"Who will be the WWE's next breakout star?" Time for NXT to get underway in Las Vegas, Nevada. Michael Cole and Josh Matthews welcome us to the show, then throw to Matt Striker in the ring.
Striker: "Over the course of the last 6 weeks these rookies have done everything to impress their pros and you, the WWE Universe.
We're gonna find out how well they've done because for the first time ever we will reveal the first ever Pro's Poll. Ladies and gentlemen, here are the rookies!" Heath Slater, Darren Young, Michael Tarver, Justin Gabriel, Skip Sheffield, David Otunga, Daniel Bryan, and Wade Barrett are all introduced individually. "Gentlemen, welcome to your first milestone on your journey to become the WWE's next star. You are all judged on special criteria. First, your win-loss record. Second, the quality of your opponent. Third, the quality of your match. And fourth, your "It" factor. Here we go!"
#8 is Darren Young, #7 is Michael Tarver, #6 is Skip Sheffield, #5 is David Otunga, #4 is Heath Slater, #3 is Justin Gabriel, #2 is Wade Barrett, so this means Daniel Bryan is #1 in the Pro's Poll! Striker asks Darren Young about how we feels being in last place. He says he will do what it takes to rise up in the rankings. Striker goes over to Daniel Bryan, and he acknowledges Michael Cole dissing him as not having "It" factor. He also mentions people being married to superstars (i.e. Otunga) doesn't mean that he can wrestle. Otunga gets in his face and says he has the "It" factor and charisma.
Bryan and Otunga continue to have a war of words. Striker informs them that in six weeks the Pro's Poll returns, and the person in last place will be eliminated. He informs them that the winner of NXT will not only get an official WWE contract, but will also receive a championship match against any champion of his choosing in a PPV match! Tonight, all eight men will be in the main event in a battle royal with the winner becoming a host of next week's Monday Night Raw! Apparently we'll have a big 8-man tag match up next.
Michael Cole flips out at the announcer's desk complaining about Daniel Bryan calling him out. Matthews mentions the WWE Universe gets to vote on their rookies too. Commercial break.
* Christian, The Miz, William Regal & Carlito vs. Chris Jericho, R-Truth, Matt Hardy & CM Punk
This match is basically Team Raw Pros vs. Team SmackDown Pros. Wade Barrett comes out to accompany Jericho, and the Straight Edge Society accompany Punk to the ring. Jericho is dressed in a suit and tie, so this must mean his Rookie is replacing him. Jericho goes on commentary and says after what happened to him at WrestleMania 26 he is not ready to wrestle yet.
Carlito and R-Truth (WHAT'S UP!) start the match for their respective teams. Truth slaps Carlito before he can spit the apple in his face. A hiptoss and armbar, then Truth tags out. Punk is in the match now and has Carlito in another armbar. Punk gets a crowd chant as Carlito gains control. Regal tags in now and Punk backs off. He begs off Punk and Punk tags out to Wade Barrett.
Regal backs off and Christian tags in. Barrett kicks Christian then knocks him down with a shoulder tackle. Christian comes back with a springboard sunset flip for 2. Hardy tags in and The Miz tags himself in. Miz tries to slam Hardy into the turnbuckle but he gets reversed. Hardy clotheslines Miz in the opposite corner but Miz flips him over but then they both spill to the floor. Both teams have a stalemate before we go to commercial break.
We come back and Carlito puts Hardy in a rear chinlock. Miz tags in and puts Hardy in a headlock but Hardy counters with a jawbreaker. R-Truth gets the tag and runs over Miz, even knocking down the other Raw guys. Jericho is hilarious on commentary saying they should've tagged in his rookie Barrett. Miz catches Truth with a backbreaker. Regal tags in and lays in forearm shots in the corner.
He covers Truth for a two-count. Carlito is in now and has Truth in a rear chinlock then dropkicks him. Christian tags in and puts Truth in another submission working on the head. Jericho says Barrett is in the match so he can get used to being in a match with high profile superstars, but the announcers call him out reminding him he said he was hurt.
Team Raw dominates against Truth as they tag in and out keeping him away from his corner. Miz is the guy for the beatdown as he hits Trutrh with a legdrop and a chinlock. Cole asks if they've heard of tough love, and Jericho brings up Tough Enough. HAHA! Miz clotheslines Truth in the corner but Truth dropkicks him in mid-air! Truth finally gets out the match as Punk tags in. Christian is in too and he drops him with a back elbow and a spinning back elbow from the second rope. Punk avoids the Killswitch and hits the high knee in the corner.
Christian gets the boots up to Punk and all hell breaks loose when he makes the cover. Signature moves and finishers galore! Chaos ensues! Barrett makes a blind tag but Christian drops him with a reverse DDT. Punk trips up Christian and the ref is distracted by him. Jericho takes this opportunity to grab Christian's leg giving Barrett the chance to pick up Christian and slam him for the win! WINNER: Team SmackDown.
We get a reminder that all eight rookies will be in an 8-man battle royal later tonight with the winner being the guest host for Raw next week. Breaktime with a promo for the WrestleMania 26 encore presentation all week. We come back to a promo for WWE.com then the announcers bring us back to Mania for the phenomenal Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker match and Shawn Michaels heart-breaking (no pun intended) retirement speech from Raw last night. THANK YOU SHAWN!
Michael Cole and Josh Matthews transition to tonight's announcement of the Pro's Poll. Cole still thinks Bryan does not belong at the #1 spot, and Matthews says that no one cares what he thinks. I SECOND THAT! Fans can poll their own thoughts on how the rookies rank on WWE.com and the results of that poll will be revealed next week. Breaktime!
* 8-Man Rookie Battle Royal (Winner gets to host next week's Raw)
All the rookies get their own entrances with their rankings listed as they enter down the ramp. We recap the match earlier when Wade Barrett got the win, and when the bell rings all the others jump him and he's eliminated! They all battle each other finally when we go to our last commercial break. We get a promo for Shawn Michaels "My Journey" DVD before we get back to live action. During the break Skip Sheffield and Darren Young were eliminated.
Michael Tarver doesn't last long. Daniel Bryan and Heath Slater are eliminated soon after at the same time! David Otunga and Justin Gabriel are left in the ring. Otunga lays in the shoulders in the corner, but Gabriel kicks him in the head. Otunga is down, and Gabriel hits the 450 Splash! Otunga is limp. Gabriel can't get Otunga over the top rope, Otunga knocks him back then tosses him over! WINNER: David Otunga.
R-Truth comes down to the ring to celebrate with his rookie. Matt Striker gets in the ring to congratulate him. Otunga: "Matt, I hate to say it, but I told you so! I told everybody I should've been ranked #1. I beat every rookie out here, including the so-called #1 Daniel Bryan.
I am Mr. NXT and I am the next guest host of Monday Night Raw." Striker asks him on his thoughts on hosting Raw LIVE. Otunga says everything will be top notch A-list style. Striker says good night, and so do I. Good night!
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