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Haunting Text Messages Revealed

The following was published by

As has been mentioned repeatedly, Chris Benoit sent five somewhat cryptic text messages from his and his wife's cellular phones. The texts were sent early Sunday morning, between the hours of 3:51 and 3:58 a.m., Benoit sent these text messages to co-workers.

(The names of these co-workers have been revealed to Tha O Show, but we have been asked not to publish them at this time).

Text Message 1 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53am)- Chris Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”

Text Message 2 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53am)- Chris Benoit’s cell phone
“The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open”

Text Message 3 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:54am)- Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane.
Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”

Text Message 4 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:55am)- Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane.
Fayetteville Georgia. 30215"

Text Message 5 to one co-worker (sent 6/24 at 3:58am)- Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”

14 comments: on "Haunting Text Messages Revealed"

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's incredibly odd.

Does anyone else read into it that physical does not appear in the final text message?

Anonymous said...

This is the link to S.I.'s coverage of the story and they also mention about Nancy filing for a restaining order and thinking about divorce in 2003.

Tim Haught said...

I made a point to watch ECW tonight cause I was interesting to see McMahon's apology. Unfortunately, I came in as John Cena was entering the ring. Does anyone have a transcript or a youtube link? Thanks.

fallen0ne said...

Check the E's site.
I'll be the first to say it and you can shit on me all you want, but hasn't it been enough? Haven't we read enough of this disgusting individual? I could care less that he was one of the best ever. The fact is he murdered his wife and son in a premeditated way and yet some people still feel bad for the man. How do you justify murdering your own child? This site is really awesome guys and you've been doing a great job with the coverage, but I think enough is enough. I think I'll get back when the garbage has been taken out. Peace out boys

Anonymous said...

signguy it had nothing to do with steroids damn it it was planned by a sob named chris benoit who clamly killed his family placed bibles by the bodies then hung himself that sounds like a guy who planned it wake up signguy

Big Daddy Donnie said...

fallenOne, we appeciate your input.

That being said...
we have not tried to sympathize with Benoit or paint him in any light... merely report info and filter it out onto the site...

I do think things will start slowly returning to normal, because there isn't a lot left to be revealed... other than the toxicology which will be a couple weeks.

Other than that, everything to do with this story now revolves around ramifications and moving forward.


PUCKU said...
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PUCKU said...
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PUCKU said...


I know that everyone is talking about the Benoit "MUDER-SUICIDE" but I haven't seen any comments from Kevin Sullivan, Nancy's ex-husband, and I was wonder if ThaOShow has heard any comments or possibly questioning or anything of one Kevin Sullivan since he has had a heated past with Chris Benoit and Nancy? I have read that news sources have been informed of the "weird” text messages that Benoit sent and I am curious if ThaOShow knows the recipients of the text messages, and if Steve Regal was one of those people, and thus explaining why he made his comments on RAW being that all the taped footage were done early in the day? Where does the WWE go from hear with all its storylines? One last comment, I know that WWE is taking LOTS of heat for doing this tribute show now that we know all kinds of gruesome facts, but I personally believe that at the time WWE HAD to make a judgment call and decided to back their guy like a real family would and did the right thing at the time.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, now i dont have all the facts like everyone else, but even the police say - "It looks" like a "murder-suicide" Hasnt anyone watched CSI? We keep hearing the word "bizarre". Everyone heard that it looks like Benoit killed his wife and kid then himself. Once the police stated this - Benoit was tryied and convicted and written off by most, before the investigation is allowed to be completed. Expect in this fast food world. Everything about this case has been "bizzare" so far and out of character for Benoit. Even the police havent look for a suspect. Why not? There must be substantial proof that it is a murder-suicide. But what it after investigation we find that the police made a mistake as per usual and there was foul play at hand. I say this cuz it all seems to strange -from the texts messages to the ways of death. Looks it could have been staged, what if Benoit was held hostage and the scene was made to look like a murder suicide killing him last of course. hmmm - it would disgrace his name for ever like it seem s to have worked.How could such a "great" guy/wrestler/dad do this? How could a jealous person out for revenge do this ? some planning maybe- I hope the truth rises eitherway. Pleas dont hat I'm just giving a perspective, I dont think i cant have closure until i have all the facts in this case, its so shocking and odd. And if it is what it is Chris then may what a way to go out - NOT COOL, NOT COOL- u think Owen and Eddie could respect that? I Dont - something s not right here thats all I know - something went down for this to happen like this - the way it was carried out. I hope we find out.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Two things:

One I did read quotes from Kevin Sullivan today... I'll try and reprint them here. He basically said he's in the dark and doesn't know what to think.

RE: the statements of "it looks like" and this is a "bizarre" story...

The District Attorney has qualified his use of word "bizarre" by saying that he felt it was bizarre for a man to kill 3 people, himself including with almost 24 hours seperating each death... he was spending time with the bodies. He also referred to the placement of the Bibles near the bodies as "bizarre".

There appears to be no evidence whatsoever that ANYONE else could be involved.

Anonymous said...



These are symptoms relating to paranoia, as it was confirmed for the last while Benoit had possessed the mental illness, look at these symptoms...

"In paranoia the symptoms of delusion appear gradually, and the patient is sentimental, suspicious, irritable, introverted, depressed, obstinate, jealous, selfish, unsocial and bitter. Hence his social and family adjustment is not desirable, and while he has the highest desirable, the effort that he is prepared to expend is correspondingly little. Here the person does not acknowledge his own failures or faults, and by sometimes accepting certain qualities as belonging to himself, even when imaginary, he develops paranoia."

Benoit was described with many of these caracteristics, and like it says, he cannot accept his faults through this illness, he and his wife must've fought with him, causing him to murder her without an effort, as strangling and suffocating would be quite easy for him.

Also it says one of the symptoms is being sentimental, as it was declared hours after death that the intention was to set the kid free from a life without a mother. It also says suspicious as it was declared Benoit was feeling like he was watched, wouldn't let his wife leave the house oftenly.

It also says obstinant, as in hard to change, that would explain his constant rough housing in his personal life without stopping.

Also he was introverted, as in he likes to spend time by himself, if I recall, he was known mainly for being quite private.

The only thing that hasn't been explained is the bible's lying by their bodies, and the fact that Benoit did not like religion, I see it as a possibility of him letting them go to heaven, trying to pardon his ruthless actions, as after he commited suicide. This all makes sense.

And please do not write "You're just defending the murderer", because the proof is here.

I think this is it.

Anonymous said...

Great points, and proof anonymous. It's all on each person as to what they think, and honestly, I think it should be kept to ourselves to stop any heated arguments about a great wrestler who commited an evil act.

Anonymous said...

I never said it had anything to do with steriods or "roid rage", I jsut check out the S.I. com report about Nancy filing for a restaining order and divorce.