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Rated O Radio - Episode 75

Tha O Show RadioWow! What a packed show we have for you this week O-sters. It's the O-fficial "Caribana Meltdown" episode, also known as our incredible 75th edition of your favourite online wrestling program, Tha O Show!

Celebrating this weekend's Caribana Festival in Toronto as well as the LLW Meltdown show this Saturday, Big Daddy Donnie and Dan-e-o get all Caribbean on you as their on-again, off-again superwhite co-host, Hayden Avery makes his monthly return.

So press play nuh bredren?! Is time fi yuh fi yell "O!".

On this week's show ...

Tha O's And NO's with a focus on "Raw", "SmackDown!" and TNA.

Last week's rant by The Walking Riot, Missy Hyatt finds itself a comeback of sorts as "promoter", Andrew Goodwin is granted a spot on today's episode to respond to Missy Hyatt's comments and to back up threats he made against Donnie on the Indy Wrestling Board. Listen in as Donnie puts him on the spot to step up to the plate and to right some wrongs!

The Notorious T.I.D., of course, is back in with "Tha Pit Stop" again but this week tackles more than just the goings-on in the world of MMA. Setting the record straight, Tid lashes out on all those claiming he's some gimmick known as...

"Tha Black Prophet" also returns to tha show to speak his ever-angry mind about being accused of being a character created by the aformentioned T.I.D. Prepare for more rage!

Speaking of which..."Big Daddy Donnie Has Road Rage" makes its long-awaited return to Tha O Show. And BDD has had enough of you cyclists out beware!

Marty Garner is back with "A Glass of Cham Pain" to discuss a yet-to-be-solved mysterious rib that took place some years back.

And, of course, remaining with Donnie and Dan for "Tha Round Table" is the one and only Hayden Avery. And this week's main event gets heated y'all!

Taking you out this week's is Dan-e-o's official Caribana theme, "Kama Sutra (Reblaze!)" from the Speak No Evil CD.

Please show your support to all those who made this week's episode possible:




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Click HERE to buy Secret Suburbia's Midi Gritty from HMV.

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Click HERE to buy Dan-e-o's See No Evil, Hear No Evil from HMV.

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The Notorious T.I.D.

Marty Garner

Hayden Avery

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35 comments: on "Rated O Radio - Episode 75"

Anonymous said...

Notorious T.I.D. did a much better job gimmicking his voice this week for the black prophet segment.

Dan loves the summer so he can gimmick his complexion and he hates the winter because he turns into powedered milkulas.


With all the cock references donnie makes you would swear that he was walking around town with a cock strapped to his face.


Anonymous said...

I'm listening to the show know. What a pussy that promoter guy is.

Anonymous said...

what does danny say in the intro theme song?

"treat them like friends that are seldom yay?"

meaning there seldomly happy or in a good mood? i never understood that part

Anonymous said...

guys honestly...the ring of honour show was horrible...nothing meant anything....they make HUGE spots seem like arm holds....its sad the better workers were in the crowd...

D.J.B. said...

Send them away.

Treat them like a friend who says he's seldom gay.

As in treat other shows as if they were homosexual, do not associate with them. Dan's homophobic, hope that clears it up a little

Anonymous said...

whenever dan trys to get don to freestyle...don always kayfabes espcially since the greatest hits collection kicked in

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I don't kayfabe
Just wasn't vibin it last night

besides - I did some SOCA

Anonymous said...

lol dude i tune in for your cock references and freestyles...give us a o hoe freestyle some time man

Anonymous said...

donnie make "the black prophet" make a youtube so it prooves hes not TID LOL





Christopher Casúr said...

Markington Sr.

Tid is NOT The Black Prophet. Want proof?

Last night, after Tid got off the line, he said sex with Dan's mom.

However, after Black Prophet got off the phone, he had sex with five white women.

All joking aside, good call on the Fatty Fronte thing, however, I know who The Black Prophet is, and Tid is not him.

Anonymous said...

can we get a youtbe video of black prophet ? just a 10 second clip saying hes not tid?

now everyones gonna kayfabe again lol

Anonymous said...

prophets from compton? umm why does he have a southern accent? nobody from compton remotely sounds like that...his twang is totally off dude....this is tid...

Dan-e-o said...

To any moron who still thinks Tid is Tha Black Prophet...if you're actually serious, how much money would you be willing to put up to PROVE that we're kayfaybing you?

We'll double it if we're proven wrong. We'll put up video footage of both O Show members doing their segment to prove they are different people. But you gotta pay for it.

Name your price...or shut the fuck up already.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea Dan-e-o cuz this markington fag is really annoying me now.

