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Rated O Radio - Episode 47

Tha O Show RadioWhat a blockbuster we have for you this week, O-sters! Welcome to another fantastic mega-episode of Tha O Show!

This week, Ontario Indy Superstar, Rico Montana returns to your favourite internet wrestling program to sit in and shoot the shit with Big Daddy Donnie, Dan-e-o and Fatty Fronte!

Rico also debuts his brand new entrance theme courtesy of Tha O Show Music.

Also on this week's episode...

A spirited edition of "Tha O's And NO's"...featuring the debut of another great debate. It's not about Santino Marella this time. This week, tha boys bicker about hardcore legend, Mick Foley. Are you on Don or Dan's side? Be sure to weigh-in the comments section.

A brand new segment debuts this week, as your bro Dan-e-o attempts to "even up the odds" a bit on your favourite weekly broadcast. Controversial as it may be, prepare yourself for..."Tha Black Prophet"!

One of Ontario Wrestling's top performers, Ruffy Silverstein delivers a double-dose of dope on "Road Stories".

Of course, the one and only, Notorious T.I.D.'s shoots the shit like no one else can on "Tha Pit Stop" - the world's greatest MMA segment on any show anywhere! This week, Tid previews this coming weekend's UFC 90: Rapid Fire pay-per-view eminating from Newcastle, England and talks about the UFC's lawsuit against former Heavyweight champ, Randy Couture.

And as if kicking it with Tha O Show crew, for the entire program wasn't enough, Rico Montana hangs around for "Tha Round Table". Today's episode is a classic!

As always, we kindly ask that you take a moment to visit everyone who helped make this week's show possible:


Secret Suburbia

Click HERE to buy Secret Suburbia's Midi Gritty from HMV.

Dan-e-o's Online Store

Click HERE to buy Dan-e-o's See No Evil, Hear No Evil from HMV.

Living Legends Wrestling

Hammerlock Video

Random Acts Of Stupidity

Legacy Belts

Notorious T.I.D.

Angry Marks

April Hunter

Ruffy Silverstein

Rico Montana

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Right Click On This Link then Choose "Save Target As" in Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" in Mozilla FireFox. If you have problems with this, please e-mail us at

17 comments: on "Rated O Radio - Episode 47"

Anonymous said...

Overtime!! wow!! Great episode guys! This one is staying on my ipod awhile...

Anonymous said...

Whoah! Black Prophet is insane!! I love that shit!!!!! I don't know much about Rico but I respect the man's integrity and honesty. Comments on Mistico were VEEEEERRRY interesting. I was excited to see this guy after everything i'd heard / seen on YouTube.

I am a huge Ruffy Silverstein fan. Hearing him do impressions made me shit myself laughing.

Fatty needs to talk more.

I loved the Foley debate. I'm not sure which side I fall on but I love the passion you guys have.

Anonymous said...

Found a video of santino on heat this week, workin spanky. First video is him showing he's gold on the mic, before the match. Second video is him finally showin some in ring work, and great heel tactics. Enjoy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip on dirty minds show. Dave Curan is awesome.

I marked when I saw Dan-e-o on stage. I was there with a few friends. That guy who had his name changed to cocksucker is a bigger loser than Fatty.

Amazing show this week.

Anonymous said...

This was EASILY my fav show to date...

Anonymous said...

greatshow !!!!

Anonymous said...

Great show! I havent seen what Rico Montana looks like but I can understand why Fatty was cuddled up next to him. Dudes voice is soothing. Made my panties wett. Wait...

I am still on the fence regarding Foley. I think I have too many memories of Cactus Jack to completely hate on the guy. He will of course make it to the WWE's Hall of Shame but never the Hall O! Fame. Big Daddy Donnie will make damned sure of that. He will never be accused of being a mat wizard but he is good for what he was. Do I want to see him come back? Not at all. Beating Foley does nothing for his opponent. Maybe if this was 10 years ago it would. But now you're beating up that writer. Dean Koontz better watch his ass.

The Black Prophet was raw and it wasnt even Monday night! I cant completely disagree with what he had to say though. Alot of what he said were facts. As long as he doesnt start dogging Awesome Kong we're cool. ODB? Have at her.

The "Road Storie" was fucking funny! "Lysol!" I watched some special a while back where they showed people on reservations getting lit on Lysol. Made me mad that I hadnt thought of trying that. This Febreeze aint jacking me tightly as it should.

