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Dan-e-o Live @ Ram In The Rye Tonight!

Toronto! Your bro Dan-e-o is back doing what he does best...rockin’ the mic live!

Tonight, Dan-e-o takes to the stage to headline a FREE night of live hip-hop at Ryerson University’s Ram In The Rye!

Located at 55 Gould Street in Downtown Toronto, this FREE show will also feature performances by Crateology and Notes To Self. Show starts at 9pm sharp.

Performing both classic cuts and bangin' joints from the new Dilla Pickles mixtape, Dan-e-o’s live show is a can’t-miss!

5 comments: on "Dan-e-o Live @ Ram In The Rye Tonight!" dons dating kanyon said...

dan went from a canadian hip hop main a closing out shows for a bunch of jobbers.....never heard of these steve lombardi cats...wheres the redlifes, the ubads, the suakrates, the marvels, the wio k's, dream warriors, etc...the official toronto hip not liking the new wave of torontonian hiphop...your the last of a dying breed...although i miss the old daneo with the mini fro from dear hiphop....meh...random rant....

kathy said...

way to be supportive ass munch....have a Great Show Dan

Dante said...

From the hip hop I have received FREE from Dan-e-o I have loved it all. Better than the shit in L.A right now.

Unknown said...

Closing out a show = main eventing, yes/no? This was a Dan-e-o show, people came out to see Dan, and the opening card guys got to bask in his spotlight and get more exposure. Jabrons get known by working the undercard with a true main eventer, and you never know which of them might be a future Dan-e-o, Kardinal or Saukrates.

Dan-e-o said...

Much love to everyone who came out to the show! Hip-hop lives!

And big rispek to all those who were there in spirit.

Dope night...many more to come.