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Rated O Radio - Episode 23

Tha O Show RadioWhat up O-sters! Welcome to another edition of your favourite internet wrestling program: Tha O Show.

Big Daddy Donnie, Dan-e-o and F'n Frank Fronte return home to Secret Suburbia Studios and a returning-from-Sweden-jetlagged T.J. to deliver this week's jam-packed episode.

Big thanks to Botany Hill who hosted Tha O Show for the past two weeks at N49 Studios. We're sure that this won't be the last O-sters hear from him. Now on to tha show...

On this week's episode:

Tha patented "O's And NO's".

Pro wrestling and MMA star, Geza Kalman Jr. joins the show to deliver not one but two gems on our "Road Stories" segment.

Tha crew discusses the recent happenings in TNA including the big signings of "Test" Andrew Martin, Matt Morgan, the oddly-timed storyline involving Kurt Angle and his family and the potential signing of suspended NFL star, Pacman Jones.

Big Daddy Donnie and Dan-e-o deliver to you, Tha Nation of O, the answer to the following question: "Will The Iron Sheik answer his phone for the third straight week in a row?" during the now-weekly segment: "What's Sheiky Doing?".

And Tha O Show proudly presents to smarks worldwide the presence of Ring Of Honor Pure Wrestling Champion, Nigel McGuiness on this week's edition of "Tha Round Table".

PLUS, a sneak peak (or listen actually) to some cuts from Dan-e-o's new mixtape CD, DJ Law presents The Art of Lyricism: Dan-e-o's Finest.

All this and more on this week's program.

As always, please take a moment to visit everyone who helped make this week's show possible:

Secret Suburbia

Vote for Secret Suburbia in the Battle of the Bands at

Dan-e-o's Online Store

DJ Law

Living Legends Wrestling

Geza Kaleman Jr.

Nigel McGuiness

To download the mp3 of this show:
Right Click On This Link then Choose "Save Target As" in Internet Explorer or "Save Link As" in Mozilla FireFox. If you have problems with this, please e-mail us at

29 comments: on "Rated O Radio - Episode 23"

Anonymous said...

That's the funniest episode yet! Hahaha ... I'm glad I got to hear it before most peoppl considering it's not even 6 yet!!

Anonymous said...


You are very, very wrong about Kennedy...Kennedy. The reason he's slacking on RAW is creative. The Smackdown creative team gave him better angles and better scripts. One thing I won't agrue is that he was better off on Smackdown, but the above are the reasons. The RAW team has proven time and again that they can take great talents and make them mediocre.

When I first started listening to you guys, I thought I'd agree with Donnie more. However, each week I'm becoming more and more a Dan-E-O-ciple. The only thing I've disagreed with Dan-E-O on so far is eating pussy and Sharmelle's Bootilicity.

If Frank can lose 40 pounds in 4 months, you guys should hook him up with a ring rat without an STD. Oh, wait, they don't exist.

Adam Jones (I refuse to use that fucking stupid nickname) would turn me against TNA for good. I'm glad the Titans put the kabosh on that. Dixie Carter needs to open her legs and shut her mouth and let people from the business in the company have more control of the direction of it.

Great show, guys! Thanks for putting it on!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I respect your opinion B4 ... but ... what does creative on "Raw" have to do with Kennedy's on mic delivery? I'm not talkin about WHAT he says ... but how.

He looks very one dimensional to me on a show full of characters and more history.

You can say I'm wrong if you like ... I wasn't issuing that as gospel... simply stating my opinion. "Raw" is still the A show and Kennedy isn't ready for an A program on "Raw"...

... and Val Venis rules...

Thanks for listening...

Downtown said...

There was no good reason to put Kennedy on Raw... It was premature

Anonymous said...

If what you are given to say is crap, your delivery will be also. If he isn't feeling what they are giving him, then we won't either.

Didn't say your opinion wasn't appreciated. I wouldn't listen if it wasn't. I've just found myself disagreeing with you alot lately! Actually makes the show more fun to listen to!

Downtown said...

