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Friday Night Fallout - Vince's SmackDown!

This edition of Friday Night Fallout is dedicated to the memory of Sherri Russell, a.k.a. Sensational Sherri/Sherri Martel.

This week's incredibly odd show opens with all the superstars, and Khali at the top of the ramp paying homage to the know what? To hell with it! The show opens with all the superstars at the top of the ramp obeying Vince McMahon's disrespectful wishes to those that have passed before.

This showing reminded me of 9-11-01 and the passing of Eddie Guerrero in 2005. The thing that struck me the most was Chavo's somewhat insincere face as he put up with the whole charade.

Little did I know, that would turn out to be total crap later on. I am not going to go in depth on what the superstars said about Vince, just who did say the shit they said.

This Ed Kaufman gimmick, I think is a shoot. I mean his postition anyway. That geeky looking ass jack isn't any TV personality I can picture. Who liked his uber business approach of, prepared statement, left pocket? Reading glasses, right pocket. Get statement first to make sure I have full crowd attention, now glasses to look official, and by the way, "I'm giving a brief statement, and am not answering any questions." NEXT.

William Regal is the first in the tribute to the dead weight, I mean dead boss.

On to wrestling...WWE tag team champion's Deuce and Domino with Cherry against one of the brightest shining tag teams in recent memory...anywhere, Paul London and Spanky. It was a decent match that included great early tagging by the former champs, and some good heel work on the part of the current champs.(Whichever dude had the eye busted, must have been a wicked shot). As I said good match, and the finish sees that damn kick to the head for the pin.

Deuce and Domino have a good gimmick, and a pretty good thing going, as they are much improved from weeks and months ago, but for God's sake somebody find them a finisher! Even though this was a relatively short match, it provided good action and can be considered a return to the solid opening matches that "SmackDown!" usually gives us.

One thing that pissed me off, was JBL saying something like, "on any day a good big guy will beat a good small/little guy." You know what? Screw you! This is the guy who said that no matter their size, London and Kendrick were two of the brightest shining stars in the WWE, no more than a month or two ago. Guess Triple H sits in the guerilla and feeds him shit to say.

Matt Hardy takes on his lordship Sir William Regal. Tha main event waiting to happen, Matt Hardy takes on Sir Bill in an excellent match with two excellent workers. Emphasis on excellent, if you couldn't tell. It was a solid match...and that cradle back suplex Regal hits is insane! Matt and Regal both looked very good tonight, though I don't dig Regal's new do. Kinda frilly, not befitting of his lordship.

The match was good, with Matt hitting a nice backdrop pinning combo out of the Tigerbomb attempt. The living legend Larry Zbysco pinned WCW TV Champion Lord Steven Regal with the same combo at Slamboree 1994, I almost thought we were going to see it last night but it was not to be. Matt finishes Bill off with a twist of fate, and by the way...whoever said the Twist of Fate was too slow should watch this match closely.

Chavo Guerrero does a Vince thingy, that honestly pissed me off. I guess Vince know's he's on the payroll, so he has to do one, and maybe since he was a big part of one almost two years ago, this'll give this some legitamacy...Screw this, I ain't covering the remembering Vince vids anymore!

Batista and MVP squared off in a rematch of last week. You know the one...where MVP lost by DQ because Batista speared a running-in Edge. Anyway, Batista again looked un-sluggish in this match. I will say that The Animal has improved since his feud with Edge.

Now again, in no way do I want Deacon Dave to get another run with the gold, but he could remain a key player and hold down the spots for some of the dearly departed. The match itself wasn't beautiful, but then again, it wasn't trash either. Both men hit some good moves, both men looked decent, and neither man came out looking bad.

If anything, this could be one of those 'you win by losing' situations for MVP. He looked good by giving The Animal everything he could handle, but just falling short. Since Batista is a two time, two time Heavyweight Champion of the world, and only lost it once. This makes the lowly U.S. Champion (that's a joke) look pretty damn good, if you ask me. The Batista Bomb could still use some work, but it too is a little better than the Batista Bomb of three months ago.

I wonder, since the E is hurting injury wise, is there anyway that Ric Flair has been brought over to feud with Batista to give him more credibility. Maybe not with the marks, but with the office. Think about it, other than Chris Benoit and Finlay what two guys can REALLY WORK a match? Put Batista with Flair, almost like a re-training phase, maybe Batista will recapture the faith of the office, the marksand even win over a few smarks......? NAH!

I'm yer boy! Jimmy Wang Yang "SmackDown!"'s resident redneck wins over a pretty good list of guys in a Fatal Four Way to become #1 contender to the Cruiserweight belt. By the way, does one now have to beat the champion of whatever belt they are after at least thrice, then go on to defeat others to get another shot at the champion? Somebody get Jimmy and Candace Michelle on a conference call, and let us find out. Shall we? Good match, good spots, standard for your "SmackDown!" Cruiserweight near-cluster.

