![]() | Well, O-sters...you asked for it, and now you got it! The return of "Dissfest '08" is upon us! Back as always are Big Daddy Donnie and Dan-e-o, but joining Tha O Show for an unprecedented second week in a row is the one and only, Rico Montana! Fresh off of winning the LLW Tag Team titles with The Notorious T.I.D. from Dan-e-o's Flatliners this past weekend, Rico is back and full of fresh disses. But who will get the last laugh? On this week's show... Tha "Os And NOs" with a focus on this past Monday's King of the Ring tourney, as well as a few other tidbits. The Notorious T.I.D. is back with "Tha Pit Stop" to discuss...what else? This past Saturday's UFC 83 pay-per-view from Montreal that showcased hometown hero, Georges St-Pierre dominating Matt Serra to reclaim the UFC Welterweight Championship. Tha O Show gets a return visit from Kingdom James for a special edition of "Road Stories" which exposes another side to the best referee on the Ontario Indy scene and friend of the show, Dave Linton. And you will get to hear from the final four contenders in Tha O Hoe competition! So Ya Wanna Be A Hoe? Who's the dirtiest, sluttiest, nastiest of them all? YOU decide! Send your votes to hoe@thaoshow.com And, of course, making his return to "Tha Round Table" is the in-house guest, Rico Montana! Please show your support to all those who made this week's episode possible: FOOD TO "O" FOR: evo O-MAZING MUSIC: Secret Suburbia's Official Website Secret Suburbia's MySpace Page Click HERE to buy Secret Suburbia's Midi Gritty from HMV. Dan-e-o's Official Website Dan-e-o's MySpace Page Dan-e-o's Online Store Click HERE to buy Dan-e-o's See No Evil, Hear No Evil from HMV. Buy Tha O Show's Theme Music HERE! O-RIFFIC MERCH: Tha O Show's T-shirts Dan-e-o's T-shirts Hammerlock Video Legacy Belts O-TASTIC PROMOTIONS: Living Legends Wrestling O-FFILIATE WEBSITES: Tha Church Of O Tha O Show's MySpace Page Showdown Network Audio Wrestling Angry Marks Online World Of Wrestling Action Radio Ontario Indy Wrestling Phyte O-WORTHY WORKERS: Notorious T.I.D. OFFICIAL Rico Montana Website!! To download the mp3 of this show: Right Click On This Link then Choose "Save Target As" in Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" in Mozilla FireFox. If you have problems with this, please e-mail us at help@thaoshow.com. |
31 comments: on "Rated O Radio - Episode 61"
Rico and Tid did just what the MK said....THOSE TITLES ARE STOLLENNNN!
Heck yes! I did not expect to see this up and online before I have to head to work. Greatness, now I have something to listen to instead of working.
Fuck Stone Cold
Holy shit, 40 minutes in and I'm rollin'. I don't know who is curious as to who put the link up to Rico Montana's "official site" but I'm guessing Rico gets lots of web traffic.
Salad is the same thing as a casserole and yes, sometimes a cake down here. It's just the way we are.
Deon Davis was Obama at Raw Rico.
I vote for hoe #3!!
I love when Rico is in studio. Kingdom's road story was awesome. Never thought the mild mannered ref was such a spitfire!
I want the pornstar! Hoe 4 whatever her name is.
Ho numbers 2 and 4 were awesome. I'd probably go with number 4.
Christopher Casur will go with #3 I'm sure cause them young ho's are more his speed.
i've been listenin for a while now and I haven't figured out how danny likes evo...it says it's free of nuts, that doesnt seem like it's his speed
i've been listenin for a while now and I haven't figured out how danny likes evo...it says it's free of nuts, that doesnt seem like it's his speed
love the show guys!!!!!!! had my ass laughing i vote hoe 4
Yo I vote for pornstar 4!
Awesome episode!!
Give my vote to #3! I love this contest!!!
I expecting a LOT more gloating from Big Daddy about his KOTR predictO...
Nice job...
I can't believe the Black Prophet wasnt on!!
Got to listen to this at work tonight and I just have to say it was an excellent show. Then again, I tend to love just about every show. I downloaded EVERY single show and have started listening to all of the ones that I wasn't able to hear when I didn't know about Tha O Show.
Big Daddy Donnie got a prediction CORRECT! WOW! I have to say, so far in my listening, I think this is a first.
Now onto more pressing matters, O SHOW HOE #3! She sounds hot as shit, and O SHOW HOE #4 sounds like a cougar. Gotta go with #3, when you're done with her, send her to my house by the way. Girl sounded mad hot, I need some hully.
One more thing, we really need Wrestle-Trivia back. It doesn't have to be a worker gimmick, but say, like five questions a show, and after a month (20 questions) the fan who send in the most correct answers (FIRST! *who's email you get first*) wins and gets to be on an episode of Tha O Show for the Round Table.
Dooooooooooo it.
And bring back the whole buy a shirt, or Dan-E-O CD, gimmick. We need more contests.
Anyways, great show.
great show as always what's the chance of some pics of the hoes number 4 has my vote
Hoe 3 sounded tooooo fake to me. Like she was trying toooooooooo hard. 4 sounded natural. 2 sounded good too but im not into skinnaz!!!
Hoe 3 sounded tooooo fake to me. Like she was trying toooooooooo hard. 4 sounded natural. 2 sounded good too but im not into skinnaz!!!
O Ho, my two cents! :)
1- Is desperately looking for a man because she didn't get laid for a while – Donnie seems to be an easy pray who's always horny so she sees an opportunity... Not good.
