and change of the Ashley-Melina match. Caught the end though, and was it just me or should the referee have not been counting yet?