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Vengeance Didn't Suck. Amazing.

Last night's pay-per-view event was virtually everything you should expect from a 40 dollar purchase. A couple of surprises, lots of title defences, and a shitload of nostalgia.

The number of legendary workers on the show, the red carpet and giant tron at the entrance made this show feel more important than this year's WrestleMania. Nice job WWE. Vengeance delivered.

The biggest shocker of the night came on the mid card when it was announced that Chris Benoit was not in Houston (he also no-showed the "SmackDown!" house show on Saturday to deal with a serious "family emergency") and that Johnny Nitro was his replacement. For most fans, this probably cemented their belief that CM Punk would be crowned the new ECW Champion. Instead, Nitro holds the gold.

The moronic fans chanting “We want tables” during a damn good match between these two really pissed me off, by the way. Just cuz it's ECW, you want tables? Fuck you. Texas my ass. I'm so sick of Texas being put over as the heartland of wrestling.

By the way...since Benoit wasn't there, why was Nitro the #1 contender? What’s everyone else on the ECW brand been doin for the last freakin' year? Dude’s been there a week and gets a crack at the belt? My only other beef with this match was the finish. A swinging neck breaker to win a major title? I don’t care if he did use the ropes …who’s he think he is, The Honky Tonk Man? That shit was weak.

Rumor has it that The Hardys will finally stick to their own brands and stop defying the laws of brand seperation. This loss to my fave team in a long, long time should really seal the deal. Cade and Murdoch are so damn good.

Jimmy Wang Yang really should have gone over in this match. Chavo has become stale. Sorry but it's true. Unfortunately, the Fed looks at the former Jung Dragon as a clown and little more. Why do they have to say all three names EVERY time? It's like a constant reminder that his gimmick is one big rib. Dammit, he's a sick worker!

Umaga finally getting a return match against Santino Marella makes sense…what doesn’t make sense is that Armando is still off TV! Bring him back dead chairman!

That was the first time in history I’ve seen someone sell that trapezes nerve hold properly. Way to go Santino! I actually thought the finish made a lot of sense. Umaga stays strong, maintains his monster mystique, and Santino continues his magical carpet ride. They are still continuing with this idea that Marella was “just a fan”…so to look legit against the company’s top monster would be stupid. And hell, when’s the last time you saw someone get DQ’d for disobeying the obligatory five count?

There's also the fact that the dead chairman has been telling people (from beyond the grave I suppose) that he wants WWE to become more legit (does this sound familiar? Here we go again!). He wants the idea of a monster going bananas and disobeying the rules to end a match. He wants to educate fans to understanding sudden knock outs as a means of finishing a match. Well, we'll see.

What shocked me about the IC match was Umaga was cheered! Is that a sign of things to come, or did Texas just hate our homeboy Johnny Geobasco that much? Fuck Texas.

The MVP character has really grown on me. When he taps his shoulders, giving the basketball signal for a 30 second time out – it makes me laugh every time.

A Bruiser Brody reference by JBL?? WOW! Maybe Vince really IS dead!!

This was a lack luster performance by one of my current faves, and his Playmaker finish – which I hate, was totally botched. I’m shocked Flair didn’t kick out and make MVP hit something else.

As expected Deuce and Domino were challenged by Sgt. Slaughter and Jimmy Snuka.

Will Slaughter ever age?

Pretty cool to see Superfly lock up with his kid! Jimmy Snuka Jr. (Deuce) did a pretty nice job with his Superfly Splash, before rollin' his daddy up for the win. I just had a thought. Jimmy Snuka NEVER won a title in the Fed, but his goofy kid gets a win on him to retain his title. Something seems wrong with that.

By the way, I loved all the vets and historical references on the PPV.

Rotundo and Windham! Dean Malenko! Dammit he should STILL BE WRESTLING! If there's a spot for Fit, there's a spot for Dean.

Ricky Steamboat getting some love…wicked. Couldn’t they have had him do SOMETHING? I mean he's the freakin' Dragon! Magnum TA! One of my childhood faves! What happened to The Model? I haven’t seen Rick Martel in about ten years and dude looks deflated! Garea looked like he was ready to resume his career.

Harley Race looked to be in the best shape he’s been in in years.

Moving on...

I’m one of the biggest Edge marks on the planet…and have been since he was teaming with Kingdom James and Joey Legend…but for JBL to refer to him as the “best there ever was at this stage of his career” is beyond misleading.

We’re not talking about a 24 year old kid here. I think I could name four or five dozen workers who had accomplished more by the age of 33 and a half.

Funny how Batista is viewed by the company as a top face and he got the shit booed out of him against the top heel on the planet.

The DQ finish/restart confused me when I saw the eventual finish. Couldn’t they have done the countout gimmick initially? Did Teddy Long just need some PPV air time? Whatever happened to the rule the E had invoked over the last ten years that a wrestler on the outside can break the referee’s count by simply touching the ropes or breaking the invisible plane? Not that I’m complaining…just illustrating.

