The carnival comparison has been made before comparing two things and honestly it is the most fitting. I’m not saying TNA is bad. Honestly it’s the exact opposite. TNA has the talent on its roster to be absolutely incredible. They just don’t know how to use it. To use another sports comparison it is akin to having local high school coach at the helm of the Patriots or Cowboys, it just doesn’t work out.
I don’t know if Vince Russo has lost his mind, if he’s suffering from some kind of debilitating mental disorder or what, but when you have a two hour show and a roster full of guys who are that talented why would you chose to have a focal point of your show be “find the ring, save the love?” I mean come on, but at least it did cut the Lance Smith segment short.
“Same Prince Justice Time, Same Prince Justice channel,” is a nice slogan, but I do believe that I’ve heard the Ultimate Warrior say it about ten million times. Eric Young is too good to be stuck in this gimmick. Chris Daniels is too good to be in this gimmick. I believe Shark Boy is too good to have this gimmick as well.
One major beef I have with this though, TNA has an upcoming PPV in Chicago so how do they promote it? They have their guys dress up as gangsters. I swear I’ve seen that before. I remember it was John Cena’s gimmick at Mania when he wrestled Trips for the WWE championship and CM Punk was a gun toting gangster hanging on the side of the car. I wonder if TNA has ever thought of not ripping off WWE ideas.
If TNA is planning to have Joe and Sting feud they’re going about it the wrong way. If they are planning on having Nash and Joe feud they’ve waited too long to pull the trigger, much like they did on giving Joe the strap. One thing I’ve noticed is that Joe yells a lot, and honestly Joe doesn’t even need to talk to get over.
The ending of the show was just Joe screaming for Sting. Instead of Joe finding sting though, he found a crow. Wow really? I haven’t seen that before. Dammit why can Russo not come up with anything original? I’ve tried to defend him before, but from now on I give up, if he fucks up I call it, if he does good I’ll point that out too.
How long has the Kurt Angle, AJ, Karen fiasco been going on? This isn’t multiple choices, it’s a rhetorical question but if you do want to answer the answer is: too long. Is Sting just the focal point of TNA now without having make appearances?
Karen’s Angle aired again this week and we get part two of crybaby Kaz. Is that how you build a babyface? He loses a few matches and packs his shit and hits the road? Even if this isn’t a work this is just dumb. If Kaz wanted out do an injury retirement angle so he doesn’t look like a bitch. Kaz is a good worker, but this is just plain dumb.
The tag team match to open up the show was good. I will not be negative about that. The finish was sort of off, but I’ll let that slide. I like Beer Money. I like the Instant Man Beast Rhino Cage so I was instantly happy and wasn’t really disappointed with it. The post match challenge helped to not cluster the tag team title scene.
The show wasn’t a complete loss, there were some good matches, but good matches can be outweighed by dumbass booking, kind of like this week. TNA is the streakiest promotion in wrestling history. They’ll hammer out a few weeks or months worth of quality shows, but then on the adverse they’ll just put out pure shit for a while. This is why they compete with ECW for ratings and ECW only has an hour.
Tha Results…
*Beer Money Inc. def. Christian & Rhino
*Curry Man/Shark Boy/Lethal def. Rock & Rave & Devine
*Consequences Creed def. X Champ Petey Williams (non title)
*Matt Morgan def. Sal Rinauro
*Gail Kim & Taylor Wylde def. the Beautiful People
2 comments: on "Tha iMPACT Playback"
well at least tna is way better then wwe
"Hey, my cousin Vern will take us in his El Camino to see the big wrestling match tonight! Elephant ears, two for one on pay-per-view night! Win a Samoa Joe stuffed toy! Pitch a quarter into the clown's mouth!"
This is bush. When you're as good as TNA, you can't have this. You can't have donkey basketball music and guys who are heels and faces at the same time. You have got Disneyland level talent, but you come off as state fair, corn dog, log flume ride tacky. It ain't good enough, TNA. Step up.
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