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Dear Layla...

Dear Layla,

God, you're fine. I mean damn, you're one of the sexiest things I've ever seen on television ever. Seriously, you're giving my girl, Kristal over on "SmackDown!", a run for her money. You're so dope, you're actually making me risk serious ridicule for dedicating an entire "O" Show article to you baby. Do you understand what this means?

You're actually so gorgeous and sexy, I don't want you to win the 2006 WWE Diva Search this Wednesday. Yep, I said it. I hope you're NOT chosen as the winner!

You see, this would allow for you to free up your time and come to Toronto to begin carrying my child. Forget the quarter million dollars girl, it's time you become the new Mrs. Faraldo! It's true. I love you, Layla.

You're so unbelievably beautiful that you're making me neglect the fact that SummerSlam, WWE's second biggest pay-per-view of the year is this Sunday. I'm not even going to mention how much I'm looking forward to the "I Quit" match between Ric Flair and Mick Foley. I've been writing in recent weeks that these two superstars are among the best ever at cutting promos - one of the main components to creating excitement over an impending match.

As well, it only heightens my eagerness that there is legitimate heat between these two competitors as has been outlined in their promos and literary works. Considering that this is an "I Quit" match and the fact that, as Foley mentioned on "Raw", Flair is an 'easy bleeder', I expect a lot of gruesome O's to transpire in this bout. It's always dope when there's a long build-up to a match - giving it greater importance than most others - as this isn't done a whole lot anymore. Flair have Foley have been able to accomplish this brillantly over the past couple of months. The match should be sick.

But like I said, I'm not even gonna mention that.

You proved how amazing you are last week on "SmackDown!". The other moronic Divas tried to display their 'athletic' prowess and even poetry(!) skills during the 'talent' competition. How wack.

You, however, know that generally, when it comes to WWE Divas, the WWE audience wants to see nothing but tits and ass. Period. And that's what you gave us baby. You can really shake that thang! Your time as a dancer for the Miami Heat has definitely come in handy. You're as hot as they come sweetheart.

I'm so taken by you, I'm not even gonna bother mentioning that not since Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero have I been more happy about the current Championship situation. Edge and Booker T, excuse me, KIIIIIIIIINNGGG BOOOOOOKKERRRRR, are among my favourites in the "E" and have been for a while now. They deserve the titles that are currently around their waists.

Once a silent mid-carder, my fellow Torontonian, Edge is a thousand times more entertaining (and technically sound in the ring) than John Cena. Why the fans (a good amount of them anyway) still cheer Cena, I have no idea. His promo last week on "Raw" was nowhere near funny. His incessant use of lame-ass moves like the "5 knuckle shuffle" is insulting.

Edge, on the other hand, can hold a mic and your attention at the same time - something that SHOULD come natural to a pro wrestler. The 'home invasion' angle this week on "Raw" was reminiscent of Stone Cold Steve Austin trying to break into Brian Pillman's crib to open up a can of whoop-ass years ago.

It might not have been the most 'realistic' angle in the world (remember the gun Pillman was holding? - you probably didn't watch wrestling then) but it created some wicked hype during their rivalry. Now Edge's 'invasion' of John Cena's dad's house may not have necessarily been his idea...but Adam Copeland's ability to push his 'evil' persona in the ring during the early stages of "Raw" this week, sets him apart from the average Superstar. It definitely makes him better to watch than John Cena. Where's Edge's movie??

King Booker is an awesome champ as well. I've been saying for weeks - months actually - that he is the best character on "SmackDown!". JBL said it last week...he's not only the best competitor on the show, but the best announcer as well. Always witty, humorous and able to play his 'royal' character to a tee, Booker is the man. How is it that WWE is able to still convince the sheep-like viewers of their product to cheer for a non-interesting muscle-head like Batista? He truly is a peasant.

Although it isn't likely, I hope both champs maintain their championship status when SummerSlam is done this Sunday. But, like I said, I'm not even going into it. Lately, I've only been able to think of you.

I'm so enamoured by you, I won't even mention Hulk Hogan's return to the ring this Sunday. It's no secret I've been a Hogan mark since I was a child. (Do you know who Hulk Hogan is?). Not that I think he should even be in the ring anymore, but Randy Orton is just a half-step more impressive than Batista and John Cena. Between the three of them, Orton is probably the best on the mic and in the ring! And that's not saying much. The Legend Killer push given Orton by WWE over the past several years still hasn't put him over, in my mind.