Batista pounding his fist on the ring apron in frustration was the worst acting since Fronte got “busted” jerkin' off in TJ’s bathroom.

Candice finally won the Women’s title. Yawn.

I really loved the “What does it mean to be a champion?” promo before the main event. Pure gold.

He who shall not be named retained his WWE Spinner Belt by pinning the great soldier boy, Mick Foley. That dreaded fireman's carry body slam thing struck again.

Really, the only reason Foley was in the match was so nobody on the active roster had to lose momentum in this match.

Quick Results:

  • Cade and Murdoch defeated the Hardy Boyz to retain the World Tag Team Titles

  • Chavo Guerrero defeated Jimmy Wang Yang to retain the Cruiserweight Title

  • Johnny Nitro defeated CM Punk to win the vacant ECW Title

  • Santino Marella defeated Umaga by disqualification to retain the Intercontinental Title.

  • Montel Vontavious Porter defeated Ric Flair to retain the United States Title

  • Deuce and Domino defeated Sgt Slaughter and Jimmy Snuka to retain the WWE tag titles

  • Edge defeated Batista by countout to retain the World Heavyweight Title

  • Candice Michelle defeated Melina to win the Women’s Title

  • He who shall not be named defeated everybody to retain the WWE Title.

16 comments: on "Vengeance Didn't Suck. Amazing."

KittyLuv69 said...

you know i completly forgot there was a PPV this sunday

Dan-e-o said...


I think they were saying "We want Benoit".

Anonymous said...

yeah i have to admit the fact htat CENA still Has A tittle is complete BULL SH*T wow wwe wow are you for real. well at least i got a hot chicks number out off the ppv.

P.S. swinging neck breaker Twist of fate same crappy move and it should never be used as a finisher

big O to nitrO for delivering on short notice and proving that he should be a main eventer

Downtown said...

I always love a surprise, and Nitro as the ECW champ came deep out of left field... nice to see another top heel champ... I don't expect it to last too long

Darth.. %99 of all finishers suck... rock bottom, stunner, big leg drop, scissor kick, the claw, the heart-punch, airplane spin, the spear, the list goes on forever... a finisher's quality is based solely on setup and delivery... the actual move itself is practically irrelevant

Anonymous said...

I gotta agree, the event was actually good. The whole past champions gimmick was awesome, finally the WWE acknowledged there past. Great move on thee part, though I was surprised by so many retains. You'd think with all the past champs there, they'd have atleast one babyface go over and do the whole "Oh my god! I did it! I'm a champion!" post match thing. But ehh.

Nitro going over was awesome. Didn't see it coming at all. Anyone else gonna have trouble thinking of Johnny Nitro as a World Heavyweight Champ? Albeit they treat it like a US title, still. Weird...A Punk/Nitro feud is gonna be awesome.

The main event upset me though. The match was like 6 minutes long (Hyperbole on my part...I think.). The finish seemed hurried. Idk...I didn't like it. Anyone else notice how "Hyped" the Lashley/Cena meeting was? Gurantee they'll headline WrestleMania next year.

Btw, JBL's commentary was on point! I marked so hard for it.

fallen0ne said...

Damn the E to hell! When is the guy gonna lose the damn belt??? I wasted about $100 sitting in a fucking Hooters, with no audio, surrounded by fuckin Cena marks.
Somehow Nitro with the belt doesn't seem right, but Punk'll probably get it at SS.
Couldn't they have had The Hooliganz take on D&D??? Hey at least the match went longer than the main event.
SO Teddy Long annuls one bullshit finish, to set up another one? You gotta wonder if that ref not in on the finish thing is working. Other than the finish it was pretty solid. Fuck the "main event". I'm not gonna say anything except for 10 FUCKIN MINUTES?!?.
Best part of the night, and one of the few times I could actually hear the audio, ( no thanks to does damn Cena marks) "One more time" being chanted for the Samoan Spike. Man even marks shit on Santino. All in all not that bad of a night, until I got the bill.

Anonymous said...

Fuck TimeWarner cable. A storm that hit 14 miles from my house knocked out the service in Charlotte and the complete surrounding area's, although it was every other house. I only got to read the results, and just by reading it sounded pretty weak, but I'm glad the E didn't fuck it too bad.

I think Darth Frost likes to complain and make no sense, if that's what he likes, at least he's good at it.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Yo, trust me on this ....
They DID chant "We want Benoit" ... but they were also chanting "We want tables" and that made me puke in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Nitro as champ? A Nitro/Punk feud? Pardon me while I exclaim my favorite vowel. God bless ECW-the land where people go when Triple H doesn't like them.

If Umaga is getting cheers, there's no way they're going to bring back Estrada. Much like Cena, I believe that they refuse to turn Umaga. Everybody boo the shit out of Umaga just so we can see that short dude again!

Guerrero was stale even before he won the title. Fans got tired of him because of the storyline with Rey Mysterio. Smarks got pissed at him for winning the title at No Way Out for seemingly no reason. Now, he's still the champ, he rarely ever defends the damn thing, and nobody cares about him! Put the title on Yang already-he's over, and he's a great worker.

