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Friday Night Fallout: Downtown Edition

Lucky you, O-sters. This week you get a double-dose of "Downtown" Jeff Brown. It seems my boy D.J.B decided to take a trip to Wilkes-Barre, PA in search of any undisclosed clues in the VKM assassination. He told me that he would not rest until the person or persons involved in the demise of Mr. McMahon were served their due justice.

So, he asked the best damn columnist this side of the New River and the other side of Tobacco Road to fill in for him this week. So here's your "Friday Night Fallout".

It wasn't two months ago, we here at Tha O Show were hailing "SmackDown!" as the #1 WWE program on TV. Fast-forward the clock, add a few Mega-injuries and a rather crippling draft, they're down to the #3 spot. And it's rather evident by the opening match: Batista takes on Deuce.

Now, before I drop a "Deuce" all over this match, I will give credit to the opening comedy skit of the match. Batista flirting with Cherry was the most charisma I have seen from this guy, maybe ever. Sure after that, it became a Batisita match, but Deuce got some offense in so it wasn't a total squashaz.

On a sidenote, I took a trip down to Tampa last week and ran into Batista. We were going to pick up some cigars, for later that night, and bro just pulls up in this dope, sparkling white Bentley (VERY TIGHT!).

Don't worry, I didn't "mark-out" and go ask for a autograph or a picture, I've met bigger names and I find it rude to do that to people in public anyways. But, dude is humongous and apparently doing well for himself. So regardless of what we say about the guy, as well as he's living, I doubt he gives a shit. But we already knew that.

Back to "SmackDown!", and the newly regenerated Cruiserweight title. I think this COULD turn out to be a good thing for the title, and if not for the title, at least it could be good for Jamie Noble. Let's face it, you can't help but like Hornswoggle (at least I can't, I'm as fascinated with little people as Homer Simpson) and he's over with the crowd.

Noble's gonna fuck that midget up, and he's gonna get BIG heat for it (catch the pun?). Noble versus Finlay smells like quality, and a Noble/Jimmy Wang Yang program for the title could be interesting, mainly 'cause I love it when rednecks go to fightin' and a feudin'.

Props to the production team for their build to the Chavo match by showing the "Rey Returns" montage followed by the "history reminder" of Chavo and Rey's last meeting, then cutting to "OOOO CHAVO!!!", Bravo! Insta-Heat! If you don't like Chavo, solely on his in-ring work, YOU SUCK! Chavo goes over on Eugene looking very strong, even after playing along with the "Retard Rage" stunt, but that's what Eugene is there for.

With Rey returning, it's best they took the CW title off of Chavo, if only to help keep the credibility that Mysterio is a "Big Title" contender, and I think Chavito should be as well.

Onto the Main Event of the Night, that came awkwardly only halfway through the show. Two great workers take on a good worker and a guy that's slightly better than Lex Luger. The team of Ric Flair and Matt Hardy took on MVP and Chris Masters.

Good, long match (by TV standards) between these guys. Nice change of tone in this match, where the heel (MVP) was the wrestler in peril, as the Faces tagged in and out, wearing him down til he made the "hot-tag". I think that's my word of the week, but I love tag-team wrestling so much, and that's such a big element to a great tag match, I appreciate when workers put some thought into it and try something different.

MVP is so dope, such a great character, it's just so natural for the guy. I popped when he rolled out of the ring and called for the twenty-second timeout. It's those "little things" that make such a big difference between entertainers and merely workers.

Flair and Hardy went over, but after the match MVP and V1 had a little war of words. Here's the kicker, Hardy didn't bore me. He didn't say anything that profound, but he kept mine and the audience's attention. The promo seemed to be a setup for a nice LONG program between these two, HYPE! (Editor's note: Just as Dan-e-o predicted!)

