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Tha TNE Throwaway

Have I lost my mind? Is Vince McMahon REALLY the new ECW World Heavyweight Champion? Do I like it? Did I really pop more for the Majors Bros. going over on Marcus Cor Von and Matt Striker than the 4-way dance between the ECW Originals?

The answer is a big YES all across the board.

That's right O-sters, this isn't "Bizarro World" (though it's damn close)...This is Tha TNE Throwaway.

That's right, Vince McMahon is the ECW champion...and I couldn't be happier. Finally, a champ that's actually ENTERTAINING! This isn't the REAL ECW anyways, this is Tuesday Night Extreme, there's no real prestige to that title. Maybe McMahon can make people pay attention to it for all we know. Hell, we know VKM and we know he'll be on TV as much as possible; so at least TNE will have it's ONE AND ONLY champ on the program weekly.

Now, I know you're already scrolling to comment on that, but hear me out. This leaves "Raw"' McMahon-Free'...that is until he gets tired of "playing" on TNE. Plus, fuck Bobby Lashley! Was that a promo he tried to cut last night? Was he really trying to "banter" with Armando Estrada? So lame. Somebody get this guy a mouthpiece, PLEASE!

Let's move on to a guy that has no issues on the mic, that's right...CM Punk. Now, I've been doing a little homework as of late; going through everything YouTube has to offer...especially the promos. I know I have a lot questions this week, but why doesnt this guy get to open the show? He's so golden. Maybe the opening segments wouldn't drag on to nothingness each week if they featured him.

I guess the match they're building up between him and Elijah Burke will pay off, because both of these guys have plenty going fo them. Both have charisma coming out their pores, Punk has his martial art background, Burke has the toughman competition background, and we've all seen some of what the guys are capapble of. So this should payoff in the end.

No Snitsky this week...kinda sad.

But, we did get to witness the debut of the Majors Bros. Was it just me or were MCV and Matt Striker trying to "break" these two in? Talk about a pretty stiff tag match, but big props to the Major Bros. for standing their ground and giving it back to those two.

Now I like Cor Von and Striker...they're good, but that's it. Just good. I personally don't see how a couple guys who havent been in WWE collectively for even three years get to "break guys in" as if they're the fuckin' APA. Did someone ask them to do that?

Doesn't matter, the Major Bros. held their ground, got a nice win for their debut, and Burke was hilarious belittling Striker (Anyone catch that little head "swerve" Burke gave Striker? Priceless!).

Finally, we get to the "Main Event"...what a sloppy match. A few good spots, but as far as wrestling it was pure garbage. Of course Rob Van Dam won, who else would've? Sandman? With all the talk of RVD leaving, I'm curious as to where this is going.

15 comments: on "Tha TNE Throwaway"

Anonymous said...

WOW somebody has been drinking the kool-aid. In no way shape or form is it a good thing for Vince to be champion of anything, how the hell can you buy his ego-stroking? I understand that he's entertaining, but what he's telling you is that there are no other people entertaining on the brand, he's the only hope that ECW has. BULLSHIT. Where can I start of naming guys who could be the top dog on the brand. Van Dam, Dreamer, Punk, Burke, Snitsky, and not to mention the extremely talented BALLS between my legs.

Now you're a Punk fan? Took you long enough. C.M. Punk is one of the top 5 in ALL of wrestling. Not only is he top five, he may be the most total package in the WWE.

What better way to get the ECW Tag Team division over, or on the map, than have established ECW guys(as far as this brand is concerned)who are having problems go down to new tag team, WHO LOOK LIKE A TEAM. Who cares how gay the Majors Brothers look, they look like a team, and you need teams to have a legit tag team division.

For the guy who calls this TNE and says it shouldn't have the initials ECW, you bash the match with the only real ECW guys. Were you an ECW fan, or do you just think it's cool to bash Vince's company?