Frank, 40lbs in 4 months is easily achievable, but it's gonna take consistency. But, more important than the scale observation, aim for visual appearance.

Weight lifting for tone, worker training for cardio, and no sweets 3 hours before sleep time would change your life. Exercise is so much more important than diet (keeping the extremities in mind).

Keeping a consistent schedule is key, that and sucking up the pain. No whining just because your muscles are sore the next day. That's what it's supposed to do!

Anonymous said...

b4: Donnie said on the show that it's about how you are saying it. I disagreed, until he gave examples like The Rock. He's right. How you say it is everything. Kennedy's delivery and facial expressions on Raw have been nothing but a great bit no sell. To me it seems like hes tryin to prove he belongs with the big boys by not putting anyone over verbally and avoiding chicken heel tactics.

Anonymous said...

Fatty Frank. You are dead.

Anonymous said...

Awesome show... i laughed out loud ... No way does Frank make it. He'll be in a dress before 07 is done.

I popped for the cheesy Big Show in baseball bit. Pretty sure I've heard a similar bit to that about Pudge Rodriguez but it's cool anyways.

I liked the way you guys debated shit that normally I would just not even think about. You make me sit up and say "Self: there is more to this than meets the eye". On that note, I just saw Transformers and loved it. Simpsons movie sucked.

Anonymous said...

I'd like the question of the last two weeks answered. How much pussy did T.J. get in Sweeden?

Anonymous said...

Yo, The Simpson's movie was hype. Trust. The only reason it got SOME bad reviews is because the secondary characters almost had NO parts, it centered more on the family. Best writing since season 11. They brought back all the old writers for it. My fav part was after Ralph sees Bart naked he says "I like men now".

Oh, btw Dan-e-o, found something you might find interesting. I was listening to "Dear Hip-Hop" today for like the millionth time and I noticed something. Someone bit the piano from the song! Listen to "Scapegoat" by Atmosphere, which dates to around 97-99, they copied it and sped it up a little. Trust man. Is this a far fetched moment of two minds thinking alike, bite, or what?

Anonymous said...

Simpsons movie was bullshit... Test in TNA is bullshit... Pacman Jones in TNA is bullshit... Frank losing weight is bullshit...

Anonymous said...


Big Show is out at firt!

Anonymous said...

the simpsons movie was really good 45mins then it slowly lost steam

Anonymous said...

If Kennedy is exposed on RAW, could Snitsky's shittiness be covered up on SmackDown? Answer, no.

While I almost agree with you Donnie, to the average mark out there, there aint a damn thing different with Kennedy now than there was 4 months ago.

I do however agree that he isn't where he should be, I'm just undecided on what it is that's lacking, I'm not quite sure that it's even the delivery. Maybe dudes depressed he aint carrying around a 10lb leather strap with 3 gold plates around over on SmackDown due to some jackfuck doctor.

As far as can do it bro. Drop the pasta man, drop the pasta.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I forgot, if anyone pulled a Coleman on me, I'd pull a Randy Orton "drop a turd" in that mans bag, truss, it would happen.

Unknown said...

Frank, I just lost 25 pounds in 2 and a half months, so it's definitely do-able that you can lose 40 pounds. Re-do your diet, lift some weights, do crunches, then run on an elliptical machine for half an hour to an hour everyday on the highest setting.

Anonymous said...

Frank isn't going to make it!! NO WAY!

Anonymous said...

No offense Plunkett, but crunches don't do shit for some people, and I'm one of them. Some people don't even have to watch their diet too much. It's all about the desire, and the activity.

Take McDonalds. 3 Double Cheese burgers have a pretty good amount of protein. So shit, I'd eat 3 double cheeseburgers, and then I'd work out for a while.

Take Subway, I know they have the 6 subs with 6 grams of fat, fuck that, a toasted Chicken Bacon Ranch is where it's at. Not too much good about that baby, so I'd down a footlong give it an hour and work out again.

But honestly the quickest way to lose the weight is do it subconsciously. Don't monitor yourself daily, do it on Tha Show but disregaurd it. If you think about it too much, it'll mess with your head. Just have fun doing it.

