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More Details Courtesy Fox News

The following details on the gruesome story Chris Benoit story were shared with the public by Fox News following a lengthy press conference with the lead authorities in charge of this investigation.

  • Lt. Pope: WWE called police officials at 2:30PM on Monday over concern for Benoit’s well being. Police found all three bodies in the home. “Double Homicide Suicide” is the official ruling.

  • It appears Benoit killed his wife on Friday, his son shortly after, and likely hanged himself either late Saturday night or early Sunday.

  • Benoit apparently called WWE stating that Daniel was coughing up blood, thus likely the “personal reasons” for missing weekend house shows.

  • No suicide note was left behind.

  • Asphyxiation is the official ruling for Benoit’s wife and son deaths.

  • Benoit was previously arrested for a DUI.

  • A lot of prescription medication was found in the home, legal prescriptions.

  • Police found anabolic steroids in the home.

  • No comment from police regarding a possible motivation.

  • He killed himself several hours, but no more than a day, after killing son Daniel.

  • Police are unaware of prior domestic violence.

  • District Attorney Scott Ballard stated that a Bible was placed near each murder victim.

  • Benoit bond Nancy’s hands and feet and she was wrapped in a towel. Blood was found near Nancy’s body.

  • In 2003, a temporary restraining order was sought but later dropped.

  • No attempt to hide the bodies by Benoit.

  • Ballard has not heard from WWE.

  • Daniel was found in an upstairs bedroom. Benoit’s wife was also found in an upstairs family room, and Benoit hung himself in the weight room in the basement.

  • The toxicology reports are still pending. It will probably take more than two weeks for the reports to be finished.

18 comments: on "More Details Courtesy Fox News"

Unknown said...

Thanks Donnie... This is very hard, but thanks for the updates.

Anonymous said...

I echo the sentiments from above. Thanks for the updates, I just pray to God, that things turn out a little differently.

Does anyone have any details of the 2003 restraining order?

Anonymous said...

This is disturbing! I think Wrestling will forever be look down on because of this event :(

Anonymous said...

In this instance I will not complain about the anonymous. I will also agree with you.

While I pray this isn't a black mark over wrestling for a very long time, I truly fear that it will be.

Anonymous said...

I got some of this off of

-Investigators found anabolic steroids in the house and want to know whether the muscle man nicknamed "The Canadian Crippler" was unhinged by the bodybuilding drugs, which can cause paranoia, depression and explosive outbursts known as "roid rage."

-Nevertheless, Nancy Benoit filed for a divorce in 2003, saying the couple's three-year marriage was irrevocably broken and alleging "cruel treatment." She later dropped the complaint, as well as a request for a restraining order in which she charged that the 5-foot-10, 220-pound Benoit had threatened her and had broken furniture in their home.

-The McMahon(assasination) storyline has been dropped.

This whole thing is just weird. So much has yet to come out of this, I get that fealing. My other question to thos in the O-Nation is...

If McMahon and co. new about what had happend(i.e. Benoit killing his wife, son, and himself) do you think the RAW tribute show would have been different?


Anonymous said...

Text message details released. The text message read along the lines of:

The glass doors are open and the dogs(animals) are fed.

Anonymous said...

i know what you mean notorious how do we remeber chris benoit he killed his wife then killed his own son like why thats why wwe is keeping there distance from chris benoits nane and stuff cause they dont want to have the media blame them for what chris benoit did to his family they said there was no suicide note but maybe that e mail that he sent sunday night could be a suicide note steroids couldnt be involed cause he was calm and relaxed sunday night when he sent that e mail why chris why

Anonymous said...

The WWE released a statement earlier, and I won't place it here, that is for Don or Dan to do, but I agree with some of their statements. One being the things he did(the bibles for instance-and Benoit was said not to be religious) were not out of rage. Rage wasn't a factor. If this was anything Chris Benoit broke. His mind, body and soul just broke.

Anonymous said...

April Hunter said this quite well...

"Roid Rage" and Benoit

Like everyone else, I am shocked to hear about the Benoit family. There have already been many moving commentaries written.

