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Kurt Angle forced to face his demons

Well respected wrestling journalist Dave Scherer reported late last week that Kurt Angle had been suspended by the WWE for thirty days.

Reasons for his suspension have been kayfabed like crazy by insiders, workers and everyone in between. Tha O Show has confirmed through various reliable sources that Angle has been told he has thirty days to kick his addiction to pain pills, or he will be terminated.

One WWE worker who demanded to remain annonymous told Tha O Show yesterday, "Between gas (steroids), HGH (human growth hormone), and Vicadin (pain pills) he's a lot worse than Eddie (Guerrero)."

Angle, who was a much slimer, with lean muscle tone when he debuted in the WWE saw his body bulk up to almost unreal proportions in 2004 / 2005. Today, his arms look like two loose pieces of linguine, because he has allegedly kicked the juice since Guerrero's tragic death (caused by a failed heart as a result of years of drug abuse - performance enhancing and recreational).

Angle however appears to not have slowed down at all with the very addictive pain pills known as Vicadin. Remember, this is a man who won a gold medal in the 1996 Olympic games when his neck was broken and came back after missing alarmingly few dates in 2003 when he broke his neck a second time.

Kurt Angle may be the best wrestler on the planet. Some have gone so far as to put him on their all time top 10. That being said, it may be time for Kurt to walk away from the sport once and for all, just so that he can stop putting the daily strain on his broken body and can slowly ween himself off the pain medication.

The WWE giving him "30 days" to clean up is laughable. How many addicts can clean up THAT quickly? Likely they are hoping this ISN'T an addicition issue and Angle will simply "stop" following this professional intervention. If Angle truly wants to continue his wrestling career, the WWE should grant him a one year leave (with pay) to get clean and get healthy. I fear however that won't happen.

Forget his feuds with Mark Henry, Steve Austin or The Undertaker... this will be the greatest battle of Angle's life. I just hope it doesn't end the way so many other wrestling bios tend to. With massive tragedy.

Good luck Kurt. Our prayers are with you.

10 comments: on "Kurt Angle forced to face his demons"

Anonymous said...

In my book since the Attitude Era ended, Angle has been the standard bearer. He's the man today and if he quits today, he'll be in the hall-of-fame for sure.

I've heard a lot of stuff about the way WWE treats its wrestlers, and the injuries to Benoit, Angle, Mysterio, and yes even the late-great Eddie Guerrero are no fluke. They are pushed by storylines to stay in the game until they physically can't move, then when they are healing, they're pushed to come back leaner, and meaner than they had left... oh and do it quick before the fans forget who you are.

The long trips, backstage competitions, the desire to be bigger so you will get pushed, the nagging injuries that can't be fixed between shows, the drive to keep going (from the wresters and the office), the drive to come back from injuries fast before you get released; all of that makes this business what it is-- a man-eater.

and until WWE can find a way to ease the expectations on their superstars don't expect storys like Angle's to end.

Anonymous said...

While i'm sure some people (including those in the wrestling "bubble") will say that this is "looking out for Kurt's best intrests", it's complete bullshit.

Like the person above me mentioned, stars including Kurt Angle are pushed to the brink of breaking down, and then when something does indeed go wrong, better get help quick or you'll be left behind.

Then again, you can't blame Kurt for most of this either. He was due to take some time off to heal his wounds, then Vince decided it was a good idea to move him over to ECW. He didn't like the fact that he was moving shows. He didn't like the fact that he would be working a heavier schedule than he would have on Smackdown. Hell, he didn't like it one effin bit.

Of course when you work a second-rate show where your only other top stars are the Undertaker (who probably works a lighter schedule than God) and Rey Mysterio. I say that because Batista isn't ready to shoulder the show on his shoulders again, and even then, it would probably be a month or two of that and his arm gets screwed up again.

But back to Kurt. Aside from Mysterio and the Undertaker, Angle was the only other top guy you could stick in a main event and make it decent enough to watch.

There has got to be some middle ground to all of this. Either monitor the wrestlers use of pain killers closely, or give the guys some fucking time off every once in a while to mend their broken bodies.

Anonymous said...

You guys do great work on this site nuff respect Big Daddy Daneo and everyone else

Anonymous said...

I wish nothing for the best for Kurt Angle. He is one of the greatest wrestlers alive and I am keeping him in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Dude, watch it or "The E" will call up your bosses bosses boss and tell you to pull this article.

Oh wait, you don't work for (insert name of Canadian broadcaster here) do you?

You're good then. My bad.

- Willy The Writer

Anonymous said...

This is the best wrestlin site on the net. I check you guys daily.
Keep up the great work

Anonymous said...

How bullshit is it that Kurt's problems are caused by the very company who has suspended him? What WWE NEEDS to be doing is implementing a program to HELP their superstars kick drug habits and keep healthy. NOT put their careers in jeopardy for doing something that was only keeping them in good enough shape to do the crazy things the company forced upon them. Kurt's termination, if it were to happen, would be a crime. I'm praying this doesn't end in tragedy. God bless you're one of the greatest. You'll beat this thing...the drugs and the damn company that pretty much forced you to take 'em in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Ive always loved the WWE since I was a kid, but lately its struck me as evil. I wish there were a viable alternative available. And dont tell me TNA. WCW was more legit than TNA and it didnt have NWA before its name. Booking in the WWE has been terrible, theyve misused their talent, driving one of the greatest of all time (id name him in my top 5) to the breaking point, and theyre ruining the name of ECW. Is there nothing to be done?

Anonymous said...

*looks around* Is this Gabe Sapolsky?

Anonymous said...

Kurt Angle was a great wrestler and entertainer. No one can argue with that. He was so hyped up on the life he was making on these pills it took him farther into the addiction then anyone would want to go. I hope that he is able to get through all this, while most say its their own fault, some goes to the sport and such itself. When you are competing against people that are bigger and stronger, how else can you get to that point to stay out in front ? You dont want to give that up and , as we all know, going out for 3 months and doing nothing but lifting weights and eating well wont cut it. It takes more time then any are willing to accept in this day and age. The business is as much to blame as the superstars that get sided into these situations.

Good luck Kurt, if people are as smart as we all think they are, they will allow you time to heal and give you another chance. Its the least they can do for all you did for them.