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Kendall Grove, welcome to the big time

On Saturday June 24th the UFC put on their "Ultimate Finale", to cap season three of The Ultimate Fighter. Having faithfully watched every season of The Ultimate Fighter, I have to say that this season was by far the best. Gone were the useless challenges. The blatant product shots were hugely toned down, there was genuine friction between the two coaches, and the entire season built towards a major fight between Ken Shamrock and Tito Ortiz.

Most amazingly, during this season we actually got to know the fighters and were able to identify with them because of the terrific editing job that the powers that be did on the shows. Going in to Saturday night, I was sure the fight between Michael Bisbane and Josh Haynes would be the highlight of the night. Instead Kendal Grove and Ed Herman stole the show.

Grove should be everything I hate in a fighter, he's lanky and awkward looking, he to come across dumb when he's talking, and he's not a big striker (I loves me the strikers). Herman is everything I love in a fighter. He's cocky and arrogant, he's got a short fuse, and he likes to throw leather (plus dude has an amazing ground game).

About thirty seconds into the fight I was pulling for Grove. While Herman rocked Grove a couple of times, Grove managed to cinch in some wicked moves and seemed to be able to slither about in a snake-like manner.

This fight may have been the best mixed martial arts fight I've ever had the privledge of watching, and for those of you who thought Stephan Bonnar vs Forrest Griffin was amazing, check this battle out. This in my opinion was the ground game version of the stand-up slug fest that was Bonnar/Griffin.

After the Kendall was announced the winner via unanimous decision, Dana White came out to present Grove with his contract, and then asked Ed back into the ring to announce he was giving a contract to Herman as well! It was an awesome moment, and one that Herman really deserved.

Michael Bisbane was known as the best fighter in the UK, but that's kind of like saying you're the best web designer on your block...the pool's a little shallow. Josh Haynes was picked last by Tito Ortiz, and won both of his fights after his opponent made a critical error. Bisbane however totally dominated this fight, and looked to have it in hand within the first minute. Sure enough, before the second round was over, Bisbane was the light heavyweight winner.

Ortiz should be commended for his work on The Ultimate Fighter. Both fighters who won came from his team, and Ortiz gave Kendall additional training after the show finished taping three months ago. Shamrock on the other hand didn't seem to have nearly the fire that Ortiz did, and to be frank, Ortiz came off displaying way more class than Shamrock (which is a huge shock since Ortiz has made a name for himself by disrespecting and mouthing off to his competition).

The next season of The Ultimate Fighter will bring in former UFC guys to try to compete for the six figure contract, and if the formula for this past season is followed, this will be a hugely successful show.

1 comments: on "Kendall Grove, welcome to the big time"

Anonymous said...

While I think the Grove/Herman fight was the best one on the card, I felt it was a slap in the face to all fighters trying to get into a professional MMA organization when Dana White "decided" that Herman deserved a contract. It was a good fight, don't get me wrong. It just wasn't a Griffin/Bonnar caliber fight.

I thought the whole point was to WIN the final match in order to get a contract? Appearently you can make it to the finals, lose, and still manage to pull a six figure contract.

*gets his gloves and vale tudo shorts ready* Wish me luck guys.