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Thursday's Thoughts

I recently watched Summerslam 92 on WWE 24/7. Sure, the prevailing memory is Bret versus Bulldog in front of that Wembley Stadium crowd, but something else stood out to me. The number of really credible tag teams. Remember, this was during an era where many people were unhappy with the tag team situation. Back in 92, you had The Natural Disasters as tag champs, Money Inc, Nasty Boys, The Beverly Brothers, The Legion Of Doom, The New Hart Foundation, The Orient Express, The Bushwhackers, and The Headshrinkers.

Today, we have London and Kendrick (the guys who have a gimmick, but no one seems quite sure what it is), The Spirit Squad (a b.s. Tag Team of 5 guys), The Pitbulls, The Highlanders, and a few other thrown together teams. All this and we have two sets of tag titles on two brands? Oy.

Hulk Hogan was recently on his favorite radio show, Bubba the Love Sponge. The Hulkster nearly broke down into tears when he found out that Bubba's listeners had voted daughter Brooke's lame ass music video No. 4 on VH-1's charts. Hogan discussed how he had invested so much money and emotion into Brooke's career. Lemme tell ya somethin' brother... if you want a musical investment that's gonna pay off – cut the tether with Brooke (she can help Uncle Jimmy Hart write wrestling themes for some indy company) and sink some dough into my boy Dan-e-o. Now, THERE'S an investment. P.S. Hulkster, he takes pretty decent bumps!

Former wrestler Chris Jericho will be one of the contestants on Simon Cowell's new show, 'Celebrity Duets'. He'll be paired with another B-lister to rock off karaoke style. I'll set my VCR now.

Some comings and goings to note:

Hacksaw Duggan has finally been added to the Raw Superstars page on He's had a full time contract for sometime now, so I'm not sure what the hold up was. Just Michael Cole and his crack staff on the ball again.

Sean O'Haire has been calling the WWE looking for work, but hasn't received any phone calls back.

Jimmy Wang Yang (real name James Yun / Yun Yang) will make his Smackdown re-debut tomorrow. He had a stint in the WWE as Akio and was a Velocity regular. Now, using his hilarious cowboy gimmick, Jimmy Yang may finally get the push he deserves.

2 Cold Scorpio worked a dark match for Smackdown this week. Here's a guy who was in the WWE before (as Flash Funk) and unfortunately was just another victim of the WWE gimmick machine gone wrong. He was a part of many classic moments in ECW, and if there is talk of bringin him back into the fold, I'm surpised it wouldn't immediately be as a member of that brand. We'll see.

Speaking of people on the ECW brand; it seems several ECW originals that are on the current roster are in danger of being released. Among them: Francine, CW Anderson, Tony Mamaluke, Jazz, Stevie Richards and Al Snow. The belief is that Richards would head to OVW to assist with training, and Snow (respected by anyone who's anyone in this business) would receive an office position. Francine has barely been visible as a member of this new brand. One of the telling signs that she is on the outs, is that the company decided to use Torrie Wilson this week for the bikini contest instead of Franny. Personally, I think this is ridiculous. Francine is a major assest to any company. Hell if she gets cut, she's got a job here at Tha "O" Show.

BG James and Kip James were both contacted on the weekend (by friends on the WWE roster) about returning for a run in DX. As The Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, these two were a major part of DX, and did a lot more for it than Shawn Michaels did. Remember, HBK's stay was short as he had to go have his back surgery, and retire for five years. Remember that? The James Gang are under contract to TNA and aren't going anywhere.

3 comments: on "Thursday's Thoughts"

Anonymous said...

Matt Striker, Renee Dupree, Hardcore Holly, Shannon Moore man it just seems like the wwe is just tossing all these guys to Ecw and pretty much say "Now cut a stupid 2 min promo." They seriously need more titles there and maybe some more air time

Anonymous said...

Im not as upset about Holly going to ECW as the rest of you seem to be. What ECW needs is a veteran that the top brass is willing to let win instead of a bunch of young upstart losers. Im sorry but if the powers that be want to establish these new guys at the expense of their existing stars, they have another thing coming. The fate of ECW doesn't rest on the shoulders of Test, Mike Knox, Matt Striker, or Rene Dupree. ECW doesnt have a forceable future beyond the guys they have Jobbing every week -- Dreamer. Sandman. and Sabu. (I know I left out RVD and CM Punk who actually could lead the company into the future... but that totally ruins my point!)

Also the tag title dilemma has a suprisingly simple solution, unify them titles and make it a broadcast neutral property, wherein any tag team from any show could win it. Just plan the matches in advance so that the tag champs schedules wouldnt be insane. Easy as pie. It adds intrigue and interest in the belts and would allow for the creation of a few teams on each show that could matter. Not to mention it would help 3 stagnating rosters infuse new rivalries without the need to bring in new wrestlers. Voila! problem solved.

Also as a side note a guy I used to manage back in the day was trained by Al Snow, he said he was a class act, but that he was a demanding trainer. I guess he tightened the ring so that the bumps hurt even more!

Anonymous said...

is it just me or did holly look sick ? i trained under al in the uk great guy he did stuff ill never uderstand he put clear wrap around the tolits so youd piss on yourself
i like the idea of unifacation bvelts
~kc starr~