Hero rose through the indies with all
of the guys that are being praised as the ones putting on the best
matches and the future of wrestling right now such as Punk, Daniel
Bryan, Sami Zayn, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and his former tag team
partner Antonio Cesaro. I didn't mention Roman Reigns because unlike
most people I'm not allowing myself to be tricked into falling for
this guy. He isn't an indie guy. He never was. He went from college
football to a deal with WWE. It doesn't hurt that he's a part of the
Anoa'i family. In less than two years he'll be in Hollywood so enjoy
him while you can.
If you've never watched a Hero match go
and find some of them online. His stuff from Ring Of Honor is good
but I prefer his Pro Wrestling Guerrilla stuff. PWG is slept on when
it shouldn't be. I'm going to try my damnedest to see some of their
shows this year since its here in California. Hero has the ability to
play all kinds of roles ranging from bad guy to super baby face. He's
athletic, does hardcore when he needs to, and has finishers for days.
Whenever I have a wrestling game he's one of the first people I
always create.
This is a guy that has been wrestling
for years and has such passion for it. He loves to wrestle and you
can see it. So what if he doesn't have abs or a deep tan. He's good
at what he does. He was one half of the Kings Of Wrestling. Meanwhile
everyone is crying over Punk, a guy that if he worked at my job I'd
beg for him to quit. Here's this dude that is always on the verge of
quitting, never seems happy unless he is getting his way 100%, and is
talked about more for his talking than his actual wrestling skills.
Speaking of his wrestling skills...
KENTA! Why isn't anyone talking about
the fact that Punk took his entire signature moveset and finisher
from him?! But KENTA does it better. Fuck, that guy is good. But I
digress. I actually wish Hero the best in his future endeavors.
Watching him wrestling is fun. I don't think of any backstage drama,
who he is banging, or wonder what he is doing outside of the ring.
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