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nWo and Age Spots

I am proud to announce that tonight I picked up the McMahon DVD for $20 at FYE, so I will be bringing the feedback once I get around to seeing it.

Nothing is better than a $30 DVD you wanted being on sale. ***

The rumors are swirling that Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, both 47, are being talked about for a much-heralded WWE return. Why? Because VKM loves the special sauce. And NOBODY...and I mean NOBODY brings the special sauce like Scott Hall.

Well, that...and to feud with DeGeneration X, of course.

Well, let's hope so anyway.

Because if not, I don't feel like hearing Nash tear down the WWE roster like he did the X Division over in TNA. I mean, Chris Masters is so detoxed he's practically a cruiserweight. If Nash had a problem with Vanilla Midgets like Sabin, what the hell would he say the first time he's put in the ring with the man who masterlocks our interest and zips it away in an airtight bag?

We are talking about the main event spot on Raw. We aren't talking about any spot dog spot chicken spot liver spot. But MY SPOT. My main event spot. And Nash and Hall are supposedly taking it away.

I'm not buying it.

But that doesn't mean Vince won't. Especially if he can get a great deal like I did.


On to the 'ol reader messages:

Anonymous said...
yo u better be good bro
theres 2 stories about u on the main page already! EVEN ANGLE DIDNT GET THAT!

Enough with the hello how about some f***** controversial s*** coming from your keyboard?

Well, anonymous, thanks for the feedback. You will be excited to see when you leave the bar, grab your bag of doritos, and hop on the computer at 3 AM that there are now, in fact, three posts dedicated to Brady Hicks. All this hype I only hope I can live up to...

6 comments: on "nWo and Age Spots"

Anonymous said...

Well aside from my very extreme displeasure towards FYE (my former employer), the McMahon dvd is a decent view.

As for the nWo...why keep beating a dead horse? Sure it would be something that would bring in the quick draw, but it'll have no longevity and will be about as useful as the current DX/McMahon fued going on. The only good thing I can see to come out of this is the fact that it's an angle that people have been wanting to see since both DX and the nWo were running around at the same time on both Raw and Nitro respectively.

Then there's the issue of both the reliability of Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. While most people would be able to trust Nash on some level, I wouldn't trust Scott Hall any further than I could throw him...and that's not very far.

Yes. I said it. Scott Hall is about as reliable as the crackhead that someone's mom lent a car to. The one thing I didn't say is that I was a mark for Hall, and I still am. Which is why i'm always dissapointed by his shortcomings. Of course we're all human and we all have our faults, God knows I do, but Hall just takes it to a new level. He's had more chances than Clinton has had blowjobs and he keeps fucking them up.

Me personally, I would just bring Nash back. Hall is just too unreliable. But he'll always be the best big man to never win a world title.

Anonymous said...

You guys may be surprised by this but I actually think a DX vs. NWO rivalry works. Not only does it appease the monday night war-era fan, but the klik aspect adds interest for internet fans.

But to be honest I think it works on a much more cynical level. DX is comprised of Shawn Michaels and HHH, two athletic, future hall-of-famers with an ass-load of titles between them. Really what other tag teams are established and legitimate enough to take them on?

1. The McMahons? Lets remember, neither of them are wrestlers. Shane-O does some cool moves borrowed from RVD and both can take a serious ass whoopin' but come on, that does not make serious competition.

2. A horde of male cheerleaders? Sure they've got believable athleticism and youth, but for-crying-out-loud, theyre male cheerleaders! Not to mention, not one of them has 1/18th the legitimacy built up of either HHH or Michaels.

3. Big Show?
Okay finally some decent competition. Laugh all you want, but he's got legitimacy, earned in my opinion, after an excellent 3 way rivalry with Angle and Lesnar. He's won titles everywhere he's been and he's been in the public eye for years. But he's one guy! One big guy, but really NO ONE should be able to beat two of the best ever.

The WWE is building up Tag Teams, but we all know the beatings a normal Tag Team takes from a dream team like this. And really, who cares to see DX take on Cade and Murdoch?

The only legit challenges to a super team like DX is 1. upstart organizations (and frankly the spirit squad doesn't count) 2. established tag teams (I wonder where the Dudley's ran off too?) and 3. other super teams. (WWE's talent is spread so thin, good luck on that one)

So the WWE's only choice if they want to keep DX interesting is to bring in established super groups, with legitimacy: NWO.

While NWO was written TERRIBLY by the WWE last time, it could be fairly interesting now. Somehow, I suspect the WWE will write it poorly, the angle will continue until a minor ppv match, then after being beaten NWO will have nothing to do and fade away forever.

Personally Id make it like a huge tit-for-tat battle. After NWO eventually loses, have them fade away rather quickly. Give them a 3 month hiatus then invade ECW, lead by none other than Eric Biscoff. You want heat? You want legitimate animosity? NWO in ECW. Turn Heyman into a face again, fighting against the old guard of WCW/WWE's influence in a battle to preserve EXTREME. Give Bischoff an evil masterplan to usurp Heyman's control of ECW, in order to revive his own program and create: WECW.

Anonymous said...

baron you should get hired at wwe creative control good shit 2 kudos ~kc starr~

Big Daddy Donnie said...

nice article Brady... keep it up...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the koudos anonymous (btw you really need a name: May I suggest Sexton Hardcastle) and watch-- of COURSE id love to see NWO vs DX, as opposed to the cavalcade of rejects DX has disposed of thus far. Plus the match ups are great in NWO/DX. You can honestly get 4 weeks of singles matches and a ton of great unscheduled brawls and tag matches. As odd as this sounds, Id like to see them in a falls-count-anywhere tornado tag match. (you dont see many of those)

Anonymous said...

My idea would be to have DX and the NWO not only fueding with themselves, but fueding with the McMahons too. That would add a new twist on things. McMahons have had a lot of fueds, but never have they had one like DX vs NWO vs McMahons. That would be an interesting twist. Also, they need to unseparate the SmackDown and Raw shows and combine them once again. It's annoying have two "totally different" shows. They need to mingle more together and it would rock to see the NWO and DX fight it back and forth on SmackDown and Raw. That would actually make me watch SmackDown for once. To make the NWO work, you need to have Hall & Nash. Sean Waltman could be an odd player, since he was in both groups. He could start in DX and defect to the NWO or vice versa. I smell like we are on the verge of a new era with Stables and Tag Teams which have been dwindling in the past few years. This could rock if it happens. I'm dying to see more tag teams like the HighLanders.