Why is Mickie James, the E's best worker, completely absent from the women's title picture?

SmackDown! is really backed into a corner now. Almost all of their main eventers left during the draft, and there are no top faces on the show besides Batista. So who's next? Flair, but he's seemingly about to feud with MVP. So who's next? Nobody. SmackDown! literally has nobody to feud with Edge over that World Title, because they sure as hell aren't going to elevate Matt Hardy. So, I once again resume my cause-

Frank Fronte for World Heavyweight Champion!

Anonymous said...

While trying to hold down as much solid food as I can with my current case of food poisining the question hit me, who the hell does Edge have left? I know Plunkett asked it, but damn.

Edge can't go to Mark Henry, Henry is a heel and heel vs. heel would suck especially considering who the other heel is. Powerful faces on SmackDown...that list is about as short Fronte's list of women.

Another question, who does Batista have? Finlay again? Henry again? I don't particularly see the Batista/Flair happening now, if at all, so with SmackDown already having been gang raped by a gaggle of silverback apes, where do they go?

World Champion Edge vs. (one of the most over faces)Jimmy Wang Yang

Batista vs. WWE Cruiserweight champion Chavo Guererro?

OR will Batista do the Hulk Hogan Mr. America gimmick and slap on a mask? Edge did it as Los Conquistadors, let us pray this does not happen.

Anonymous said...

Wow my computer sucks.

the rest of my comment...
WWE would have been much smarter allowing this feud to build slowly towards Summerslam, having a few tag team matches intertwined at PPV's like Flair-Tista vs. MYP-Edge at Great American Bash, or something like that, but instead we have to wonder until tonight or tomorrow night who the hell goes where or what the hell happens to who.

Since the WWE isn't going to elavate Hardy to that position, I'm waiting on them to bring in a developmental guy(no not Cabana buryme) like that Daniel Rodimer mother fucker who by the way stephanie and cena are big fans of.

Something tells me though, with HHH coming back soon, he could go to SmackDown just to torment Edge and take the belt from him.

Anonymous said...

I think Darth Frost likes to complain and make no sense, if that's what he likes, at least he's good at it.

WOW really DJB & MOM WOW
I might very well be the only follower of this site that doesn’t complain in fact your whole article for comment gimmick is nothing but a big complaint. In truth the only thing that I ever disagree on is that support for boring crappy mat hardy.

also listen my whole argument on the finishers where not the move them self’s but the set up and the pop when they are executed (correctly) case in point the stunner the rock bottom the S.C.M/Super kick. The fact is the TOF is lame boring and garbage inside of a burger king sandwich. How the whole argument started was my saying the set for the TOF and its execution was lame, headlock arm out fem yell then neck breaker so thanks for proving my point “Darth.. %99 of all finishers suck... rock bottom, stunner, big leg drop, scissor kick, the claw, the heart-punch, airplane spin, the spear, the list goes on forever... a finisher's quality is based solely on setup and delivery... the actual move itself is practically irrelevant”

I watched the PPV from A Bdubs surrounded by both marks and smarks which to my surprise the entire place rumbled with boos for Batista and cheers from the count out win.

AS far as Edge next competitor I wouldn’t be surprised if they did a Kane revenge angle or …….. they decide to utilize the Matt hardy as face who never wins but keeps on going angle till Edge gets some real competition

Anonymous said...

I can agree with the Hardy thing on never winning apparently the dirt sheets feel the same way.

As far as Kane goes, while I like it, I don't think it'll happen, I can't remember the last thing Kane did on SmackDown. I think it was the Regal/Taylor debacle and the Boogeyman team.

I said you complain alot because you complain about the guys who deserve it. Hardy is well deserving of a main event spot. Since '98 he has put over star after star, and shithole after shithole. The ToF may not be your cup of tea, and while it isn't my favorite, with the way he has moves center around damaging the head and neck it fits well. It has also been utilized as an out of nowhere move lately, as you said it took way too long to set up.

Anonymous said...

well I see your point and agree. now I for one willl never be a hardy fan I stand where I stand on that issue but can see what your saying
im not to into that whole dirt sheet reading cuase i still like a good surprise but within my stable of friends its been a debate of hardy or kane oddly enough non of us think flair should be in thier
what does the rest of the o nation think
should flair be a #1 contender
yes or no and why?

Anonymous said...

well I see your point and agree. now I for one willl never be a hardy fan I stand where I stand on that issue but can see what your saying
im not to into that whole dirt sheet reading cuase i still like a good surprise but within my stable of friends its been a debate of hardy or kane oddly enough non of us think flair should be in thier
what does the rest of the o nation think
should flair be a #1 contender
yes or no and why?

Anonymous said...

WWE just posted the following message on their official website. This is not a joke:


WWE is sad to report that Chris Benoit and his family have been found dead in their home. Police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the deaths. Tonight's Raw will be a tribute to Chris and his family.