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Hicks joins Tha Show

Tha O Show continues to grow! We are proud to announce that respected wrestling journalist Brady Hicks has joined our staff.

Brady is a native of Philadelphia, PA and a life long wrestling fan.

His controversial column in the early-to-mid-2000s was syndicated on several major wrestling sites, including and

Brady is also a regular writer for several of the best selling wrestling magazines available at the newstand. You can read his work in Pro Wrestling Illustrated as well as Inside Wrestling, and The Wrestler.

Brady is happy to be sharing all of that experience in this industry with you, tha O-Sters, our loyal supporters.

Brady's column will appear weekly right here on
Please join me in officially welcoming him to the site by dropping a comment below.

Brady Hicks can be reached via his personal web site.

7 comments: on "Hicks joins Tha Show"

Anonymous said...

Hey, I read an article you wrote about Shawn Michaels. It was really good. Tha O Show is the top wrestling site right now, and someone as talented as you should be here! Good move joining with Dan-e-o and Big Daddy.

bradyhicks said...


bradyhicks said...

again, thanks.
The support shown to me has been amazing.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the fold brother Hicks

Anonymous said...

Yes....your move to here will please the Emperor.

Sorry, someone made a Star Trek reference on here a while so I had to use a Star Wars.

Anonymous said...

yo u better be good bro
theres 2 stories about u on the main page already! EVEN ANGLE DIDNT GET THAT!

Enough with the hello how about some fuckin controversial shit coming from your keyboard?

Dan-e-o said...

Welcome to Tha Show Brady!