While guys like Johnny Nitro are performing corkscrew moonsaults (and don't even get me started about the stupidly under-used talent in ECW and the amazing feats they can perform), Orton continues to get main event status with his moveless arsenal. I hope he loses to a legdrop at SummerSlam, like Shawn Michaels did last year. As well, The Hulkster has never lost at SummerSlam...he's The Undertaker of this event. (Did you know The Undertaker has never lost at WrestleMania? Do you know what WrestleMania is?).

I don't mean to be sarcastic baby. It's just that its common knowledge that most Diva wannabes are not exactly professional wrestling know-it-alls. The job of a WWE Diva is to be straight up sexy. And that you are, Layla. So on the real, I definitely hope you DO win the 2006 WWE Diva search. I've been voting ONLY for you, trust me. I honestly think it's a lock.

But just in case...the invitation to the T-dot (and my bedroom) will always be open.



7 comments: on "Dear Layla..."

Anonymous said...

You got that right opened up yourself for a world of ridicule and/or ribbing.

Didn't Layla lose last year and won't your woman Kristal be jealous of your affections for another woman? Last time I checked, you didn't live in Utah.

Not to mention at the beginning of the article, you said you didn't want her to win but yet at the closing, you hope that she does. Damn bro! Did her boobs skew your line of thinking that much due to her push up bra? I mean I can understand if it was Tyra Banks or Toccara Jones...well maybe Toccara.

King Booker may be the best wrestler on Smackdown currently (next to Ken Kennedy), but JBL is still the best talent even though he's behind a mic now. If Booker would just get rid of that waste of oxygen next to him, I mean Sharmell, and go back to his "Please just tell me he didn't say that" gimmick, then i'd like him a lot more.

Randy Orton's "Legend Killer" gimmick still hasn't gotten over as much as "The E's" creative team has wished for.

Edge, probably the best thing Raw has going for it right now. His promos are getting better every week. Was his "home invasion" segment reminiscent that of the Austin/Pillman one years ago? Fuck no. There just wasn't that element of unpredictability that came whenever Austin and Pillman worked together. To quote Ric Flair..."Often imitated, never duplicated" As for Edge's movie, does appearing on Mind of Mencia work for you?

Oh man...if it wasn't so late in me typing this out, i'd give you more of a hard time. But hey, that's what "Thursday Thoughts" is for....yeah!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

yo Dan
you know how I know you're gay?

Cuz this letter was actually written to The Miz when he was on Tough Enough - you just substituted his name for Layla's to save face with tha Osters!


see you in a couple days bro

Dan-e-o said...

Yes Jeter,

while I admit that Layla's titties can be quite distracting...I, of course, was only joking at the beginning of the article. Of course I want Layla to win the contest, she's the hottest thing going. Unless, of course, she actually wanted to take me up on my offer.

Besides, perhaps she and Kristal can be convinced to get down with a menage-a-three!

Either way, on a more serious note (and the main point of my article) the Diva search is pretty much a joke...but Layla is easily more talented than the rest of her competition. Watching the other Divas get booed while displaying their "talents" last week on SD! was proof of that. She has the looks and charisma to pull off what will be her eventual job - look hot on TV and show off what the company wants you to. Be interesting and sexy at the same time. Period.

I STILL gotta disagree with you though. Sharmell is dope...and no it's not just her booty that's throwing off my judgement. I think she's as talented on the mic as just about anyone else. She totally adds to Booker's king character as the arrogant yet subservient queen (don't you love how she trashes Michael Cole?).

Anyway, go Edge and go Booker at SS. And, of course, go Layla!!

Anonymous said...

No. I just can't stand her period.

Anonymous said...

Seems to be a legit injury as he did suffer some sort of a groin injury at a house show a few days ago against RVD.

Dan-e-o said...

Unfortunately I don't have access to the ECW show. If anyone would like to send a recap and/or opinion piece about tha last ECW show, I'd be happy to post it as a guest article on Tha O Show.

Please email ASAP.

thanks O-sters!

Anonymous said...

arent ecw episodes on youtube??