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Undertaker Injured

The title reign of The Undertaker (Mark Calloway) is expected to come to an end after the champion suffered what is believed to have been torn biceps in his match against Batista at Backlash.

If Undertaker requires surgery, he will likely be out of action for at least 6-8 months. This is a terrible blow to Mark Calloway as he was expected to have a long reign as a babyface World Champion. The Undertaker had made a strong commitment to getting into the best shape possible as he was looking at doing more house shows then he has in many years.

As things stand now, Undertaker will be wrestling Batista next week on "SmackDown!" and likely dropping the title. Plans may change based on booking or the diagnosis, but I don't expect Taker to be World Champion after next week.

The main event for Judgement Day was to be Undertaker taking on Batista in a "Hell in the Cell" match: the blow-off to their feud, with 'Taker going over.

Although some think that it is obvious that you should put the world title on Batista and then have him feud with Undertaker upon his return, I disagree. Batista was horribly exposed when he was World Champion for the last several months and does not have the in-ring or promo ability to handle that spot. For the sake of spicing things up on "SmackDown!", putting the title on a Chris Benoit may not be the worst idea.

Here's my idea: have Benoit quickly beat Batista and then when Undertaker is ready to return, have Batista go over on Benoit for a short title run. I think with the new "wrestling focused" direction WWE is taking, putting the title on Batista would expose him greatly.

How would you book it?

14 comments: on "Undertaker Injured"

Unknown said...

I had heard that they were considering two plans-

1.) Have Batista go over in the cage match next week to win the title.
2.) Have Undertaker go over in the cage match, with Kennedy cashing in his Money In The Bank briefcase immediately afterwards.

The plan was for Kennedy to be given the title sometime within the calendar year, but they may have to make it sooner than planned due to the injury.

Personally, I say put it on Kennedy. I'm going to withhold my argument for this Sunday's edition of "Tha Hitman Sharpshoots". Stay tuned O-sters...

Anonymous said...

its well too soon to put the belt on kennedy! they should keep the pot on the hob with that 1 a while longer! They should turn batista heel and have him win the cage match by cheating. too keep the fued hot till the deadman returns.

Downtown said...

It is a little too soon to put the title on Kennedy... Riding out the MITB gimmick will keep the suspense while helping put-over the MITB match... remember this is still only the 3rd year of the MITB at WM... Plus, has even gone as far as putting a countdown on the page along with a backstage promo of him putting over WM24... and we know WWE likes to start campaigning WM as early as possible

There has to be someone other than Batista or Kennedy or the current US champ Benoit... Maybe a "Cinderella Champ"... CM Punk maybe... Greg Helms even... or give it to the Miz as a comedy champ (I know its a terrible idea, but I think it'd be funny as all hell)

but really, this couldnt happen at a more inopportune time

KittyLuv69 said...

wow i think this is the first time tha o show has been slow with the info frank.....ive knwon this for like three days...shame on you frank....YOU FAIL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

heres my dream THE NEW WORLD CHAMPION COLT CABANA and then start up the second city saints to protect him kinda like the nwo back in the day, when they would help hogan to win sometimes or another member

Anonymous said...

I am well aware that this news item has been out for a few days. I wasn't so much reporting on the news as I wanted to see where Tha O-sters would take the booking.

I think there is a lot of momentum in the WWE product right now with their focus on wrestling. I think that has a chance to suffer if Batista is champion. Also, I think this is a good chance to give the brand a shot in the arm with a new star.

A Benoit, CM Punk, or MVP as champ would be a ballsy change as opposed to another Batista run.

fallen0ne said...

Just as the deadman gets to the best level he's been at in a while, he goes down. Damn he must have angered the wrestling gods.
It's probably gonna be Boretista with the belt again, but here's hoping for the swerve.

Anonymous said...

COLT CABANA, sorry i am a big mark of his.

KittyLuv69 said...

i was just teasing frank and i wanted to comment something and im not gonna do any booking ideas cause they would i made a pointless comment instead...which is what i do....pointless comment *points at this commment*

Anonymous said...

Unfortunate situation all around. Unfortunate for Undertaker after busting his ass to get back in shape to carry the belt.

Unfortunate for Smackdown because they are losing their biggest star for the year.

Unfortunate for WWE because they have to actually use their tiny brains and take an extra Zoloft.

Unfortunate for us because Batista is back in the spot as top face on the top show.

If I was WWE creative, I would have Taker beat Batista on Smackdown and then have Edge come out and win an impromptu match to become World Champion. Moving a major player in to help living things up and give Batista an insta-feud.

Of course, if I was WWE Creative, I would have Stephanie's excrement on my face.

Downtown said...

Moving a major Raw guy would be nice... maybe RKO even... why not?

but if you look around you'll see a poll with a tag about "who was the most valuable player at backlash?" and the list includes MVP... so it is possible... we all know you dont have to do a lot to get a heavyweight title run

for those that dont know SPOILER ahead:

V1 goes over on Kennedy this week... Hardy's the Tag Champ on Raw and beating a #1 contender on SD... Hardy was been quoted on a few occasions saying that bigger things were ahead, that was of course the following months after he had just finished putting Edge over into his WWE title shot/reign... maybe this is the big payoff for all he's put out there since coming back

Anonymous said...

babygoth i like your pointless comments they make me laugh.

KittyLuv69 said...

*sarcastic* at last my lifes mission is complete i make you laugh whoo-fuckin-hoo


Anonymous said...

This sucks for Taker, he deserves to be champ and he is in the best shape he was been in years. I just hope they don't give the belt to Mark Henry.
I woold love to see Kennedy get the belt or how bout Matt Hadry ?!