However, I would rather comment on another part of the story. I've always felt that "roid rage" label was a media cop out to sensationalize a story or blame it on something.

A roid rage is a flash of heat, like a child's temper tantrum. It a quick outburst of violence or aggression and usually leaves as fast as it arrived. It certainly does not last an entire weekend.
--When Phil Hartman's wife killed him and then herself not long ago it was never called roid rage.
--There are a lot of athletes (and people) who take steroids. Most of them manage to not kill family members.
--Is anyone investigating Bobby Cutts Jr for roid rage? He's accused of killing his pregnant girlfriend. But he's not a wrestler (he's a cop) - so no...they're not.
--PITTSBURGH PA. March 2007, George Terry, A retired custodian fatally shot his wife and two sons in their sleep, then turned the gun on himself, police said Thursday. As far as I know, he was not investigated for steroids.

"Wrestling" = "Steroids" to the general public. And "Steroids" = "Bad". That's the light it's been painted in.

A few facts: Anabolic Steroids have used for numerous medical purposes including stimulation of bone growth, appetite, puberty, and muscle growth. They have been used for prisoners of war to help them grow. For bone marrow stimulation, for children with growth failure (dwarfs), stimulate appetite, stimulate libido, testosterone therapy, fight many age related problems and bring on stalled puberty. The most widespread medical uses of anabolic steroids are used to help people with chronic wasting conditions, such as cancer and AIDS.
Despite rumors and heresy, no scientific evidence has shown any long-term serious health defects from proper use of anabolic steroids.

If someone's a violent, controlling person, using or not using steroids isn't going to change that --- or make them murder another. (That's like assuming that everyone who has ever used cocaine is an ATM robber or prostitute.)

I believe it's much deeper than that.

As someone who escaped a bad relationship that was very much headed in this direction, I know now that many entertainers have two personalities: the public/TV persona everyone knows and the private version few will ever.

I am not defending legal or illegal drugs. What I am questioning is why we can't look at things deeper and for what they really are, instead of giving them a sensational LABEL or placing blame elsewhere.
RIP Nancy & Daniel Benoit.

April Hunter

Anonymous said...

Details of the other text message were revealed. Benoit told someone that he knew his wife and son were sick.

I will post this link, just click it, I can't bring myself to type it. If it was for health, it's different, but either way I don't agree with it.

Anonymous said...

It is now also being said that Vince McMahon will apologize for last nights show, since the WWE didn't know the details.

This has went from shocking, sad and fucked up, to fucked up on a whole new level.

Anonymous said...

quite humane for you to assume by 'dogs' you think he means the domestic pets and not his family.
benoit is trash. not was. is.
what did his litle boy do to deserve death at the hands of his own father?

Downtown said...

just found this little extra piece to the story, which blew my mind

"Even more shocking is that Benoit's son, Daniel, was apparently found with needle marks in his arm. According to Ballard, the boy was being given Human Growth Hormones because the family thought he was undersized. "


Anonymous said...

Kudos Jeff. I didn't have the heart to type that. I put the link to the ESPN story.

JC said...

Thanks for all of the continuous coverage guys. It's... disturbing as hell to say the very least... but appreciated none the less.

Still don't know what to think.

Kudos to Ms. Hunter on her commentary as well!

Anonymous said...

This is a sad sad day in wrestling, there is going to be a black cloud hanging over the WWE for awhile. You know the media ppl who always puit wrestling down are going to be over this. I feel so depressed.

Anonymous said...

i agree with everybody on here to a point it had nothing to do with steroids you dont place bibles next to the bodies if your in a rage cause he had to be calm and cool to do what he did placing bibles not hiding the bodies and seading a very calm and cool e mail sunday night we all out here should leave the damning of chris benoit to god and pray for nancy and daniel benoit may you two rest in peace

Anonymous said...

I just read on another site that they reported from the Atalanta Journel atht Nancy in 2003 filed for a restaining order against Chris and was even thinking about filing for divorce but she dropped them both. They said nancy was scared for her and Daniel's safety after Benoit was enraged and started to break and throw things in the house.