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The Late Doug Gentry

Editor's Note: This column, written by ECW's Lou E. Dangerously is dedicated to Doug Gentry, one of the central figures behind RF Video and Ring Of Honor wrestling. Gentry died yesterday at the age of 34 due to complications from a bacterial infection in his heart. In addition to Lou's comments, all of us at Tha O Show wish our deepest sympathies to the Gentry family.

I found out today that Doug Gentry passed away earlier this morning. As everyone who knew him, I am floored. I haven't talked to Doug in a few years however that didn't matter with him. He was a very loyal person to his friends.

He was the kind of guy you didn't need to talk to all the time to know he was there if you needed him. The last time I saw him I believe was right around the time I worked my last show for PWF (Corino's fed) in March of 2003. So it's been awhile. However, when someone you know to be a good person passes, it still affects you.

I met Doug in 1993 when I started following Eastern Championship Wrestling. I met him at the same time I met Gabe Sapolsky, Rob Feinstein, Eric Gargiulo, John Clark, and others all at the historic ECW Arena. Wrestling was a dream for all of us then. Who would know what was to come for us in the years ahead.

We all followed each other and what we ended up doing. Gabe to go on to book ROH, Rob starting with RF Video and then to the 7-11 gimmick to the start of ROH, Eric who ended up announcing for several groups including ECW, and John Clark who does the sports for NBC 10 in Philadelphia. Doug made it to the ring before any of us doing the New Jersey Devil gimmick and getting choke slammed by 911.

Eventually he would go on to utilize the many relationships he created, because he was such a nice guy, to end up being very successful on the business end of professional wrestling. He did so much behind the scenes for so many people.

My heart goes out to his friends and family. This is truly a very sad time for many people. I am shocked.


1 comments: on "The Late Doug Gentry"

Anonymous said...

People don't realize he was a great behind the scenes man, he helped build RF and he took over ROH when Feinstein finally got busted that stupid piece of crap.