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Is Tag-Team Wrestling Making A Comeback?

Dare I say it? Perhaps it's just wishful thinking or maybe more of a hope than a reality, but I think tag-team wrestling just might be making a comeback in WWE! Now don't get me wrong, I know the days of having legitimate tag-teams like The Killer Bees, The Hart Foundation, The British Bulldogs, The Road Warriors, The Rockers, Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff, Strike Force, The Can-Am Connection and The Dream Team (you get my drift) are gone. But can it return?

I remember when a tag-team, in and of itself, was the attraction. The concept of having a unit that performed together and needed each other to be stars was huge.

Tag-teams were also used to catapult at least one of those stars to superstardom (a la Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels). This concept, however, seemed to have been abandoned in recent years...until now (I think).

It's been a while since a tag-team was introduced as a tag-team in opposed to being thrown together at a later date. Now, things aren't perfect, but I think they're trying.

MNM debuted as a team not long ago, grabbed the titles, had a decent run and then split up (in all fairness, Joey Mercury's 'personal demons' cut their run short). But now Johnny Nitro's the new IC champ, so the old-school philosophy seems to be rearing its head.

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch were also introduced as a tag-team...and they went where exactly? So maybe I'm just looking into this too much.

Mexicools...same thing.

However...take a look at what WWE has done with tag-teams over the past couple of months:

Jamie Noble and Kid Kash. Two dope wrestlers...seemingly no direction. Now usually, I'd shit on throwing together two guys going nowhere (Val Venis and Viscera, Matt Striker and Rob Conway...), but in this case, repackaging these two talents (and they are talented) with a new name (an old name actually, but still) and having them wear matching ring attire pays proper homage to the concept of a tag-team. This too could have gone somewhere if not for Kid Kash's suspension. Let's see what happens...

A couple of Cambridge boys (as confirmed by one, Big Daddy Donnie) repackaged as Scots make their way to WWE in search of tag-team gold. For the record, I'm glad they haven't won the titles yet...not just because they haven't been all that impressive but I miss the days where competitors CHASED the title.

The drama was built over months of trying but not when they actually DID win the titles, it would have been both more rewarding and more importantly, it shone the tag-titles in a more prestigious light. Introducing these superstars as a tag-team will hopefully add to the idea that acheiving tag-team championship status is a major accomplishment.

These two represent the real meat of this article. By that, I mean that I think the current WWE tag champs are bringing back what tag-team wrestling is all about: Quick tags, neutralizing your opponent by keeping him in your corner and having a myriad of moves that are required to be performed by BOTH team members!

Don't you hate when a tag-team gets a win (in a non-PPV, extenuating circumstance situation) when only one guy delivers his finisher? What's the point of having a partner if you can't double team your opponent for a Hart Attack, Doomsday Device or Dudley Death Drop?

As shown on last week's "SmackDown!", London and Kendrick have excellent chemistry. Have the ability to be both mat technicians AND high-flyers and don't even need much of a gimmick to get over. Now, I admit I wish there was SOME sort of explanation for the weirdo theatre masks they wear to the ring...but their performances allow for the mystery to slide.

In addition, their tag-teaming prowess allows for two legitimate wrestlers to shine in a company that would otherwise designate them to singles competition during dark matches.

First off, let me say that I hate it when a brand new tag-team is already embroiled in a feud with the tag champs. As mentioned earlier, WWE needs to revisit the concept of the 'chase'...and the concept of 'earning' your shot by climbing up through the tag-team ranks. However, these guys wreak of 'old school' wrestling. I don't even mind that they don't have a tag-team name yet. They look like two dudes who could have taken a time machine to 2006 from the 80's.

Unlike conventional tag-teams these guys wear different tights and had no character build-up. I'm not sure where they're going with these two, so under normal circumstances, I'd be dissing their introduction to the audience.

I mean, why are we seeing vignettes of some arrogant, braided-up, blingin' brother tryin' to get a contract from Teddy Long while the on-screen talent hasn't spoken a word yet? In this specific case, I think I actually have an answer.

James and Stevens don't need 'characters'. They're wrestlers. And TAG wrestlers at that! Old school, just like I said. The fact that we know that they are a team and they are in the "E" to win the double straps is all we need.

I hope they actually have a good feud with London and Kendrick, among others, before getting the straps. Allow the audience to feel as if they deserve it or AT LEAST have them around long enough for them to 'discover' the right ways to cheat in order to win gold at the WWE level.

I think they pulled this type of win off way too early last week on "SmackDown!" but also I think I like where the tag-team scene is going...I hope I'm not speaking too early.

6 comments: on "Is Tag-Team Wrestling Making A Comeback?"

Anonymous said...

The best teams that you mentioned are indeed London/Kendrick and James/Idol.

I'm a big mark for the matches that Paul London and Brian Kendrick had in ROH.

KC James and Idol Stevens just have that "throwback" style associated with them. Possibly because James has a eerie resemblance to "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton.

I'd love to see decent tag team wrestling again...emphasis on "decent". Not this crap of Striker/Conway or Viscera/Venis that's been thrown together at the last possible minute.

As far as that one person in the tag team that always gets the big singles push...out of this new bunch that are still tagging, Ken Doane appears to be in place for the aforementioned singles push. He's got the looks, the skills on the mic, the skills in the ring, he's just got it.

