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"Wildcat" Chris Harris Has Left TNA!

The following statement was issued on TNA's official website: CHRIS HARRIS NO LONGER WITH TNA WRESTLING

Chris Harris is no longer a member of the TNA Wrestling roster. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

The heavily criticized "Wildcat" Chris Harris is the subject of several online reports, all stating that he is leaving Total Nonstop Action wrestling for World Wrestling Entertainment.

For those keeping score, Wildcat has been with TNA since June of 2002, the inception of the company. He was in the initial "Gauntlet for the Gold" on the first of the TNA weekly PPV's, and was placed in a tag team with James Storm on the second TNA PPV.

The team of America's Most Wanted, consisting of Harris and Storm was considered the heart of the TNA Tag Team division, and believed by many to be the best tag team to work in TNA.

Chris Harris has also been given several opportunities within TNA to be a main event singles star, but those opportunities never came to fruition. Chris Harris has remained "The Wildcat," but has had several tweaks to his image. As early as March of 2004 Harris has been pushed towards the main event. After the breakup of AMW, Harris and Storm haven't had the greatest success, but neither are truly been viable contenders for the TNA Championship.

Several have criticized both TNA and Harris for not changing his current gimmick to get him over. Harris' character has remained stagnant in TNA for too long. Now it seems he's tired of it too. Harris may be looking towards the "greener pastures" of WWE.

Some have speculated that Harris is using this as a ploy to get more money from TNA. Harris' TNA contract is believed to be expiring within the next week to two weeks. The former tag team partner of Chris Harris, James Storm, has reportedly resigned with TNA.

Tha O Show will keep this story updated as it goes on.

8 comments: on ""Wildcat" Chris Harris Has Left TNA!"

Anonymous said...

He's a big buy with a good physique and will thus get a shot in the E. He's also a much better wrestler than people give him credit.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Harris leaving is the best possible thing for James Storm's career.

Anonymous said...

Harris is a guy who is fair enough worker and could go into the E, get a E make-over, and get over. He's a TNA original, but not so "original" (recognizable) that Vince couldn't make him one of "his own" guys. Chris has had the "Wild Cat" gimmick essentially since working for Bert Prentice here in the Nashville area. If nothing else, I hope he gets paid well and a better gimmick, if not a decent push.

Christopher Casúr said...

I don't think that Harris being around will affect Storm's future in TNA. If Storm was currently figuring into TNA's main event picture, I would agree, but they're clearly in no rush to push him to the main event, so I think that whether or not Harris is around will be irrelevant when that time comes.

I agree that Harris is a decent worker, but his gimmick got so stale and his character became uninteresting, which is largely why people have bashed on him. If you can't entertain me, it really doesn't matter how good of a worker you are.

D.J.B. said...

Yo Hammer. What I think Donnie is getting at is that normally two members of a tag team that break up don't succeed.

Both wouldn't be succesful, fuck, TNA doesn't know how to make superstars, so Harris and Storm are both doublefucked.

Anonymous said...

It doesnt even matter in a wrasslin' sense if he gon'. I can't tell the differnce between Harris an' Storm any damned ways. He will go to The E, job to Palumbo, then head back to TNA with more anger in him.

Dude is bland. His gimmich didn' get old. He never had one. What was he 'sposed to be? Wild? A cat? An outlaw? There ain't nothin' original about him. All of his moves is, wait for it, STOLEN!!! Spinning sideslam. STOLEN. Spear? STOLEN. Thesz Press? STOLEN. He is already cut off at the balls before even heading up North. Guess he could just do the Downward Spiral/Reverse STO/Flatliner like everyone else (Umaga, Jeff hardy, Ken Kennedy, Edge, Mortis, Steven Richards, Muhammad Hussan) did.

Anonymous said...

I saw this one coming from a mile away...the wrting was on the wall for chris to leave as soon as they aborted his last main event psh where he was scheduled to fued with christian cage but then dustin rhodes intefered and he had a fued with black reign which made no booking sense whatsoever and was a huge step down for him.......with so many half assed and aborted main event pushes....i cant say i blame the guy for leaving TNA dropped the ball with him....because i remember a few yrs back he was doing a shoot interview online and he was praising TNA like crazy and saying that was the land of opportunity for young wrestlers and how he had no interest in the WWE....i guess he ran out of patience...its a shame TNA couldn't figure him out....lets hope the WWE does something good with him....he's a got a good look and a nice IC champ type size...i could see him fueding with guys like MVP and Matt Hardy 1 or 2 yrs. down the line if used right.


D.J.B. said...

So...since TNA has wished him the best in his future endeavors, and the E will likely do the same soon, what's left? The Union?