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Shane "O" Mac - the name says it all

You gotta hand it to him. The guy is the son of the owner and chairman of WWE, Vince McMahon. He probably has more money than he'll ever be able to count. He is the heir to throne as king of the sports-entertainment world. He, literally, does not have to do a damn thing to earn a paycheck and yet...he takes bumps better than MOST of the WWE roster! I, of course, am referring to the human "O" machine - Shane McMahon - more appropriately known as Shane "O" Mac.

Could he possibly have a better nickname? Other than the obvious fact that he damn well doesn't have to...I don't know a reason why Shane hasn't been part of the full-time talent roster in the WWE. Say what you want about the McMahons, they can put on a show. Shane has put on 5-star, eh hem, 5-"O" matches with the likes of Kurt Angle, his father Vince, X-Pac and even Steve Blackman in the past. Almost always reserved for pay-per-views, a Shane McMahon match is pretty much a guaranteed "O"-getter.

If you missed his match with Shawn Michaels at the rebirth of Saturday Night's Main Event, you really missed out on a ridiculous "O". With a ladder set up in the ring against the ropes...and two tables set up outside the ring...Shawn Michaels suplexed Shane off of the top of the ladder to the tables outside of the ring below...smashing them both to pieces!! It's no wonder this match was saved as THE main event of the evening. As Big Daddy remarked, they should have Shane, not Vince, in the match with HBK at WrestleMania 22.

With Shane "O" Mac on the can't go wrong. This year's Mania is shaping up to be "O" worthy so far...with the Edge/Foley Hardcore Match, the Money in the Bank remix and Shane looming in the background to see his dad take on the Showstopper..."O" I can't wait!

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