I would love to see Tid in an MMA match. Have him holding a bunny and a jar of peanut butter with an O Show t-shirt on. As for Couture. $10,000? Really. Why not just tap his bottom on PPV? "Now dont do that again, Randy..."

And I'll be damned if my meat eating ass (note: edit that statement) doesnt want some Evo. Ya'll got that soothing ass music playing in the background and all.

Anonymous said...

Good Show..

Agreeing with Dan-E-O here. First off, there are a ton of workers that wouldn't take that bump. You don't think that many of those workers are happy where they are at? A lot of these workers are family men who have a family depending on them. They are making decent to good money all ready why would they risk the security of their family for a run at the top and a few more thousand dollars. To think that is absolutely ridiculous. There was too much risk with what Foley did. Ask this, Foley paralyzes himself on that fall. Then name me one worker who'd line up for that bump...

While Foley won't make anyone's top 50 list of wrestlers, he was a great worker... great on the mic, made his spots look important and impactful and made his opponent look good (see Randy Orton 2004)...

Foley definitely has a spot in the annals of this sport and I don't think he needs to defend that to Donnie or anyone else... He's earned that right... Only knock on Foley was that he should have not said shit about "actual retirement". Eventually the itch gets to you...

Anonymous said...


What's the sweetest job in the NFL?
A: Back up QB

Gets paid good money to do very little...

I'd bet money on that if they asked Scotty 2 Hotty, in his prime to do a bump of Foley's nature, he'd turn it down. Why? Dude was going out and wrestling 3 minute matches and doing the worm and getting pinned and received good money for doing so...

It's called complacement. Would Billy Volek like a chance to be a full time starter somewhere? I'm sure he would, but I guarantee a part of him doesn't mind making 2 million dollars a year to play a combined 20 minutes all season...

Anonymous said...

That is, it's call "complacent"

Complacement is the optimal spot on your gf's face to drop a load...

Anonymous said...

Just an FYI on Chris Harris's lame "Wildcat" name's origin. He's from Kentucky and when it was first started it he was feuding with future tag team partner "Tennessee Cowboy" James Storm so Bert Prentice milked the Kentucky vs. Tennessee angle. Yeah, it was shitty then just like it is now. Most angles in the Indy's in TN are shitty. God I wish I was closer to Ontario so I can see some good work and maybe some decent angles (though, I think I would shit on BDD's booking based on how much I tend to disagree with his POV on the show). Would I call Mick Foley a great worker? God, no. However, he was the number 3 babyface during the WWE's biggest era. He sold merch, books, and his soul. He's earned a Hall of Fame spot more so than JYD, Bob Orton, Mr. T, or Johnny Rodz. I'm not a huge mark, but I appreciate that he was more than a glorified jobber. I always saw him as the Jake "the Snake" Roberts of the Attitude Era...without the crack pipe.

Solid show, guys. As they always are.

Anonymous said...

Yo Dan, that was one of the hottest flows I've ever heard from you on Rico's song. Fresh man.

Speaking of Dan, you were on fire today. You were right about the Foley debate, the new song was hot, and the new segment was hilarious...well at least I think it was supposed to be...

I think I said this before, but Rico is one of my fav guest. Dude is so smart. I feel like I'm getting a better education from him than the public school system.

I totally feel the "Underground is cool" thing. I see that all the time in the rap world. So many hip hop fans are backpack marks even when the dude rockin' the backpack is shit.

Anonymous said...

Black Prophet and Rico were amazing!!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the Foley debate partly because I could tell Donnie was just fueling the fire and didn't really belive what he said. I found that amusing.

Rico is dope. Have him back every week.

I've been to several LLW shows since Donnie took over and they've been the most entertaining and well booked shows I've been to in a while. Between them and some of the insane shit that comes out of Stranglehold, I get my fill of creative minds.

Anonymous said...

I just wanna say that I love Dan-e-o's approach. Someone already wrote it. Passion. Guy has heart. He's the Darcy Tucker of Tha O Show.

Anonymous said...

I laughed all the way throught his show. From the porn talk to the debate to Rico's take on Misitico to the whole Wildcat thing. I didn't agree with everything but the stuff I disagreed with was over the top that I couldn't help but laugh. O!!!!!

Anonymous said...
