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Rhino buries ECW

Last night at the start of TNA Impact, Rhino buried ECW in his own way.

He was talking about how a few weeks ago Vince McMahon came knocking on his door offering him a job in the new ECW. Rhino says he told VKM to go to hell.

Rhino posed the question - how can you have ECW without the last Television Champion and Heavyweight Champion (Rhino held both titles when the company folded).

After screaming at Vince (as if Vince watches TNA), Rhino held up a bag which he claimed held the ECW title that has been in his possession the last five years. He said that McMahon has demanded Rhino return the belts and threatened to have all of WWE's lawyers descend on him should he bring them out on TNA television. Rhino decided to circumvent that threat a little bit.

Rhino walked out to the parking lot outside the arena where he tossed the bag of belts into an oil drum. It definately echoed the night Madussa dumped the WWF Women's title in the trash on Nitro. Rhino then screamed that he wasn't done. He filled the can with lighter fluid and dropped a flame inside.

Personally I would have loved it if Rhino had pulled out the actual belt while he was in the ring, then thrown the bag into the fire. That would make for a very interesting (although painfully frivalous) lawsuit.

I say good for TNA. Sure this gimmick has been done, but they had the balls to shoot a little bit and give the fans what they want - some anti WWE material.

Hopefully this leads to a much deserved push and return to main event status for The War Machine.

4 comments: on "Rhino buries ECW"

Anonymous said...

Well in this case...either Jarrett, D'Amore, or Cornette is writing for him now.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Big thats the best idea I've heard in a long while!

Anonymous said...

tna is somuch better than the bs wwe is putting on tv they just need to get ride of big guys "cough"abyss"cough"

Anonymous said...

Is that all you do is put over ROH? I mean I like ROH and what not, but you're making it ridiculous.