I know you said you were a terrible athelete, but bump around, or get with some friends and play football, basketball, soccer, or something. The more you do that the better off you'll be.

Just watch the volume of foods you eat. You don't even have to drop the sweets altogether but for numbers sake, if you eat 10 things of sweets a day(thats 1 of whatever) cut it down to 5 for the first month. 3 the next and for the last two be eating one or none of them bitches.

Good luck Frank, I know your ass can do it. Your stomach too.

Unknown said...

That's true, but different people have different body types. You have a different body type than Frank or I, so your body handles carbs/proteins/fats differently. You can get away with eating greasy foods from McDonald's without gaining weight the way Frank or I would.

It's not even that necessary to watch your diet. I mean, yes, you have to take some steps and try to eat healthier, but I don't count calories or anything like that. Play sports, work out, stay active, and you'll find yourself with less and less free time, which means you'll eat less and less shit you shouldn't be eating.

Also, the crunches aren't for the purpose of losing could do 1,000 crunches a night and you wouldn't lose much weight at all, if any. Crunches tone the muscle, and also cause the body to naturally give an extra GH burst, so if you do cardio after you do crunches, you're running with boosted GH levels, which helps burn more fat. And, of course, a good weightlifting regimen will help you lose weight and build muscle to impress the girls.

I got personal training when I joined a local gym a few months back, and this is basically what they said.

The last tip...find a workout partner. Preferably one who doesn't want to see you legally change your name to "Fatty" or wear drag through all of 2008.

Anonymous said...

Im blown away with all the advice people have been giving me.

Thanks for the support.

EC said...

Here's my suggestion for the music for the bit from week to week for Frank's weight loss. Enjoy.


"Fat Man"

Don't want to be a fat man,
people would think that I was
just good fun.
Would rather be a thin man,
I am so glad to go on being one.
Too much to carry around with you,
no chance of finding a woman who
will love you in the morning and all the night time too.

Don't want to be a fat man,
have not the patience to ignore all that.
Hate to admit to myself half of my problems
came from being fat.
Won't waste my time feeling sorry for him,
I seen the other side to being thin.
Roll us both down a mountain
and I'm sure the fat man would win.

Unknown said...

Kurt Angle is the Triple H of TNA? Wow...did everybody forget about Jeff Jarrett that quickly? You know, Jeff Jarrett, the guy who would still be on top of the company if not for several very unfortunate family problems? Jeff Jarrett, the guy who held the title for so long that at one point fans chanted "please retire" at him? Jeff Jarrett, the guy who is positioning himself to be in the main event at Bound For Glory, and win?

Kurt Angle may be the Triple H of TNA, but Jeff Jarrett will alawys be the Jeff Jarrett of TNA.

Downtown said...

Jarrett's GREAT! End of story.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Jarrett: Very solid worker, very good on the mic, has all the components of that great worker.

Only problem he played politics...funnily enough, not near as much as Triple H, but Jarrett gets shit upon 10X more. Why? Triple H boned and later married the bosses daughter, hung around with the guys that had the most pull in the company, screw it, article forthcoming on Jarrett.

Donnie...did you almost call me Tha Notorious D.I.D? That's cool, speaking of all that, how is Tha original Notorious One?

Unknown said...

Where you been, man? I wrote an article on Jarrett back in April.

Anonymous said...

i wish someone brings Nigel to ontario.

Anonymous said...

I was living in, My World, climbing to the top to become King of the Mountain, now, choke on that slapnuts.

To tell you the truth bro, and no offense, you've written SO many TNA articles with Jarrett as a focal point I don't know to which artilce you are refering too.

This will be somewhat to the form of tha Triple H article I wrote, so as Greg Helms music says, "Just Listen." Or in this case, "Just read."

Anonymous said...

Hey guys.. a friend told me to check out your site... I was one of the Cheeky Girls! Cheeky Girls is a pole dancing class taught by real exotic dancers. I was there for a bachelorette party the night you walked by.

See ya around.