Up next - your main event of the evening: cue Buffer somebody, it's Edge taking on Ric Flair! Correct me if I'm wrong, but these two men last hooked up mano e mano in the TLC match back when Edge won his first belt from Cena in January '06 right? Sorry, tired and jacked up on Mountain Dew, quite the inquisitive mind, am I. Anyway, the match. Edge and Flair, Flair and Edge, the match of course, which could have been instant classic status was ruined by the interference of one Montel Vontavious Porter.

Please tell me, that while I know he will face Flair at Vengeance this won't turn into a feud. I can only stand so much of old white guy saying "Woooo, Space Mountain might be the oldest ride in the park, but it's still got the longest line Wooooo." Then young black guy's rebuttal of, "Space Mountain? Bitch you mean It's A Small World After All, you looking at the youngest, freshest, biggest and best ride in the park baby." Followed by old white guy's rebuttal of, "To be the man, Wooo, you gotta beat, THE MAN." My heart will stop, and I will die.

Anyway, MVP hits, Batista hits, DQ two weeks in a row to end "SmackDown!", but Edge gets in a good spear on Batista getting even for last week. This leaves on more week before Vengeance: Night of Champions.

The last "Friday Night SmackDown!" will eminate from Bobcats Arena in Charlotte, NC, and not only will Ric Flair, Edge, Matt Hardy, MVP, Batista, Kendrick, Spanky, Deuce, Domino (you get the picture) be there, but Tha O Show's own Notorious D.J.B will in attendance as well. Sporting Tha O Show gimmicks, white hanging off the right, black off the left, O Show signs, and a sign simply saying (when it's ECW time) "Kevin Sevvvveeeeennnnn!" Or something to that effect. So "Friday Night Fallout" the June 22 edition, will be complete on June 19.

Did anybody notice how JBL still hasn't let up on the Torrie thing? Also, this being the "SmackDown!" after the Draft, don't you think it'd have been smart to utilize your picks? Oh wait, they were shit picks other than Flair. You know how I know? The only time we saw them was at the top of the stage for the Vince Tribute, and JBL mentioning Torrie 342 times.

Overall a good show, I've seen better "SmackDown!"'s but then again, we've all seen worse. Everybody get some sleep, and prepare all weekend for Sunday at high noon and the big supplimental draft. I know we're all so excited, YAY! That's it for this weeks edition of "Friday Night Fallout".

Quick results in case you missed it:
WWE Tag Team Champions Deuce and Domino w/Cherry def. The Hooliganz
Matt Hardy def. William Regal
Batista def. United States Champion MVP
Jimmy Wang Yang def. Daivari, Shannon Moore, and Jamie Noble
Ric Flair def. World Heavyweight Champion Edge via DQ

12 comments: on "Friday Night Fallout - Vince's SmackDown!"

Anonymous said...

Damn I need to watch Smackdown! I keep missing it. Sounded sweet, the Vince thing has got too far out of hand though. It just seems mean and insensitive at this point. They need to cut this short.

Anonymous said...

ARE YOU KIDDING JBL is a heel ofcourse he would say any big man would be a little hell he is a big man and no the does not contradict his praise of london and spanky cuase. He is not saying they are not good nor has he ever stated that to my knowledge.

yeah twist of fate is slow and bowering he puts his arms out like an idoit guy turns aorund he grabs them in a guiltine then yells and swing into a neck breaker yawnnn

Now the i will have to say the MVP vs MRS. BAtista was a good match not only becuase i got to finally wacth some one beat on Batista and out smart him but they way JBL and Cole where putting over MVP definetly leads me to belive thier is a future world championship in MVP FUTURE

On the Vince thing you know sometime you have to take entertainment for what its worth i mean wow this year they killed cap America and the media was all voer it no body said wow this a time of war this is so insensitive becuase it was understood that it was entertainment and a way jump forwars a a stale point in the story telling its done all the time soemtimes it works sometimes it does not so for you smarker out there this maybe the one thing you need to get your thumbs out your ass and just chill out and watch how it plays out in the long run you never know there may be somegood things to come form it

Anonymous said...

Yeah skitlez, you do need to check out some SmackDown. Eject the Punk vid I sent and check it out. By the way, did you get through it all yet? Some kick ass shit.

Darth, WHAT? Bowering? Not to be a smart ass, but is boring what you were going after? I think you pulled off the first ever double positive. Their is a future world championship in MVP's future.

While I do agree you should take entertainment for what it's worth, this isn't entertaining. The limo explosion, yes, the whodunit mystery, could be intriguing, and while Fronte hit it dead on with the fact that it should be a HUGE name, expect it to be some retarded ass shit like Shane, or Daniel Rodimer(Rodman) or maybe even Adam Bomb.

