Check This Out...



I cannot believe this. I have no idea how to properly convey my feelings at this time.

Within the span of two years, my two favourite wrestlers have died...apparently. has reported that Chris Benoit AND HIS FAMILY were found dead in their home today!

And this is what fucks me up more than anything right now...I am sitting here in disbelief trying to figure out whether or not this is a work!

Goddamn you, Vince McMahon...I don't know whether to properly mourn my favourite WWE superstar right now or not! What the hell is going on here?!

With sincere apologies to all O-sters, wrestling fans and of course, the friends and family of Chris Benoit, I am not completely sure whether to write a heartfelt obituary or a scathing, hateful diatribe about the horrible death angle that has been played up on WWE TV lately.

For now, I'll wait for this all to sink in and attempt to once again discover the difference between fiction and reality.

One thing I know for sure...if Vince isn't in hell yet, he's on his way.

13 comments: on "NO!!!"

Brian G said...

WTF?!? Seriously. WTF.

Anonymous said...

This is legit. Dirt sheets would be all over this one if it wasn't.

This would explain the family emergency. There was a goddamn stalker!

Rest In Peace, Chris Benoit.

I'm glad Georgia has the Death Penalty...the sick fuck who did this deserves it.

Anonymous said...

This is huge loss to all wrestling fans and workers.......RIP Beniot

By the way If Vince doesnt show up tonight and say sorry for his disgusting and innapropriate angle, im goin to the states and smacking his face the fuck off

Unknown said...

He will be missed...

(opens a beer to salute) This is for Eddie & Chris who will have some excellant matches in heaven.

Tim Haught said...

This is not about Vince or his angle. This is about the best wrestler that the WWE has ever seen being dead. Rest in Peace Chris...

You were an incredible performer. I will miss seeing you do what you do best.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this. I'm in shock. I can't believe it...

If they really continue this angle with Vince than Vince is a sick fuck.

I can't believe it...

He will be missed so much.

Anonymous said...

Nah,it's legit alright and I'm fucking heartbroken.R.I.P. Chris,Nancy and Daniel.This is some fucked up world.

Anonymous said...

Wow...just fucking wow. It hurts, but at the same time, i'm smiling cause he's up there in Heaven with Owen, Davey, and Eddie having some even greater classics.

*opens up a beer* Here's to you Chris...toothless agression.

Anonymous said...

im so hearbroken i cant even explain really how i feel. on wednesday ill have a nice canadian beer for him.also if one day i do make it some kind of mma i will use the canadian crippler in his honor to attempt to honor his name just a little bit.

Anonymous said...

Chris Benoit will be dearly missed. He was an inspiration to the non muscle headed 6'5 wrestlers in the world.

This is 1 5'10" man who will forever carry Chris Benoits career in his heart and do his best to come 1/100th as close to the professional that Chris was.

I will miss you Chris...

fallen0ne said...

Psyched for RAW I turn on the tv at eight, and i get the dreaded graphic with a picture I wouldn't have thought i'd see for a while. I don't even know what to say. Strength to the Benoit family in this tough time

Anonymous said...

I met Chris at a road show here in my home town of Toledo,Ohio back in the summer of 1999.What a great guy to walk thru the isle and shake my hand and the hands of everyone standing along the rail that night.He loved the fans and his business.He & his family will be greatly missed ...God Bless His Family in thier time of need.We Love you Chris!!!!

Teabone said...

Eddie and Benoit were both my fav 2