After that match, the show pretty much went to shit so I'll go straight to Tha Breakdown:

-Batista def. Deuce
-Hornswoggle def. Jamie Noble by countout
-Chavo def. Eugene
-Flair/Hardy def. MVP/Masters
-Custom Chucky P loves to feel the vibration of a HOG between his legs
-Mark "Big, Dumb Silverback" Henry squashes Joey Blaylock
-Backstage segment with Teddy, Kristal, Vickie and Ron Simmons..."Damn!" (he's Teddy's best man)
-Kane def. Dave Taylor
-Jimmy Wang Yang & Torrie Wilson def. Kenny Dykstra & Victoria
-Khali throws a rediculous Punjabi Celebration with a few too many white people dancing in the mix, with Batista crashing the party to end the show

12 comments: on "Friday Night Fallout: Downtown Edition"

Unknown said...

SmackDown! was pretty good this week, all things considering. Jesse & Festus skits are getting old, they need to debut already because that tag title picture is so weak.

Here's the biggest "O" of the week, and I don't know if anybody else caught it or not. When they were hyping the Chavo/Rey feud, they said the feud started over Chavo's jealousy of Rey winning the Worls Heavyweight Championship. Not one mention of Eddie! In otherwords, these two are now going to actually get to have a legit feud, not one based around Eddie's name. Hypaz.

fallen0ne said...

"Eugene really thinks he's a superhero"
"Just like you think you're a commentator"

Downtown said...

JBL is so damn good at what he does. Comparing Khali's title win to Columbus discovering the "New World", ha

Anonymous said...

Jbrown, you weren't supposed to tell the Osters where I was...DAMN YOU. Seriously though, I was at Carowinds, and wore Tha O Show shirt and got a few, "what's that" and one guy thought it was some kind of Simpson's thing with Tha O looking like a donut and all, so hopefully, we'll get 700,011 page impressions a month now.

Why were 2 of Khali's dancers white? Why was there a celebration of Khali's winning the championship AFTER his first defense? Why is there a Great Khali?

I can't remember who it was that said Hardy couldn't and didn't cut promo's(yeah I do, and I bet some others do too) and while he's no Hulk Hogan, or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, he holds his own with a southern accent. As I sniffed the air watching it on tape this evening, I smelled a title change.

Speaking of smells...Jesse and Festus smell like a flop.

Anonymous said...

wait a minute um wait a minute its no way you can be saying that o yeah and again and again and again was a a decent, okay slightly above average promo it was garbage horrible

it looked like some first year rookie trting to cut a promo on some veteran that gas been in the wwe for like 6-7 years
O wait a minute it was
Mtatt Hardy just sucks
there is reason they didnt show ric flairs face thru out the wholre thing

Anonymous said...

wait a minute wait a.... minute its no way you can be saying that o yeah and again and again and again was a a decent, okay slightly above average promo it was garbage horrible

it looked like some first year rookie trying to cut a promo on some veteran that has been in the wwe for like 6-7 years
O wait a minute it was
Matt Hardy just sucks
there is reason they didnt show ric flairs face thru out the whole thing

Anonymous said...

Well, at least Hardy's promo ability isn't on par as your grammar, punctuation and ability to post things once.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything other than a first year rookie...?

Anonymous said...

oooo a zinger somebody get this guy a pencil. oddly enough in wrestling you can be on the indie scene for years go to a big show and people still look at you as a rookie or you can be a body builder thats gets pushed to soon, wear a faggy cape in your entrance and be a first year rookie. besides my point still stands Matt Hardy sucks plan and simple.

Anonymous said...

This amazes me. You can sit there and say that Matt Hardy sucks, but you have absolutely NOTHING to back that sentiment up.

Zero, nilch, nada, jack shit. Whats up with the Hardy hate?

You are a rookie to your company that is a given, but to be a rookie somewhere it has to be your first year there.

Anonymous said...

didn't know where to put this, but apparently Pacman mother fuckin Jones has signed with TNA.

I guess TNA will take any pub they can get right now.

Anonymous said...

Oh my motherfucking god. Pacman Jones? Wow...