A TON of guests this week including Ring of Honor's Larry Sweeney who will be discussing this Friday's first-ever ROH show in Canada and Missy Hyatt who is returning to lambaste a certain wrestling "promoter"! Can you say "HEAT"?
In addition, The Notorious T.I.D. with "Tha Pit Stop", Marty Garner on "A Glass of Cham Pain", the RETURN of "Tha Black Prophet" AND as if that all wasn't enough, Big Daddy Donnie and Dan-e-o are joined in-studio by the sexy, yet shy (you'll hear why) Miss Danyah!
As always, we ask that you show your support of Tha O Show by...what else? Buying our shit!!
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Click the links and grab some of this hotness today!
8 comments: on "Today On Tha O Show..."
Hey, what time do you think the show will be up for download?
We expect it up by noon. This should be its regular time each week unless we run into any technical errors which is sometimes the case.
its 530 in the morning, and i just marked out when i saw danyah's picture on the front page preview. Cant wait for the show.
dan loves the summer because he can work on his tan ...and he hates the winter because he ends up lookin like powdered milk
"dan is so homophobic"
well if a man is known to put his cock in anothermans ass, wouldnt you be scared of him?
hes gay!
hey dan, you and abrew going to roh on friday
BOO! Where's my Larry Sweeny?!
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