TNA has had some good shows lately, but as always they’ve had some pretty lackluster shows as well. The new segment “Karen’s Angle” made its debut but I’m not really sure why that’s even a segment. There are several questionable things in TNA and the positive end isn’t that easy to find sometimes.
Here’s the thing with this whole Kaz situation. Here’s a guy who is very talented, and nothing against him but what has he really done to deserve this “send off?” Basically the video package that aired before his interview is basically saying that since he hasn’t succeeding in winning titles recently he’s going to quit. So he’s a quitter? Nice.
If this is legit though I guess it’s a nice sendoff for a dude who was with TNA from the beginning, except for that stint in fed developmental where he had a cup of coffee. WWE, though not mentioned by name killed his passion? Is TNA trying to paint the E as the new WCW? Wow, nice one Russo.
I like Consequences Creed, I think dude has tremendous upside, but wasn’t he stretchered out of an arena last week? This week he was the proverbial ball of fire. Not only that but after the match he won featuring Johnny Devine, Jimmy Rave and Eric Young, Abyss hit the ring and took out everyone he picked up the chair Devine was using, but then threw it down. What did I miss?
Also, Taylor Wilde defended her TNA Knockouts Championship against Velvet Skye three times. This took a total of five minutes, no not one match, all three matches. Daivari also has a new name and a really old gimmick. His new name is Sheik Abdul Bashir, the only thing he’s missing to complete the gimmick he’s rehashing is Mohammed Hassan.
Dan-e-o may not be “Down with the Brown,” but I am certainly not down with this whole Kurt Angle, Team 3-D we are scumbags gimmick. What? The table’s match that went down was one of the highlights of the night. Angle getting the final elimination over AJ was a nice sequence. One problem though is Frank Trigg. Couldn’t Eric Angle have served this same purpose?
One funny segment, but also a questionable segment was the Shark Boy, Curry Man and Super Eric segment backstage. They were trying to come up with a motto for their Super Friends knockoff faction. Gimme a shell yeah was simply not tolerable. “We come in peace, they leave in pisses” however was dead on money. I would like to give kudos to Daniels for the Japanese accent, nice-ree done my man, nice-ree done.
The Motor City Machine Guns are apparently on their way to continuing the push they were getting before Shelley refused to get color a while back. I will say that their promo backstage was damn near perfect. I didn’t think they had it in them. Everything was relevant, and even with the comedy bits it still made sense and hopefully went a long way to putting them back in the win column more regularly.
Beer Money went over in the match and LAX hit the ring after the match to make the save but Beer Money left the ring making the token belt motion going up the ramp. Here’s hoping that Beer Money gets the gold soon enough though.
The whole Sting/Samoa Joe/Booker T/Kevin Nash thing is intriguing, but at the same time irksome. I hate to be pessimistic but I don’t think that there will be some huge payoff other than Joe and Nash feuding to this. Sting most likely won’t turn heel and Joe probably wont either, unless they pull a swervalaz and have Joe turn heel on Nash.
The ending of this weeks show was one of those nice cliffhangers you don’t get too much in wrestling anymore. Before that of course we got even more homosexual references. I’m sure that when Dan was watching this he either fast forwarded or left the room because his severe homophobia was flaring up something fierce tonight. Angle and 3D told JB he had a pretty mouth and Booker told Joe he should kiss Nash. Wow, and I thought Russo was now a man of the cloth.
Booker told Joe in the opening segment to be afraid of the dark. Well of course in the final segment just before Joe was going to sign the Hard Justice contract the lights went out and Sting’s music hit meaning that we were going to have a Sting sighting. Of course we don’t! That would make sense. We get the lights coming back up and Joe out cold and Sting’s bat in Booker’s hand. Where do we go from here?
There will always be good and bad in TNA. Some weeks the good outweighs the bad. Some weeks the good far outweighs the bad, but it always works the other way as well. This week the bad outweighed the good just enough to irritate me. From the few people I talked to who saw this show didn’t quite get everything.
Tha Results…
*Consequences Creed def. Devine, Eric Young and Jimmy Rave
*Matt Morgan def. Korey Chavous (not from the NFL)
*Beer Money def. MCMG
*Taylor Wylde def. Velvet Sky
*Taylor Wylde def. Velvet Sky
*Taylor Wylde def. Velvet Sky (seriously it happened three times)
*Angle & 3D def. Styles-Cage-Rhino
3 comments: on "Tha iMPACT Playback"
Thought it was just an ok show this week. But I'm trying something new since everyone has started watching wrestling with score cards recently *shaking head in shame of being a wrestling fan*. I think wrestling is very much like a TV series, well, actually it is (i.e. Impact, RAW, etc). So you can really only judge the show once the season or year is over, so this Impact not being too great doesn't get to me too much since I feel it all builds to something in the future, same goes for RAW and SD.
Anyway, Wilde beating Sky 3x was cool, mainly because Sky is one of the weaker KOs in TNA, so her getting squashed sorta makes sense.
I really believe TNA should ask Spike or some network for another 1 hour timeslot. Impact sometimes seems crowded due to their roster exceeding 50 wrestlers now (which is almost on par with WWE). 1 hour show to showcase other KOs, and lower-mid card talent would do so much for TNA. I don't think fans and wrestling media (aka killers of wrestling) understand or appreciate how much TNA tries to make everyone on their roster happy by getting them TV time. Sure, things don't work that way in WWE, but TNA isn't WWE, they are more fan friendly and as countless guys have said, backstage is much more different than WWE.
Damn, can't believe I almost forgot these things.
ODB coming out the Turkey leg was hilarious, probably an instant classic for wrestling moments. She has this character going for her; I remember on an episode of the Spin Cycle she said she'd do Karen Angle.
And when Don West said, "I never heard anyone call Kevin Nash little buddy, let alone a punk ass", that was just hilarious that he repeated the punk ass part, and was censored, lol. He was also hilarious on this week's episode of the Spin Cycle.
TNA, come on, get finger out! If Daivari's new gimmick is old then give him a new one and make him a face, WWE dropped a bollock with him there so TNA, don't do the same!
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