I loved the video package at the open of the show with HBK and Taker. The best part though was that the E didn't throw in its own revisionist history in any way and let Rose want revenge for his history with Kane. Especially since it tied into the Kane/Taker Brothers of Destruction thing.
R-Truth (Dan-e-o's favorite rapper and wrestler) and John Morrison make a helluva team. I'd really like to see them accomplish a great deal as singles guys, but if combining them can lead to that I'm all for it. The Miz-Show and Dark Light (which should be the team name for Truth/JoMo) could produce some good things.
Kofi Kingston getting into the Money in the Bank ladder match was pretty awesome. I was actually surprised to see him go over Vladimir, but happy it happened. Some people probably groan and grumble because ten guys will be in the MitB. I think that's awesome. Sure it clusterfuck itself into oblivion, but it could also be the best MitB ever.
Christian, MVP, Kofi Kingston, Kane, Evan Bourne, Jack Thwagger, Matt Hardy, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler and Mr. Money in the Bank (though never crowned) Shelton Benjamin will, in my opinion tear the frickin house down. I just hope it isn't the curtain jerker. It makes sense for it to be, but put it directly in the middle of the card.
I'm pretty sure it won't be either of these guys, or happen this way, but Bourne, Christian, and Benjamin need to walk away from Mania not only the MitB champion but the WWE or World Champion. To add some excitement and a little more "holy shit" to Mania the MitB winner needs to cash it in directly after the main event title match.
Back to "Raw" with Legacy and Sheamus against the Triple-H Orton Express. I seriously thought it would be the worst thing ever. It wasn't the greatest thing ever, but it wasn't horrible. Ok, so I'm out of the loop for the last few weeks, so I may not be the only one, but I'm expecting a swerve at Mania involving the Legacy triple threat match.
I said I wasn't going to be negative, and I'm not really being negative, I just don't really want Bret Hart to die in the ring at WrestleMania. I think that would severely harsh the mellow of everyone watching. Vince probably wouldn't give a flying dog fart, but the rest of us would. So let's all hope Bret doesn't die.
Forgive me world, but I have lost my mind. I like the hype building toward the Cena/Batista thing that I almost called it a match. I'm almost eager to see the in-ring thing and actually pull for one of them. Which I haven't decided. This match is sort of like voting in politics. Although everything until the result is enjoyable.
It's the final countdown to WrestleMania. Nine matches seems like it's less than the years before. I'm not even sure if this years event will be four hours, but I will as always be watching. However I will not be paying for the event, I'm going to go somewhere else to watch it. In all honesty I can't spend money to watch this show. I'd rather spend money eating wings and drinking beer watching it.
See you in about week, have a happy WrestleMania O-sters.
2 comments: on "Tha Raw Report: 'Mania Bound"
For as much garbage as WWE has been serving up the past few months(maybe even year +?) I personally thought Raw was great. Top to bottom an excellent show. Would I give it a 10 out of 10?? No but close. The matches were all well worked, even the Divas match(although it ended 1.1217 seconds after the bell) and everything seemed to make sense. The HBK/Taker promos are getting better adn better as the weeks go on. Just some subtle touches that many probobly dont pick up on are working. HBK smiling at the end of Takers video instead of being enraged added a nice touch. Miz and Morrison had an AMAZING match. The history between the 2 and the match this Sunday had this match doing what?? Making Sense(take note Hogan). Also, as my own personal side note, R-Truth needs never be on commentary again...ever. Good wrestler, good emcee, not Bobby Heenen behind the table though. Not suprised that Kofi went over on Vlad. Match was somnewhat short, I do like how Kofi hits the Trouble In Paradise seemingly out of no where every week. The friction with Rhodes/DiBiase was obviously coming. I think Codys come a long way with his mic skills bt he still needs some work. And I agree, theres obviously some sort of swerve coming Sunday. Im still high on Shameus(and I realize Im in the minority) but hes gonna be a star soon enough. A fued with HHH isnt gonna hurt that either, even if he loses Sunday. The Bret/Vince angle is really heating up. Man, that crowd poped HUGE for Bret(also, I think it came accross well on tv that crowd was hot all night). The match is probobly gonna be shit with 2 guys who most likely shouldnt be in the ring at all let alone facing each other one on one so Id expect a lot of outside interearance. HBK/Kane was good as well...not a 5 star match but good because it what??? Bischoof wanna answer this one?? Made sense thats right. I thought Taker "turning into Kane" when the lights came back on was a cool effect(it elicited a big 'O" from my girl as well). I even enjoyed the end(wich is rare because I hate Cena-nice guy outside the biz just hate him in the ring). Batista cut what felt was a great promo. He makes such a good heel and I hope he sticks with it for a long time. Overall a great show. Top to bottom everything served its purpose. It fed the storylines headed into Mania.
I was absolutely bored by Raw... and I've defended Raw for the last few weeks.
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