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Thing Of Honor - Week 7

This episode of ROH starts off with “Nature Boy” Ric Flair being introduced. This is a good idea. If they had him come out at the end teasing his appearance and not a match that would have looked bush league. Having him do his thing now is very cool. I can only wonder how the brass at WWE feels about this. At least he can use his music and not have some cheap ass version. Some guy has a Santino shirt on in the crowd!

Ric Flair says that he just isn’t going to retire or leave professional wrestling. He says that ROH is a great company with great owners and a ton of great talent behind the curtain.

That there might be a HBK, Flair, or a HHH in the back. The HHH comment gets boo’s. Flair brings out Jerry Lynn, the current ROH champion. Flair says they have wrestled each other. I didn’t know that but should assume Flair wrestled everyone including Jesus at some point.

They shake hands and Flair tells everyone that to be the man you have to beat the man and that Lynn is now the man. Lynn says that when he first fought Flair that Flair was just in a car accident but still showed up to fight him. Here comes Austin Aries to ruin everything. Crowd chants “Austin Asshole!” at him. Aries tells Flair and Lynn that he was the man before either of them ever showed up. “I like your attitude” Flair tells him. Aries says that when he beats Roderick Strong in the main event that he will back up everything he says.

First match is Chris Hero with Sara Del Rey (yes!!!) vs. Kenny Omega. This is going to be an awesome match. Omega comes out looking like a pack of Skittles. He’s rocking a Kofi Kingston look tonight. Hero kicks the handshake away. Hero starts working Omega’s arm. One of the announcers has been working a good slightly smartass heel style that works. Its heelish but not over the top. Multiple runs across the ropes before Hero is flipped with a hiptoss.

Omega gets him out of the ring before a flip over the top to the outside that nearly sends him into the crowd. Back in the ring with a cross body and a roll up for two. Hero lets Omega get his shit in before snapping him down by the hair. Hero gives Omega a boot to the face through the ropes. Omega with a snap Dragon suplex for two. Now an Electric Chair suplex that Hero gets out of. Will I ever see this move? A loaded elbow for the win by Hero! He concusses with his kicks and K.O’s with his elbow!

Kyle Durden with Roderick Strong in the back. Strong says it feels back to be back. He says he respected Aries but that Aries only respects himself and that’s what tonight’s match is about.

Brodie Lee is taking on Necro Butcher next. This match should be good as their styles are similar…ish. Necro says that there wont be one wrestling move tonight. At least we’re on the same page. Butcher comes out hitting himself with a steel chair. Crowd going nuts for Necro. Necro is finding new ways to fuck Lee up with a chair. He chases Jimmy Jacobs around the ring until getting Lee with a chair again. Bossman Slam on Necro on the ramp. Oh, now the bell rings. Two count by Lee.

Jacobs with a cheap shot on Necro. Lee misses a big boot in the corner and gets chopped and punched by Necro. This time Lee gets the boot. Necro shoves Lee into Jacobs on the apron and rolls him up for three! Necro takes a chair and sits, welcoming them into the ring.

Erick Stevens with Buzz Words. Dude has a beautiful German suplex and gut wrench power bomb. Stevens is facing some guy that is already in the ring. All I can hear is that the guy is 180lbs. Okay, Sal something. Look at those tights. There must have been a sale on brightly colored fabric. Sal elbows Stevens for a handshake. Stevens with a power slam after a high toss. Time to ride the train! A hard ass clothesline by Stevens. Doctor Bomb ends this match in about a minute. Jesus, that look like it hurt. The replay is pretty much the entire match.

Time for the main! Strong and Aries are gonna beat the hell out of each other. Aries comes out first. Strong comes out to chants from the crowd. They actually shake hands to start. Headlock by Aries. Strong cant reverse it. Finally does only to have Aries reverse back, kip up, and smile. These two are too close to get an upper hand. Clean arm drags by Aries followed by a seated dropkick. Aries chops Strong, Strong tries to get him some but Aries jumps out of the ring.

Aries wants to shake hands but chops Strong instead. Strong with a chop that misses three times. Aries runs out and cheers himself. Strong is getting mad. Dives off the apron with a forearm to Aries. Sends Aries to the barricade upside down. Misses another chop. Now I am dying to see a damned chop! Aries with a backwards dropkick to Strong’s legs on the apron followed by a double axe handle from the top rope. High knee on the apron by Aries. Strong fights back and finally gets a chop but Aries grabs some draws and sends him outside. Aries going for his spinning elbow and hits it.

“You suck!” chants by the crowd. Crossbody by Strong for two. Strong with some chops that send Aries flying! A sweet ass dropkick by Strong for two. I love that I don’t know who will win. “One more chop!” chant by the crowd and they get it. Backdrop backbreaker by Strong. Aries sends Strong outside. Heat Seeking Missile by Aries takes them both out! Aries with a spinning Tope Con Hilo for two. Half Nelson backbreaker by Strong. Enzuguiri by Strong.

Aries fights back for the Last Chancery! Roderick gets the ropes. Forearms in the corner and a bite to the head by Aries. He is getting desperate. Gutbuster, dropkick and Boston Crab by Strong. Aries wants to tap. Rope break. Damn. Strong pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Aries twists Strong outside. Dropkick by Aries on the apron. Brainbuster reversed to a Boston Crab. Another rope break. Gibson Driver reversed into a huracanrana! Now Aries with a Boston Crab. Roll up by Strong for two. He gets a kick to the head for it. Another Brainbuster that connects. Strong is done. Aries is holding his knee. Seems that he hurt it earlier.

Next week is a rematch with Danielson vs. Tyler Black. This is cool. Last week these two took each other to the 20 minute time limit. Cant wait. Another week another good episode. It flew by with no letting up in the action. I hope a lot of you are giving this show a chance and catching it. it’s a good hour of wrestling for free each week. Rockets!

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