It wasn't a bad match, considering the four guys in the match it was actually pretty good, especially for the 9 minutes they had to do it in. You had Van Dam who had the best chance of winning, and there were spots where you actually thought Sabu, Sandman or Dreamer might actually go over. The finish was good and the 3 man table spot was a nice touch. Van Dam wins for one of two reasons, either they've got him convinced to stay, or Vince wants to beat him on his way out.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't given much thought to the RVD win, other than, "I thought he was leaving". But it raises an interesting notion: this could be the ultimatuum given to RVD. If he stays with the company, he beats Vince (likely with the help of the other originals); if he decides to leave, Vince goes over (but not without the aid of Umaga and/or Snitsky.)

As for Vince winning the title, yeah it sucks. But what if it was one of those last-minute decisions due to Lashley's injury? Did it occur during or before the match at Backlash? If he needed to get out for possible surgery, it makes better sense storyline-wise for Vince to take it rather than Shane (where would he go from there?) or Umaga (why take one of your top heels (god that sickens me to admit) off Raw?)

Anonymous said...

djb said pretty much all i wanted to....just missed out the fact that i hope someone slaps that fuckin thing off of vinces head w/e it is.

colt cabana is most total package in the WWE even tho hes in OVW for whatever reason

Downtown said...

DJB: I love ya dogg, but fuck all that shit

Here's some howework, go watch some Vinnie Mac matches, then go watch some Bobby Lashley matches... what matches do you O for? My point exactly... Lashley sucks, let McMahon be the transition to the next babyface champ... RVD... its important to take the dirt sheet stuff with a grain of salt

As far as Punk I've been clear on this... I want to see a 5 star WWE match... keyword WWE... I was watching this guy LONG LONG ago... And I liked his Indy work... but there's a big difference between a worker's Indy work and his WWE work... we know this

I still hate the idea of TNE getting tag titles... tag divisions mean shit compared to 20 years ago... lets not dilute it even more

And yes I bashed the ME last night because it deserved it... If Kurt Angle, Benoit, Styles, Joe, HHH, HBk or anybody else puts on a shit match... im gonna call it... I'm not here to play favorites... I call it like I see it... I said there were a few nice spots but the match was choppy and clusterfuck-ish... These guys can do a lot better

Downtown said...

Metal God brings up a good point... if the injury occurred during the match then VKM going over was the set plan... but if the injury occurred before, then it was more than likely a last minute decision just to keep the ball rolling while Lashley recovered

But I've heard conflicting reports on this subject

Anonymous said...

I too have heard conflicting reports with the most read saying that Lashley's injury has been a lingering one.

Expect Taker to drop the title on Smackdown friday with his injury.

While we're on the subject of injuries Matt Capotelli underwent succesful surgery yesterday to remove the malignant brain tumor. Good luck Matt, we're pulling for you.

Anyway onto the main topic, Jbrown, I got love for you too. But I've seen every Vince match to the best of my knowledge, most of them live, and some memorex. Vince has some Otastic matches, but those matches include other Omasters. Shane O Mac being the most notable. I will never take anything away from Vince because the bump he took at St. Valentines Day Massacre 99 in the cage match with Austin. Although that was his shining moment, and other than that it's been Vince taking bump after bump with his opponent carrying him. I saw Vince beat his partner in ass love HHH to become WWE Champ, and even at that time it made me sick. I will never be a Mcmahon mark, and until he outwrestles Bobby Lashley he will not compare. I diss on Lashley's charisma alot on the show, but Roberto Lashley can flat out go in the ring. Through all the wannabe comments I made about Black Lesnar, I've come to realize that Lashley might be on that level if not better. Bobby Lashley has come so far in his time in the E, and he knows how to work. He can't control that the E style stifles him, but he still puts on good matches, just shit promos. Vince puts on good promos and decent matches. I'd rather see good matches with shit promos than mediocrity at both. I will say this Vince rockin the du-rag is THE FUCKING SHIT.

Punk came into the E full force the best he could go. He had to have his old working style damn-near erased from memory because he didn't work the E style. C.M. Punk is the best WRESTLER on the E roster and I'll agree with buryme Cabana is too, but Cabana is second with Ace Steel right up there. BRING BACK THE SAINTS. Buryme Cabana is in OVW because he has to learn to work the WWE style. That's one reason Samoa Joe didn't come to the E. I am a C.M. Punk mark, and if he went out there and ran circles around the ring and then connected with a slap to the ass he'd still have put more into the match than most E guys do in 6 weeks.

