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Slammiversary Predictions

As I have said before, if Slammiversary isn't the biggest pay-per-view of TNA's calendar year, it is certainly a close second. Who cares if it's got a lousy name? At least we're not dealing with Tuesday In Texas, Taboo Tuesday or Cyber Sunday!

Lame moniker aside, this card looks like it's going to have some damn solid matches. Let's run down the card, shall we?

Voodoo Kin Mafia VS. Basham & Damaja

Holy hell, VKM's being given an angle that involves actually wrestling? In the words of Ron Simmons - "Damn!" For a while, I thought that maybe VKM would be given the win to wrap up this feud, but the more I think about it, it's very likely that Basham & Damaja will go over en route to a feud with the tag team champions.

Winners - Basham & Damaja

Bob Backlund VS. Alex Shelley

This match is the pointless blowoff from a pointless feud. Shelley wins, for no other reason than he's over and deserves a push. He's someone I'd love to see feud with the X Division Champion after tonight. More on that later though.

Winner - Alex Shelley

Rhino & Chris Harris (w/ Hector Guerrero) VS. LAX

Wow, if there was ever a feud that had no backing going into it. Rhino's in this match, so there's probably gonna be some more jobby job from him. This feud will never be mentioned again after Slammiversary. Wow, I've picked all heels so far. Fuck.

Winners - LAX

Frank Wychek & Jerry Lynn VS. James Storm & Ron Killings

Since when is Killings a heel? Was him yelling at that woman in his "Rocky" parody supposed to be a heel turn? Was saying that we "need him in the hood" and that he "looks out on the cookout" supposed to get fans to not like him? This heel turn makes no sense unless it's going to lead to a TNA Championship push.

What's more, him being in this match makes no sense. Lynn and Killings are complete throwaways here. The hometown boy Wychek goes over, and Bills fans the world over will re-mourn Home Run Throwback (haha).

Winners - Frank Wychek and Jerry Lynn

Freedom Match: Eric Young VS. Robert Roode

This feud has been going on longer than almost any other current feud in wrestling. Time to cut these two loose and let them ascend to greatness. I don't think a loss here hurts Roode in the least. In fact, I think I'd rather see him lose the match. He'll never get a world title push if he's in a storyline that involved him having a personal bitch.

Winner - Eric Young

Sting VS. Christopher Daniels

This one will be interesting. Since his return to TNA, Sting has not done a whole lot to elevate other superstars. I'm hoping, however, that tonight will be the exception. Lots of people here on Tha O Show talk about how Matt Hardy is the main event waiting to happen. Christopher Daniels is TNA's main event waiting to happen. Hopefully it starts to happen tonight with a win over Stinger.

Winner - Christopher Daniels

X Division Championship: Chris Sabin VS. Jay Lethal

Even a guy who tapped out months ago sees this one coming. Bet the house, the farm, the children, whatever you've got on Jay Lethal. I know I've said that before, but sooner or later, Lethal is going to win this title. He's unbelievably over, and he's got good skills. And who cares if he can or can't cut promos as Jay Lethal? Have you ever heard a Mark Calloway promo in WWE?

Winner - Jay Lethal

World Tag Team Championship: Team 3D VS. Rick Steiner & ?

I'm sure TNA is going to come up with some legend for Steiner to team with, but that just makes it obvious that 3D is going over. I'm still dying to see 3D VS. Steiners once Scott gets better.

Winners - Team 3D

King Of The Mountain for TNA Heavyweight Championship:
Kurt Angle VS. Samoa Joe VS. AJ Styles VS. Christian Cage VS. Jeff Jarrett (predicted)

Jarrett has not been officially put into this match, but there aren't a lot of other choices for who can go in it. I'm guessing TNA was hoping to steal Van Dam sometime before the show, but that didn't happen. This match will be a huge smark favorite, and I already am predicting that this match will be a classic. TNA's four best workers have been put into this match, and Jarrett is no stiff himself.

As for the winner, I have to go with Samoa Joe. All signs point to him. The constant mention of there being "no glass ceiling" in TNA hints that they're going to run with that catchphrase. And guess which participant in this match hasn't been the champion in TNA yet, and therefore broken the glass ceiling? Samoa Joe. The fans will be hot for a Joe win, and Joe will become the face of TNA. This match alone
will make the 30 bucks worth it.

Winner - Samoa Joe

As I said before, Slammiversary will deliver O's, so I highly recommend getting this instead of Vengeance.

Being a TNA fan is like being a balloon in a room full of massive needles. Sometimes it may take a long time, but sooner or later, they will give you something to make you pop. Tonight, they will make you pop.

6 comments: on "Slammiversary Predictions"

Anonymous said...

The Notorious ones predictions are in.

VKM vs. Basham and the Damaja. Winners Basham and the Damaja.

Bob Backlund vs. Alex Shelley.
Winner Baby bear Alex Shelley.

Rhino & Harris vs. LAX
Winners after a turn by Hector, LAX

Frank WHY?check& Lynn vs. Storm & Killings. Winners WHY?check & Lynn

Eric Young vs. Robert Roode
Winner Nobody. This match couldnt have come at a worse time for Roode. If he loses it damn near diminishes his push, if he wins it destroys his future push, because he will be left to deal with Young...AGAIN. Why Russo? Why?

Sting vs. Daniels
In what will be the show stealer, hopefully, I see Sting winning out to continue this feud. It would be a major dropping of the ball for TNA to squash this feud this quick. It should go on a month or two more and allow Daniels to springboard into the TNA Championship picture.

X Division Championship
Chris Sabin champ vs. Black Machismo
Winner Black Machismo due to the fact that Sabin has no character and it would be pointless for TNA to bury Lethal at this point.

King of the Mountain:
No matter who the final selection is, if it is Jarrett, or Abyss or Belinda the fat ass bearded he-bitch, it doesnt matter. The winner of this match will be Christian Cage. For some reason I see Tomko finally exploding(although I like the uneasy bond storyline for a long time) and a Christian-Ko feud for the TNA Championship, with Tomko eventually getting a run.

This PPV should be awesome minus the LAX Harris-Rhino and the Wychek Lynn-Storm Killings matches.

Anonymous said...

Christopher Daniels is TNA's main event waiting to happen. You know what i agree..
all on all this could be one of their futur land mark ppv assuming it plays out well but its on i didnt pay for it so ill find out about on monday

o simpson can explain that one to me

Anonymous said...

i say hulk hogan is the myster guy

Anonymous said...

We now know why Harris was replaced in his earlier match. He is the fifth participant.

Anonymous said...

Why are these matches so short? What the hell? What a way to ruin your big stuff. Not a complete loss, but Abyss and Tomko get longer than almost all the other matches. Animal in the tag match is awesome, simply because 3 of the greatest tag teams ever are represented in one fucking match. If it had build it would establish the TNA tag titles.

I wouldn't mind seeing Harris go over though.

Anonymous said...

Harris fucked the finish. Damnit.