About five years ago I started writing
for Tha O Show. It was awesome to watch the show grow from being in
the basement (literally) to a awesome ass studio and having wrestlers
on I never dreamed they would. Over this time I have written about
what I loved about wrestling and tried not to be one of “those
guys” that just sit and complain about it as if they have the
magical answer to solve a problem. Instead I've continued to work,
try to contribute to the show, and do my own thing.
For a while now I have been writing my
own stories. Fiction. They range from comedy, suspense, horror, to
drama. Whatever they are I try to be original with it and hopefully
by the time you're done you like it enough to talk to me about it.
Recently with the help of my friend Kiyoshi (whose book “The Death of Death” you can purchase here) I've finally started the process
of publishing my own stories.
This is something that people have said
I should do over the years but never made any real attempts at. Now I
am hoping that with the help of friends, fans, and O-Sters that I can
live the dream of self employment. Please keep me away from reality
television (what I've been doing the past three years)!
These cost $1.25 and can be used on
Kindles and all that other magical technical stuff you kids use. You
can even order one in paperback for people like me that are afraid of
The Singularity! Thanks for even checking these out (you can always
read free samples). Please share this and take care.
Click for “The Enabler” on
Smashwords and Amazon.
Click for “Morbid Curiosity” on
Smashwords and Amazon.
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