2- Too hesitant... Seems to me that she wants to be known so hey, whatever she can do to get some attention including talking dirty and what not... Nope!
3- A 15 years old girl who watches too much porn with her friends at her pyjama parties... Or an underage stripper looking for fucking attention... HELL NO!
4- Simplicity works... And not saying too much is always better. When you can't figure out everything, you want to look further... She has my vote! She can give me call too! lol
As a final though...
Have you ever seen Tory Lane in the streets of LA? You wouldn't know there is a porn star walking right before your eyes. There are sluts and there are dirty, dirty girls or what I like to call «sex artists»...
They will talk about sex, dirty things but never too much unless they do it privately to the «victim» of their choice. We could even say that they work under cover. You can think they are dirty but you never really know until you get there... That's what you are looking for!
Oh yeah... You need some meat too... More cushin for da pushin! :P
All the best!
PS: No, I'm not related to Jonathan Goulet!! Fuckin Donnie! :P
I vote for Ho number 3. Have a good day!
P.S - Damn, that shit with Sheiky next week will be fucking HYPE! :D
fukudome listens to tha O show!!! ahhh sooo!
Hoe # 4 VS Lufisto in a strap on match! BOOOOOOOOOK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey yo. I've been listening since the 2 year anniversary episode and I haven't missed one yet.
This week, great show and I can't wait to hear Hulk Hogan vs The Sheik. HYPE!
Also, Donnie, Rico, give me an address and I'll hook you up with a Fuk-u-do-me shirt (what size Rico?)
e-mail me at LinkinPark025393@aol.com or get in touch on MySpace.com/nwosmurf
Peace out!
Smurf (UK O-ster)
why arent we getting to see the pics of the o-ho contestants?
It's tough to vote wihtout seeing what these hos look like, but I guess i'll say 4.
I'm very surprised that you guys didnt mention Kong and Ryesha Syed in your manager talk, as it looks like Ryesha's in line to be a manager turned worker. Just a thought.
Good Show.
ricos kinda racist....dude said i wanna wipe my ass with dannys dreads...and dannys reaction didnt seem like he took it as a joke...so it was def a racial remark..
donnies freestyles over dannys beat box is the best! lol
i like donnies freestyle from few weeks ago
"u fucking stink, take it in the pink" LMAO....Donnies fucked lol
frank fronte is still my favourite part of the show and im still hoping dude makes a return and i hope this is a work
HAHAHA. godlike people. the O rap group. dan e o donnie and rico as the straight man. profit niggas. oh yea tj with the dope beats.
anyway good shot, i agree with donnie and the hayes incident. they should have just let him be since suspending him won't do anything. than again they probably want mark henry close since they did use him alot.
vote for hoe 4 but they aint that much hoish anyway. rather hath lufisto and her anime tactics, haha
good show have montana more often ya make a good trio.
awesome show this makes me ask this question and hope it could somewhat go into the show.
what do you feel or think when people say X indy worker is better than everyone in the wwe?
i read and heard examples of nigel mcguiness, some japanese workers that i dont know, american dragon, and super dragon.
i knwo most and yea they are good workers, but better than everyone in the wwe?
i dotn know maybe they are too smar mark for their own good.
thanks to whoever responds
awesome show this makes me ask this question and hope it could somewhat go into the show.
what do you feel or think when people say X indy worker is better than everyone in the wwe?
i read and heard examples of nigel mcguiness, some japanese workers that i dont know, american dragon, and super dragon.
i knwo most and yea they are good workers, but better than everyone in the wwe?
i dotn know maybe they are too smar mark for their own good.
thanks to whoever responds
Normally the people who say "so-and-so is better than everyone in the E" are exaggerating at least a little bit for one reason or another. However, there are multiple indy guys in Ontario who could work circles around a large majority of the more prominent names on WWE's roster.
Independent wrestling offers a fresh product in an exciting atmosphere for a low price. For that reason, many people who follow wrestling as a hobby as opposed to being casual watchers find the indies to be a breath of fresh air when compared to WWE or TNA, two companies who rarely try anyting unpredictable, and then will often times do something completely senseless and inane when they do try to be unpredictable. Not only that, but indy wrestlers have fewere limitations on the moves they can perform and the type of match they can work, whereas the E has a set formula that offers very little room for deviation. In any business, when you have more room to be creative, you can generally come up with something better.
If you've never been to an indepedent wrestling show, go to one, because seeing it on TV or on DVD doesn't do it justice.
I vote for Ho number 4 because she sounded an awful lot like DJB's mom.
I emailed donnie yesterday and he told me that pics of the hoes will be up in a day or two. they are waiting for hoe 1 to give permission.
i think shes pissed cuz she knows shes not winning.
There should be some pics cuz you can talk like a ho but I wanna know if u look like a ho. In the end it's all about actin like a ho so without further ado. I present my thoughts on THAOHO
#1 Suzie- sounds like she just wanna bang Donnie so kudos to him. If you like her pic jump her then dump her.
#2 Ashley I like em skinny ho's. She could be a crack ho like Jenna Jameson, but Jenna got titas and skillas. I think a trip to the strip club where ashley work is in order. scout the talent..some stuff in the V.I can go down so she can't be over looked.
#3 was that real? If so, then that's as HO as it gets. Just get the ID ready and a few STD tests and yer set.
#4 She may be a porn star but I dunno man. She didn't say much else that made me want to O. #4 is like #2. There could be some promise there but as it stands you gotta go with #3.
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