Then you have those teams that are broken up to give both a singles run, but ultimately put back together. First team that comes to mind is Cade & Murdoch. One would've thought that coming in, they would've given the pair a good push due to the pair carrying the Murdoch name (even though Trevor got it because of a resemblence to Dick Murdoch). Nope, they had a two month reign as champs and defended the belts as much as Hogan did the WCW heavyweight strap.

Let's all hope that the tag division gets it's fair shake for the first time in a while.

Tim Haught said...

Tag Team Wrestling is on Life Support...

It's great that WWE is convincing some that they are taking interest in reestablishing tag teams, but they haven't convinced me...

Case in point? The Bashams...

The Bashams were a sweet team, brought in, given the tag gold, then dropped into obscurity. Soon perhaps they will reappear in ECW...

Case in point? La Resistance...

Two different pairs, Rene Dupree and Sylvan Grenier, and Sylvan and Rob Conway, broken up so that the talent can pursue singles aspirations.

I guess once you reach the tag belts, there isn't much more to accomplish as a team...

But the problem is, teams get the tag belts almost immediately upon their formation. It's like you say, there is no chase...

Murdoch and Cade won them almost immediately, then after they lost them were split up. did a cool little article about how they realized they were the most successful together when they were paired again, but the initial idea was to push Murdoch towards the IC title.

WWE is very short sighted when it comes to tag teams, which is ridiculous, because they have had plenty of workers who could use the seasoning that tag wrestling for a while would have given.

Gunner Scott and Chris Benoit could have had a long tag title reign. Now Scott is off the main roster. That time with Benoit in tag matches would have given him time to become something.

Bret Hart was on the verge of getting released before he and the Anvil teamed up. How far would Shawn have gone if brought in as a singles wrestler... Probably not very. He needed the time and experience of being a tag wrestler to prepare him. He also needed the heat generated when the team broke up.

Snitsky and Tomko could have been a new team in the vein of the Powers of Pain or Skyscrapers. Now Tomko is gone and Snitsky is with Val Venis. How does that make sense?

Viscera and Charlie Haas? Why, cause Charlie knocked Lillian off the mat?

And still, I prefer these makeshift teams to makeshift star teams. They are trying to find something for these guys to do.

That's much better than Rey & RVD, RVD & Booker, Edge & Benoit, or whoever else winning the tag belts. Only one thing bothers me more than two singles wrestlers coming together to embarass established tag teams.

One single wrestler embarassing established tag teams. The Rock defeating both Dudleyz in a Tables Match?

That type of stuff happens often in the WWE. Had Kane and Big Show stayed together, their dominance would have been a good chance to breed some teams without the belts having to be in the picture. Right now, every time a new team is introduced, they go straight for the champs. They either win them, lose them, and break up, or they lose and dissapear.

The belts are never featured. They don't Main Event free tv, and they seldom make PPV. Despite two real feuds for tag belts, neither one will be decided at Summerslam.

And now they are talking about breaking up the Spirit Squad...

Imagine if the WWE had broken up the New Age Outlaws after their first title reign... After all, they were just two crap guys thrown together. They caught lightning in a bottle once, and if they don't see the same flare, they immediately split the team up and look to do something else.

The WWE is looking for Attitude Vol. 2. This is why John Cena becomes more like Steve Austin, every other babyface champ becomes The Rock, and Tag Teams can't last.

A lot of people shit on the New Legion of Doom, but hell, it got Animal a payday and got Heidenreich something to do that was over. They released Heidenreich and repackaged Animal as the gay biker from the Village People. They could have had a real tag team for KC James and Idol Stevens to go over en route to London and Kendrick.

It's not impressive to dominate the tag division, because every new team that appears does. When there is a tag team feud, all other teams are off TV, much like the Women's and Cruiserweight Divisions.

I thought the reason for breaking up the Mexicools was to move Super Crazy to ECW. I was wrong. There was no reason. So what the hell are the two of them doing? Absolutely nothing.

When writers need filler for their shows, they break up a tag team. However, these tag teams aren't well enough established that their feuds even make a PPV. How did they blow off the Mexicools break up? It certainly wasn't on PPV. It wasn't even an extended feud on TV.

I am certainly not convinced that introducing tag teams renews a commitment to tag team wrestling. If tag team wresting is alive anywhere, it's on TNA.

WWE has so many developmental guys that would benefit from starting in a tag team. They have so many guys with absolutely nothing to do that could be put together in a way that makes sense.

However the only real tag team feud in years has been McMahons vs. DX, neither of which will still be together by this time next year.

WWE is like MTV. Despite what you want to see, they can get over what they want to get over. WWE does not want to get tag team wrestling over.

Anonymous said...

But the Bashams are back. They're called Paul Heyman's "security force". Hahaha!

Anonymous said...

kc james lol old school is him all the way he trained with me in nawf "chicago" rockin randys promotion he is the biggest fan of old school. then he went to iwa purto rico was champ last time i saw him but he trained with me and his idol is mr first ever o-show podcast and mr oldskool steve corino ~kc starr~

Big Daddy Donnie said...

i'm BEGGGIN the WWE to put the tag division on ONE FREAKIN SHOW and have ONE set of belts

Tim Haught said...

Bushwhackers meet Headbangers...

Would that make them Bushbangers?