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TNT: Cutting Edge Entertainment

Instead of something that would usually open ECW, like a match, or a segment that was completely useless we get "The Cutting Edge". That's right, Edge makes his long awaited return to the Land of Extreme and with him, and he brings "The Cutting Edge".

His special guest on this evening, ECW Champion CM Punk. Now as unimpressed as some O-sters seem to be with CM Punk, he seems to have the opposite effect on the rest of the viewing world, as he gets the loudest pops on ECW, and those would probably translate over to "SmackDown!"

But with the World Heavyweight Champion and ECW Champion in the same ring things were sure to be interesting, well, weren't they?

Edge and Punk had a nice little bantering segment that included Punk saying that he respected all of his opponents. This was interesting to say the least. In the case of Chavo it was understandable, because like Punk said, he's a Guererro, but, and this could be a non-issue, wouldn't that lead fans to believe that they should also respect every one of Punk's opponents? As far as the respect thing goes, I've always been a mark for the after-match handshake that plays up that respect has been earned. Like Booker and Benoit after the Best of 7.

As far as Edge on ECW, it was incredibly odd, and didn't yield the results that I would have expected it to. Edge and Punk were discussing opponents, and Punk said that he would, for the third week in a row accept the challenge of Chavo Guererro because he could beat him any time. Punk also said that he could beat Edge, which instead of drawing an attack drew laughter. That was to be expected, but what came next was not. I'm not talking about Chavo coming out, I'm talking about what sounded like a heart attack that Tazz was having. I thought they were going to stop the show.

Tazz's weird noise, which sounded like DDP's O, O, O show spot, aside, we get Chavo taking on Punk part three, and no Edge and Punk. We do however get a beat down of Punk at the hands of Edge and Chavo. If anyone watched "SmackDown!" last week, or read Friday Night Fallout you know that Chavo was heeling on Vickie because of Edge. Other than the blatant inconsistency of the semi face turn back to a heel, the fact that he aligns himself with who he was ripping to the crowd on Friday is baffling, but not at all surprising.

This new fangled version of MNM with Miz'n'Morrison hasn't grown on me yet. I still really hate to see them on TV. I especially hate to see them with the Tag Team Championships and then go over on a team like the Highlanders in 5 minutes flat, if that. Remember the action figure comment I made a few months ago, referring to the non-use of guys who were in an important spot a short time before? The Highlanders are this article's Stevie Richards. While they're getting used, the time given them to develop their characters a while back has completely been forgotten.

I want to take a second to talk about WWEHD. The Irish Hammer touched on it, but in a positive way. I'm not going to be completely negative towards it, but I do want to say that HD is clearer and DOES show more detail. That being said, could this possibly be a negative for WWE? If those non-punch punches, of Big Show and Hogan most notably, and the non-kick kicks like the one Orton whiffed on Dusty are now more visible, could that not possibly translate to TV and cause some of those "die-hards" to get really pissed? I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

The E decided to use some ECW time to put over the Hardy and Orton confrontation from the night before and rightly so. Joey Styles informed the audience that Randy Orton was suffering from neck and back trauma, and then said that before being evaluated Jeff Hardy staggered out of the same "medical facility." The E could go several different directions with this, but they'll probably put over that Hardy didn't receive the proper medical treatment, which will lead to his downfall at the Rumble. Hardy though, is as over as anyone, and it would serve the E well to not drop the ball on Hardy's push.

We get another dose of the heavily improving Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin is on the right track to main event level. He's not on the fast track, but at this point, that may be the best thing possible. There is no question to the fact that Shelton Benjamin has the tools needed to be a top guy. If his mic skills keep improving, his stock will continue to go up and he will be a top level, marketable asset to the company. He has the size, he has a unique look, he has the amateur background, and the athleticism to be around for a long, long time.

The E is pushing Benjamin as a guy who could win the Rumble, and at this point, that is a very good direction to take. It's a win-win for "The Gold Standard," because even if he doesn't win, he wins. He can claim a fluke when he isn't the last man standing, and translate that into a #1 contender’s match where he could go over, and as I've said for a while now, Benjamin and Punk should be in the ECW Championship match at WrestleMania. At this point, that is the best possible opportunity for the E to get both Punk and Benjamin to a whole new level.

As far as this CM Punk/Chavo Guererro feud it was now or never for the E. I'm glad to see Chavo in a main-event position, but being put under two matches in a row was slowly chipping away at the credibility in the minds of the fans. It was the proverbial "shit or get off the pot" moment. If Chavo loses another match to Punk where does he go? If he goes over does smart money not say that he has the fast track to an ECW title shot? Say, at the Royal Rumble, where the challengers from all three brands won't go over, but will get a main event level match?

Edge, after being shown leaving the arena came out to join Spaz and Michael Cole on commentary. Edge did this on both "SmackDown!" and ECW, and both shows benefited greatly from it. My major beef with the commentary was Joey Styles this week. Tazz's heart attack aside, Joey Styles repeatedly said, "Chavo Guerrero with yet another shot at winning a title shot." I understand that Chavo lost two prior matches, which is to me, a flub on the E's part. Styles was basically putting under Chavo by putting over the repeat losses to Punk.

I wonder if I'm the only person who sees Edge having a spot with the E long after his in-ring career is over. Edge could likely be the next JBL at the announce table. While I most definitely don't wish another injury on Edge, if one were to occur, it could be advantageous for the E to keep Edge relevant at the announce table. He could stay on TV, keep a feud going, or start one. He could rehab on the road, barring a huge injury. As I've said, I don't want that to happen, but God forbid it does, Edge at the table would be money, because it already is.

Edge knocking Punk out of the match with World title belt was nice, but Edge jumping back to the table and throwing the headset on was even better. Edge saying, "What a match," and, "Joey, you suck," were two of the announce high spots of the New Year. With Chavo winning, there will be a match next week, but with Edge looming I have a feeling the payoff will be at the Rumble. I'm wondering though, if the Edge/Punk program will continue, or if it was just a small piece of the Punk/Guerrero feud? Smart money says that it will continue, and that's not a bad thing. That match would be a great draw, and probably a great match.

Tha Quick Hits:
*Miz and Morrison def. The Highlanders
*Kane def. Colin Delaney
*Shelton Benjamin def. Nunzio
*Chavo Guererro def. ECW Champion CM Punk via Count out

2 comments: on "TNT: Cutting Edge Entertainment"

Anonymous said...

why did kelly kelly come out in a robe and then show a bikini, only to run away how does that promote hd?

D.J.B. said...

Anytime Kelly Kelly is on tv, I'm not going to complain.

I meant to mention the fact that I'm glad Kofi Kingston is finally going to debut. I think and hope he can do some good things pretty quickly.