TNE does need the tag titles, because with the one championship floating between Monday and Tuesday they have no real title to go after, although I don't think another singles title would be the answer(which I put in my key to a one hour show article)so why not give the ECW Tag Team Championships a shot, although in the end they will be won by Vince and Shane. But yes, ECW could get even more talent on air with tag belts and those belts could further the Originals vs. New Breed if they so choose to keep it going, which I doubt, but it would have been a good way to do it.

The ME of ECW this week wasnt a five star classic but the 4 guys involved did the best they could with that had. You had 4 guys who at one point were ECW Champ, and everyone had a different opinion on who it was they wanted to see as champ. The problem was they had about 10 minutes to work a match, and incorporate spots in that earned them O's. So with the situation I'd give the match a B-.

Anonymous said...

I liked the ME. Maybe it's just that I'm a huge ECW mark. Sure there were some sloppy spots, but alot of great ones too. Near the end it had like 20 O's in a row.

Anonymous said...

i know why cabana is there, what they should do is for the people that have a good style and know how to wrestle LEAVE THEM FUCKIN ALONE.They are gonna put cabana in some shitty gimmick i know it and that will be my final nail in the coffin

Anonymous said...



PPV/VOD Distribution Deals Bring ROH into 50 Million Households

New York, May 3, 2007 - Ring Of Honor Wrestling (ROH), in association with G-Funk Sports & Entertainment, has concluded programming and distribution deals for PPV and VOD wrestling cards with iN DEMAND Networks, TVN and EchoStar Communications Corporation's DISH NetworkTM, making the critically-acclaimed ROH brand available for the first time ever to approximately 50 million American households. The agreement calls for a card every 60 days from shows both stateside and abroad, and will premiere July 1. A total of six cards are planned throughout '07/'08. ROH owner Cary Silkin made the announcement today with G-Funk's President Ken Gelman. The debut event, entitled "Respect Is Earned," will be taped May 12 in New York City from the Grand Ballroom of the Manhattan Center, and will feature a glistening array of talent from Japan, England, the U.S. and Mexico.

Long revered by a loyal underground fan base, the Philadelphia-based ROH��"currently seen on Canadian, British and Japanese TV��"appeals to the disenfranchised wrestling fan fed up with storylines which seem to take precedence over the kind of powerful ring competition that ROH specializes in. ROH, in fact, is seen to have the highest level of athleticism in its field today, which recently culminated in a sweep of the 2006 Wrestling Observer awards for "Most Outstanding Wrestler," "Best Brawler," "Best Major Wrestling Show" (ROH took four of its Top 10) and "Best Booker."

"Fans around the world now know that our brand of action is, indeed, the highest-flying, hardest-hitting most daring and acrobatic action presented today," says Mr. Silkin. "We are thrilled that we can finally show a televised audience what our crowds have known for the last six years…that ROH harkens back to an earlier era of wrestling where authenticity still counted for something. There's a magic at our shows that I, as a wrestling fan, had all but given up on."


Anonymous said...

WOW. Does anyone remember when Deaner wrote the article about the best product and I asked if ROH had a TV deal would we be having this convo...we are about to find out. If ROH doesnt come on around me I WILL BE PISSED.

Anonymous said...

this finally means almost LEGIT competition for WWE. also that TNA might smarten the fuck up finally.this may change everything if wwe actually pays attention they might smarten up too.also colt may have gotten signed because they knew about this you never know

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't get too excited about this yet. The press release indicates that this is an agreement for Pay Per View and In-Demand content, which means people are going to have to pay for it. Sure, the smarks will be all for it, but will the casual wrestling fan shell out PPV prices for what to them is an unproven product? Plus, if what this says is true and there will only be 6 cards/events for the next year or so, the fans that do try it out may lose interest when having to wait, and its unlikely any of them will stop watching WWE or TNA, who all have weekly programming.

Anonymous said...

but its a start. TNA started on PPV. if ROH does this and it picks up ( i think it will) that could mean poosible televsion spot. im excited!

Anonymous said...

think it will im 100% sure. ROH is better then what tna was when they were on ppv