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Triple R: Random Raw Realizations

Just a couple of short weeks ago, posted this picture on their website. It was noted that the WWE headquarters had been vandalized and that an investigation was underway to discover who was responsible for the dirty work. This, however, was NEVER mentioned on TV...until tonight.

How dumb. How would DX even get their logo (perfect each and every time without variation by the way) painted on the side of a building that big? Why am I even dedicating time to mentioning this? Like most O-sters, I thought DX would move on to other things after SummerSlam...guess we were wrong.

Sadly, we're stuck with more chicanery (another word I never thought I'd use in an article) and unrealisticness (a word I think I just made up). The back axle of the McMahon limo being pulled out from underneath it at the end of "Raw" however, was actually worthy of an "O". Wasn't quite expecting that...looked cool.

I also liked the Melina heel-turn. Such turns don't happen as often as they used to anymore. Complete blindsidedness...not sure where this storyline is going...but I like the fact that I was surprised by it tonight.

Also feelin' the development of some new feuds. Orton and Carlito...I especially like Orton calling out Carlito's entire gimmick out and dissing his absence from the SummerSlam PPV. I wanted realism...and got it in that backstage segment when they had their confrontation.

Umaga and Kane too...not that I like watching either of these guys in action...but it's about time they put Umaga in a feud with someone who may actually be a challenge.

No Layla on "Raw" this week...but I thought I'd just thank WWE again for letting me see her ass this past Sunday. Yeah baby!

It's no secret that I'm no fan of John Cena...but his movie trailer doesn't look half-bad. Don't expect me to be in any line ups to watch it...but I'm just giving credit where credit is due. Ah screw it, I hope it bombs.

I'm really hoping that Jeff Hardy experiences the push I THINK he may be getting. Throwing him in the mix with Edge right of the bat suggests that Jeff will, if not put in the title picture, get some sort of top billing. He's more than deserving based on his in-ring abilities and history in the company. A major push with the champion and other top superstars is what SHOULD have happened with his brother Matt upon his return to the "E"...let's hope they don't screw up Jeff Hardy's resurgence before it gets off the ground.

6 comments: on "Triple R: Random Raw Realizations"

Tim Haught said...

DX are the masters of vandalism...

Funny, I remember the NWO using a lot of spray paint, but don't remember it being a big facet of DX. Well, they adopted it and have done much better with it than the NWO ever did. I mean, when did Goldberg's back ever get the exact t-shirt logo? Never, that's when.

Melina was already a heel. What she did last night was an even-more-heel turn. I thought it was pretty visible from a mile away, personally.

Orton's "shoot" comments were pretty cool, but I think his Raw stint has been pretty lackluster. I know we have some hardcore Orton marks on the O Show, but I think Orton's final comment to Carlito about showing him respect was nonsensical... I like Orton, but he's not what some make him out to be.

I like how the second rope spike of Umage ruptured something in Kane's throat. I didn't like how long after that we just watched him suffer.

When Layla is in playboy, call me. Til then, I don't give a shit.

I think Cena has been money since he's lost the belt.

As far as Jeff Hardy goes, Jeff Hardy sucks. I hope he gets shuffled back into the midcard feuding with Johnny Nitro, gets pissed off, and goes to form another shitty band. He looks like a moron, acts like a moron, and is a moron. The Hardys suck.

Anonymous said...

As much as I rag on Jeff Hardy, I thought his "match" against Edge on Raw was pretty solid for the most part. If he stays clean and doesn't fuck up, I think he'll do fine. I am glad though that it appears (for now) that he's clean and sober. Definetly a plus and no one can dog him for that.

For that DX logo beign there two weeks ago and it "magically" just have been put there Monday night, that must be some damn good pain. I mean, most paints fade over time in conditions like that. Not to mention it was uniform with the new DX logo. And the plane? That was pretty good as well. Shit...the hell am I thinking? They probably did the plane as well at the same time.

As for tonight....I know there was some bikin contest on ECW, but Torrie Wilson? Damn, at least bring Francine on the fucking telly at least once before you cut her. Goddamn!