Back to finishing moves, the twist of fate is a bad move in your opinion, but I bet you like MVP's move. You know the one, the neckbreaker that they pawn off on most new young stars making their way up. The one Orton used, until he convinced the world that it sucked. The one most guys use halfway during a match where they hook the arm and backflip out. Yeah that shitty move.

fallen0ne said...

Regal should be drafted to RAW, given the IC belt and actually give the title some of it's meaning back. His match with Hardy was of the hook.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for "Darth Frostillicus". The Simpsons fan in me would mark out for that one.

You know what way they're probably going to have this go? They're probably going to use this when it comes time to turn Triple H heel by announcing that it was he who did it.

Anonymous said...

Regal truly should be a top singles guy. I'm all for Dave Taylor having a push but if there is anybody who has been involved as long as they have and paid more dues and dealt with more shit it's Regal. I'd even give him a run with the big Gold.

Anonymous said...

Great consistency the WWE is showing with the supp. draft. Remember how it was all about teams being split up?

With the 11th pick(1st today) RAW selected Paul London & Brian Kendrick. Although that is awesome, and the tag team possibilities are endless with Hooliganz vs. WGTT and vs. Cade & Murdoch, we wont see L&K vs. Nitro and Dykstra as Dykstra is a SmackDown guy now.

Pick 11: London and Kendrick to RAW
Pick 12: Kenny Dykstra to SmackDown
Pick 13: Viscera is ECW
Pick 14: Sandman to RAW(What the fuck?)
Pick 15: Hardcore Holly to SmackDown(sorry I forgot he worked there)

Anonymous said...

Almost thru the whole Punk Dvd now. It just amazes me how good of a heel he is, I def need to pop it out and watch Smackdown sometime lol.

Anonymous said...

Wow, so the E decided to take London and Kendrick off of SmackDown! and replace them with the Mario Brothers. Raw lost Victoria, one of the women who could actually wrestle, William Regal will get buried on Raw, as will Daivari. And what the HELL was the point of bringing The Miz to ECW?

This draft is pointless, and it's getting more and more pointless the more they draw it out.

Anonymous said...

Supplimental draft rundown picks 6-12 and my opinions.

Pick six(not an int for a touchdown) ECW selects the Miz: While this may have looked like a retarded fucking pick, it will save the Miz, slightly. He will not have JBL burying him on Friday nights...commentary wise anyway. Bad news for the Miz is that he still travels alongside our favorite TexYorkian.

No 7: RAW selects Devasta-Shawn Daivari. This selection makes Daivari the most traded man on the WWE roster...EVER. My guess is that he will come to RAW and challenge Santino, or become squash meat for Snitsky and or Lashley, as will Sandman, on his way out.

No 8: SmackDown selects the Major Bros. This selection is to keep the SmackDown tag team scene alive. With the loss of maybe the best tag team in a long while, this will give the Major's a shot to shine, and give Deuce and Domino a new face team to feed off of.

No 9: RAW selects Lord Steven, Sir William Regal. This was a HHH move, he wanted Regal on RAW, and that may not have been an idea. As said earlier Regal could restore some meaning to the Intercontinental Championship, or be a solid challenger to Cena, or anyone for the WWE Championship. With the distinct possibility of Orton leaving Vengeance as the WWE Champion, and HHH taking it at Unforgiven, or as early as SummerSlam, Regal could build some steam and be an opponent of HHH while HHH is still face. If not Regal and H could make a damn good heel pairing. Or the E could totally drop the ball and bury Regal...again.

No 10: SmackDown selects Victoria. This was done simply to refresh what of the womens scene SmackDown has, basically Michelle McCool vs. Jillian(more on that later) although I could see Victoria teaming with a heel on SmackDown ala she and Big Stevie Cool(though maybe this time it'll be more succesful).

No 11: RAW selects Jillian Hall. Jillian has more than proven herself as a female worker, and could possibly add a dimension to RAW's Womens division it lacked...A great singing voice.

No 12: SmackDown selects Eugene. Eugene needed a change of scenery, and with this, they could drop the gimmick and Nick Dinsmore could bust out of that shell and be taken seriously, because folks, he is a solid worker.

No 13: ECW selects Johnny Nitro. Great for Nitro. This will basically be the end of he and Melina(on and off-screen) or at least the end of his heat with managment. Nitro and Punk have had a solid match competing for a MitB spot, and a feud between the two could be excellent.

All in all not a terrible draft, but it still wasnt the blockbuster I expected.

On a scale of 1-10 I'll give it a 7. Take the Torrie, Lashley, Snitsky and Boogeyman selections out of the first round, it would have a 9. Around SummerSlam the decision will be made if this number(7) goes up or down. I'm hoping for up, but banking on down.

Anonymous said...

JUST for the record i Hate MVP Finsher More then i Hate Mathew Hardy living soul but hey somehow he works it looks to me like there going for new finisher with his boot to the face gimmick but back to the draft

Anonymous said...

You hate his finisher, but somehow he works it? Dude, please, for me, and all the other osters JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS.