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McMahon To Apologize For Tribute Show

As was mentioned earlier on Tha O Show, Vince McMahon is livid with himself (and nobody else it seems) for airing the tribute show to Chris Benoit last night. Three hours of air time was given to a man who has now been confirmed a double murderer.

McMahon intends on apologizing for airing the show so soon after three very suspicious deaths. The apology will happen at the start of the ECW broadcast and may in fact be re-run on Friday Night "SmackDown!".

McMahon and the rest of WWE are now concerned with damage control. Much of the mainstream media has linked this horror story to steroid use.

They have released a special press release providing reasons why this could not have been a case of "Roid Rage" but instead of deliberate intent. They even mentioned that despite the fact that steroids were found in the Benoit home by police, Benoit had passed a WWE drug test administered on April 10, 2007.

7 comments: on "McMahon To Apologize For Tribute Show"

Anonymous said...

its not vinces fault its not steriods fault only one persons fault and that is chris benoits iam so pissed that i want to damn him to hell but i will let god damn him and pray for nancy and daniel benoit may you two rest in peace

Anonymous said...

This wasn't roid rage.

This was a man at his end, who completely and totally lost it. He cracked, melted down, call it what you will.

I do not in any way condone the actions of Chris Benoit, and I do not condone steroid use. What I am saying is that until we know EVERYTHING it is much to early to call Chris Benoit anything but human.

It is very possible that there were those outside of Chris Benoit's family that were aware of anything that led to this. I'm sure that they will seek anonymity, but someone somewhere knows something.

I've watched the tape of last nights RAW several times, and each time I watch it, I cannot get over the expression and sound of Dean Malenko's voice. Did he know something that nobody else know?

Does anyone know if Benoit had a history of mental problems, emotional issues, or anything of the like?

Benoit was a very quiet man. He kept most things to himself, so other than Nancy, Chris' ex-wife or just mother of his two previous childeren, Megan and David, and maybe Dean and the late Eddie, did anyone know that much about Chris Benoit's personal life?

Again, I will not condone the actions of Chris Benoit, and I will not excuse them either. I will say that he, as any other human being on the planet deserves the chance to be proven, either innocent or guilty.

Until we the fans, workers, media, whoever know the full details, it is much too early to call him a monster, a murderer or a piece of shit as someone earlier so eloquently put it.

As far as Vince McMahon apologizing at the beginning of tonights ECW broadcast, the man doesn't have a choice. As Donnie said it is damage control, especially with the Sports Illustrated article a few months ago on wrestlers and steroids. On a morbid note, that article cited the late Eddie Guererro as one of those users.

Anonymous said...

amen dude amen

Anonymous said...

I just want to know what made him do this, Could Nancy been cheating on him? Was Nancy going to leave him and take their son with her? What made him snap ? This isn't oover yet.

Anonymous said...

Signguy, my dad and I had this conversation. That was something that we had discussed since we first thought it had been a double murder/suicide.

Anonymous said...

There must have been something behind it all that we will probably never know about.He could've been having problems with work or at home. We will never know.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
I just wanted to post my thoughts on the whole situation, this is one of my first time's posting on here, im a big fan of your guy's website and i hope you guys keep this going because in my opinion your the measuring stick in wrestling websites. So anyways, here are my thoughts on the whole situation.

Yesterday I was in my room watching the Bourne Supremecy (which FYI, is kickass!) when my brother called me. The conversation went something like this.

My Brother: Hey, did you hear about Benoit?

I assumed he mean Benoit no-showing the pay per view on sunday due to a ''family emergency.'' I said.

Me: Yeah, that sucks he didnt wrestle, it would of been a good match.

My Brother: no bud, he's dead.

Now i dont know Chris Benoit on a personal level, nor have i ever known him. But when i was young I had school and wrestling, thats it. These people i see every week on my tv have grown on me and I feel bad when something goes wrong. People couldnt talk to me for close to a week when Eddie Guerrero was found dead i was so upset about it. I understand that alot of wrestlers will read this and call me a Mark, that's fine, if being a mark means loving the sport and being emotinally bonded to it, then so be it, im a Mark. I feel truly bad about what happened with Chris Benoit and his family. Details came out this morning that he was responsible for the deaths of his child and wife, it's being ruled a Double homicide/Suicide. Ive been reading alot of comments from the Internet Community and to be honest they have made me feel embarassed to be a wrestler and a wrestling fan. Im not under any circumstances legitifying what Chris Benoit did, but you do not know what was going through this guy's head. You dont even know the whole story. All I have to say is this. Chris Benoit is one of the reasons i wanted to be a pro wrestler, his heart and desire inspired me to get training and try this wrestling thing full fledged. I think it's a tradegy that happened and instead of hating Benoit for what he did to his family I have two different feelings, one of them is pity. He was obviously not in a right state of mind. I pray for Chris's family and I pray that himself and his family were Christians and are now in heaven. The other feeling i have is sadness, i really wish he had someone talking to him these last few days. Maybe he needed someone to talk to and never got that chance. Even in death he has taught me a lesson, dont take anything for granted. I hope i never hate life as much as Chris obviously did before he died. I want to thank Chris Benoit for all he did in the pro wrestling world. He truly was a legend in the buisness.

''The Future'' Dustin Wood