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Today On Tha O Show...

It's a wonderful day in Tha Nation of O! Caribana weekend is upon us (Torontonians) and LLW Meltdown is this Saturday (in Hamilton)! To celebrate, later this afternoon Tha O Show presents to you it's "Caribana Meltdown" episode. With a West Indian twist, Big Daddy Donnie and Dan-e-o sit in with the has-nothing-to-do-with-Caribana, Hayden Avery for a PACKED show with lots of spicy treats!

Today's episode includes "Tha Os And NOs", an appearance by downtrodden wrestling "promoter" Andrew Goodwin who is given the floor to respond to the comments made by Missy Hyatt on last week's show, The Notorious T.I.D. in "Tha Pit Stop" who sets shit straight by insisting that he's NOT "Tha Black Prophet" who ALSO appears on the show to spit some rage of his own, Marty Garner on "A Glass Of Cham Pain", an edition of "Tha Round Table" that gets ugly and SO much more!

And as if the photo shown above wasn't already a dead giveaway, the brand new DVD entitled 10 The Music Videos is out now! For just ten bucks Canadian, you can own Dan-e-o's entire music video collection.

Log on to the official online store and cop yours today!

2 comments: on "Today On Tha O Show..."

Anonymous said...

should be a great show. Hayden Avery always makes an entertaining 3rd co-host. What makes Hayden so entertaining is that you can tell he's a legit fan of Tha O Show. He'll make references to things said on shows months ago, and even carry over jokes from the last time he was on the show. Both Hayden and Rico seem to like verbally battling Dan-e-o. The difference being Rico and Dan-e-o bicker until Donnie steers the show back in a cohesive direction. When Hayden and Dan-e-o trade verbal jabs it usually ends up with Dan-e-o cracking up laughing.

Looking forward to the Andrew Goodwin spot too, I wonder if he's changed his numbers yet. Hell I wonder if Donnie gets hot and tells Andrew he's gonna put him in the camel clutch like he said to Sheik.

Anyone ever notice when Marty Garner has a story involving Joey Abs, he'll use Joey's shoot name about 15 times in the story? I'd like to see Garner set Andrew Goodwin straight, that would be hype.

Hoping the show does get posted by noon so I can listen to it on the commute to work today.

prepare your mouth to O ...

Anonymous said...

hey dan are you going to make a rap song with marty garner? that would be nice! and maybe get jeff or matt hardy on it!