Check This Out...


TTYL Tomko

Tyson (Travis) Tomko has been released by the WWE, prompting many fans to ask "Tomko was still working with the WWE?"

Tomko was apparently pissed last night at the Heat tapings when he learned that Gene Snitsky and Goldust have been put together as a full time tag team. Apparently the plan had been for Tomko and Snitsky to work together following Wrestlemania and to receive some sort of push.

Tomko allegedly got pissed, and the WWE "solved his problem".

I don't like hearing about anyone losing their job - but in this case, he literally asked for it. Hell look at guys like Val, Scotty or Holly. They jus chill in the background, shut their mouths and collect a paycheque.

He is a seven year ring vet and was trained by Hack Myres in Florida.

Tomko, who should be renamed "Tmk" for never providing us with a single "O", will likely try his hand at TNA or the indy scene once the usual no-compete expires.

Good luck

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