CM Punk and Christopher W. Anderson (that just sounds fucking gay) had a phenomenal match. I thought it was very sound and well rounded. It was also nice to see CW on tv finally.

I'm also glad to see Hardcore Holly back. Not necessarily in ECW (as he would've fit in ECW back in the day) but because his career was nearly ended with the staph infection he had. It's gonna be sad that most of the fans are gonna rag on him since they probably don't know why he's been off tv for such a long time. Glad to see ya back Holly.

That's it for now. I'm currently out of town getting my father ready for his move to Germany. The internet at his house will be cut off Friday. So if I don't get any messages in before I return home Sunday night, you guys take it easy.

Oh yeah...UFC 62 is Saturday. I plan to watch it. I might even do an article about it. That said..i'll give a few quick predicitons on the fights I know about.

Liddell vs Sobral: Liddell wins within 3 minutes and some odd seconds of the third round by knock-out. It will not be a walk in the park for Chuck however. Sobral will catch him in some sticky situations but fail to capitalize on them.

Bonnar vs Griffin: I just see this as being the slugfest that everyone hoped that Ortiz/Shamrock 2 would've been. This will probably be the best fight on the card just on action alone. I'd like to see Bonnar win, but I think Griffin takes it in the second round. Bonnar's only hope is to either submit Forrest or let it go to the time limit and get a decision.

Dan-e-o said...

how did i forget to mention the new spinner belt??? that was almost the main point of my article and i forgot it completely. i marked out when i heard edge was dispensing of the title a la The Rock...but disappointed to see his belt still have the same design...

either way...anyone with an ECW article send it to ASAP

thanks guys

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I'm bringing this sign to the front row of Unforgiven:

"I hate belts that spin"

Anonymous said...

I wasnt as impressed with RAW as most of you seem to be. In fact, I was disgusted by RAW this week.

Now if this were a Smackdown, I wouldn't have cared as much, but this is RAW, this is the A show, and my expectations for it are higher.

First off, I loved the Edge bit. He's got the makings of an incredible heal for years to come. He's hip, his name fits his persona, he's got a hot babe and a belt and he's still not happy. He even heckles children! The man is GOLD!

But thats the only good thing I have to say about it. The rest was an unforgivable montage of McMahon. They should simply change the show to be called MONDAY NIGHT MCMAHON... sure it's not clever, but neither is recasting a popular Stone Cold rivalry and plotline. (And not for the first time either, this plot has been played out to varying degrees by Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, and Hulk Hogan over the past 4-or-so years, and it was NEVER the same)

On their flagship show-- On the Gold standard of televised wrestling shows-- On the iconic WWE telecast-- With the most talented and experienced roster in the company's portfolio-- With big names and rising stars alike-- One day removed from a major PPV-- WHAT DID WWE DO? WHAT IN GOD'S NAME DID THEY DO? THEY GAVE THEIR CHAIRMAN, A NONWRESTLER, AS MUCH AIR TIME AS EVERY OTHER WRESTLER COMBINED! I counted 8 McMahon spots, appearances, and nonsensical ramblings BEFORE i shut it off. And God help the midcarder trying to work his way up or the diva trying to legitimize her craft --- ALL OF WHICH were talked through by the King and Good Ole JR about THE MCMAHONS!

If any wrestler was as talented at their craft as Vince, they'd be lucky to even job to Umaga.

We get it Vince, you've got more money than god and can do whatever the hell you want to. Whether its deligitimizing ECW at every turn, shortchanging smackdown with substandard plots, beating up God or being the father of your own granddaughter, you can do it and no one will do anything but BITCH about it. Well I for one am done with this crappy programming. I love Mic Foley, Carlito, Edge, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, HHH, Nitro, Shelton Benjamin, and hell even Randy fricken' Orton, but I will not watch this (expletive deleted) until either WRESTLING returns to sports "entertainment" OR sports entertainment becomes entertaining again. Message me when WRESTLING returns to TV.

Anonymous said...

im with ya baron ~kc starr~