Anonymous said...

Markingtong SR IS ANDREW GOODWIN!!!!!!!!!



Big Daddy Donnie said...

I'm getting sick of this. I hate censorship but I hate spamming more. Future references to Dan's race or who Tid being the Prophet will just be deleted. Talk about something else or don't post.

Anonymous said...

alright thats cool, well then lets talk about the race issue.

donnie, do you understand that "racism" came about via the cacusassion man being superior to others and others made lower?

theres no such thing as racism towards whites!

the term was created because of the cacuassion man..why dont you cnesor this comment?

and thats why people make it a big deal when whites do these racist things because people are shocked that they never changed and are still implenting there ways of there forefathers....

Anonymous said...

Donnie I hate you, you're a poopy pants.

And TJ I want to try your scrotum tickler.

P.S. I think my shiny shirts and fag pants are cooler than O-Show shirts.

Christopher Casúr said...

Me, Andrew, DJB, Dante, and all Tha O Show staff know that Tid and Black Prophet are NOT the same man. It can be proven, and it can be proven fairly easily.

The censorship has nothing to do with Donnie having anything to hide. It has to do with the fact that you keep spamming this fucking board with your inane conspiracy theory, which not only irritates Dan and Donnie, it irritates the listeners. When the listeners are irritated, they stop listening, which hurts the site. You're hurting their bottom line by incessantly spamming the do you get why they're about to censor you?

Donnie, I apologize for posting this and ultimately dragging this issue along; I know you wanted to put it to bed as soon as possible, but I felt the need to speak my peace on the subject.

Anonymous said...

i apologize if u lost listeners from thaoshow for my comments on

Unknown said...

Looks like the high school kids found
Was the ROH show really lame? I'm think about driving 300 miles to see them in DC Friday, I don't want to waste gas.

Anonymous said...

ring of honour was lame...toronto is such a wrestling loving city...anytime a promotion decides to do a show...the fans/marks are so excited and say the show was great...well the expereince is fun "going out with friends to a live show" but in terms of quality of the show ..."it was horrible" pure monmeky spot fest from a bunch of new school arocbatic circus monekys....whatever happened to guys with that curt henning, jake the snake style....

roh= bunch of guys with no mind for the bizz just acrobatic guys making a few bucks for cheap pops...

Anonymous said...

MARS BARS!? DID Donnie really mention MARS BARS~!!! Dude, I need some. You need to have an O Show Mars Bars give away! We don't have them here in the US, and they are the BEST thing ever.

Anonymous said...

"i have a suv, i dont have a van...what am i a soccer mom"


lololol...dons a goof

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Jorden - I'll hook you up with some Mars... I like Almond Mars myself....

Anonymous said...

Seems like BDD graduated from the Fronte school of acting with that "Road Rage" segment this week... I hope there's no more of those in the future (The background music made it even worse IMO).

Other than that it was a great show as always, keep it up fellas.

Christopher Casúr said...

I loved that segment. I think Donnie needs to go postal like that at least once per show.

Anonymous said...

there was definitely a Fronte vibe goin on. no one needs to hear that.

Anonymous said...

danny ditched donnie and didnt let him come along for caribana

Anonymous said...

recursive: "there was definitely a Fronte vibe goin on. no one needs to hear that."


Anonymous said...

im a fan of thaoshow but ever since fronte left its really not as amazing as it was...donnie and danny arguing isnt fun its fun when they team up against someone with lower self esteem...

Anonymous said...

good show as always, didnt really enjoy the round table discussion over race since it didnt really prove anything at the end. theres always rascism and not only towards blacks in certain areas other races get it worse in the u.s. example being half mexican and black didnt help. i looked more mexican and i dealt with racial slurs for a long time. its never gonna or will stop and i never found anyu joking on the subject on it to be funny, if you make fun of yoru own race then proceed to go at another, you could really get heat around here. mostly blacks get away with being racist towards other.

please take me seriously i hope this is dropped i found it unnecessary and got me disturbed since i have been around it so much.

about the show i loved champains story dealt with it myself.

PS. markington sr is the black prophet

Anonymous said...

donnie was patrollin yongue st on friday night in pursuit to find an o hoe and rumor has it he pressed up some business cards aswell...

Anonymous said...

Don't EVER bring that fat ungrateful idiot back.

Anonymous said...

I love how Donnie was going straight at that promoter. He was circling him like a vulture. He totally bitched out too. Hilarious.

I like the serious discussion at the end. My favorite O Shows ever are the ones peppered with just a little serious conversation to make it interesting.